Racial Comrades: After writing for so many years on topics relating to National Socialism, at times it is difficult to have “fresh thoughts”, so I have fallen back today on my old standby – I asked a number of Party Comrades for “questions” to discuss – I hope that you find these of interest as well as being educational…..
1. As a National Socialist, how would you define the difference between a National Socialist and a Communist?
ANSWER – The first and foremost difference is that National Socialism is RACE-BASED, which means that we look at every issue with the thought – IS IT GOOD OR HARMFUL to the White race? Communism on the other hand, believes that race is “irrelevant” in that “all races are the same” – and that except for varying “skin-color”, all featherless bipeds are alike.
Of Course NS views this quite differently – in as much that we NS recognize the UNIQUE aspect of the various RACIAL and CULTURAL DIFFERENCES that set each race apart, just as in nature various BREEDS of the same animal (birds, or dogs, for instance ) ALL have special attributes that are ERASED forever when inter-bred.
As well, NS believe in FREE-ENTERPRISE economics where individuals CAN and SHOULD own private property and enterprises – whereas Communism wishes to erase private ownership into something where “everybody owns everything” – something that NEVER happened in ANY Communist controlled system. In truth – “Communism” BECAME – SUPER-CAPITALISM…. where a FEW – CONTROLED EVERYTHING and the masses worked basically as serfs or slaves FOR them!
You see Comrades, so-called “JUDEO-CAPITALISM” is only the FIRST STEP towards the eventual CONTROL of the FEW over everyone else – which IS “COMMUNISM”. Today, basically 3% of the population control 85% of the total wealth here in America – and every year it is getting greater.
In a National Socialist society this would never be allowed to happen. Unlike a Judeo-Capitalist or Communist society that believes that the PEOPLE exist to SERVE the state or system – National Socialism believes that the STATE exists to SERVE the PEOPLE!
While there are many other differences between National Socialism and the “others”, these are the TWO foremost differences – RACE and a belief in ARYAN SOCIALISM.
2. Being a National Socialist society, how would we handle the problems with today�s economy?
ANSWER – First and foremost we would DESTROY and BREAK FOREVER – USURY and INTEREST SLAVERY! No longer would evil, gouging MONIED INTERESTS control this nation and its policies. First off, charging “INTEREST” would be OUTLAWED – instead – a “LOAN” would “COST” a SET AMOUNT. I.E. IF you borrowed lets say $500 – you would only be “CHARGED” a set amount agreed upon at the time of borrowing – and you would pay off this amount with NO accumulating interest over time.
A NS society would PRODUCE here at HOME – EVERYTHING that our population NEEDED – hence KEEPING JOBS HERE – and KEEPING the populations spending into producing more AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS. A perfect circle.
ALL taxes of American citizens would be SPENT ON Americans – NO “foreign aid”, NO “foreign wars”, NO “Disaster Aid” overseas etc et al, until every single AMERICAN was living a DECENT life.
We would PROPERLY tax the wealthy, who by and large are nothing more than MONEY-MANIPULATORS and NOT real PRODUCERS of anything positive.
National Socialism would abolish the so-called “Federal Reserve” racket and replace it with a GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED monetary system – NOT this PRIVATELY CONTROLLED Jewish Ponzi-scheme!
An example of “WHAT” a NS system would create would be – a NATIONAL LABOR SERVICE – where AMERICANS who desired a JOB, would be given one tearing DOWN and REBUILDING America’s 100+ years old infra-structure – ie America’s cities, etc – being PAID a DECENT WAGE and BENEFITS – and as they rebuilt these HOMES, they would be allowed to PURCHASE them at a REASONABLE price from the government. “HOW” would we “afford” it? Simple. Take ALL the monies from these global WARS to make the world safe for Judeo-Capitalist exploitation, take ALL the monies GIVEN AWAY to “FOREIGNERS” around the globe for whatever reasons, and TAX the WEALTHY/CORPORATIONS as they SHOULD be taxed , as well as declaring a TOTAL WAR on GOVERNMENT WASTE and CORRUPTION within this decaying system and there will be an abundance of resources available! These are a FEW ideas….
3. What is your opinion on the acceptance of multiculturalism in today�s society?
ANSWER – I have always believed that IF the jew-tube had enough “stars” and “personalities” declaring a “new style” of piling dog-doo on their heads, a significant portion of the population would gleefully join in! You see, I was born in 1952 – I can still REMEMBER when RACIAL SEGREGATION was LAW and when your “average” American happily accepted “RACISM” as a way of life. When “queers” kept it to themselves. When your average “pornography” was a girl “showing a boob…” When they couldn’t say “sh*t”, so to speak on the tv….
What I’m getting at is this – PEOPLE are SHEEPLE – when they have GOOD, HEALTHY, POSITIVE LEADERSHIP ala National Socialism – the people live a HEALTHY, NATURAL lifestyle. But, when they are MIS-LED by EVIL, DECADENT, and CORRUPT controllers – you see WHAT is surrounding us all at present. This struggle in reality ISN’T between large numbers of the populace – NO! It is between small numbers at both ends of the spectrum of GOOD vs EVIL – US vs THEM. The masses will always be spectators on the whole – following those who are powerful enough to MAKE the RULES. We “FEW” who are “charging up the hill to topple the throne” so to speak, are FACING in truth only a FEW along with their “hirelings”. Once they can’t afford to PAY their lackeys any longer – the throne is up for grabs! And the systems purse is running out of coin, fast…
4. What would you say is the single biggest threat to this country at the current time?
ANSWER – This out of control ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is literally swamping White America. Already, even the NEGROES have been BYPASSED by the Meztizo invasion in population size! Not only is the White man LOSING JOBS – he is LOSING HIS OWN COUNTRY – as these brown invaders simply CONQUER territory through LIVING ON IT! And of course we NS know WHY this is happening – the WEALTHY JUDEO-CAPITALISTS desire a “South American” style society with CHEAP LABOR, NO UNIONS – which non-Aryan populations seem to tolerate more than White’s do – all to fit into their vision of a “World Economy-Society” with of course THEM on TOP of the heap EXPLOITING it all to THEIR benefit!
5. Being NS how would you handle illegal immigration?
ANSWER – At present ALL “immigration” should STOP! And we MUST start RE-PATRIATION on a huge scale as we did in the 1950’s, when America swept out millions of Meztizo’s back across the border – it was actually called “OPERATION WETBACK”!
6. What would you say to sum up the world view of NS to somebody who’s new to the “movement”?
ANSWER – I would say this – out of ALL of the various “White Nationalist” organizations out there, ONLY National Socialism HAS a complete World-View which directs our outlook on every facet of Aryan life. You can understand this by READING Adolf Hitlers book “Mein Kampf” ( My Struggle ) and/or George Lincoln Rockwell’s “White Power” – both of which are available free to download on our Party website. I would also state that ONLY the American Nazi Party is composed of the quality people with the intelligence and experience to make the possibility of our success worth getting involved in.
The ANP is NOT some “fantasy” club, where folks get fancy, exciting “ranks&titles” that have no basis in REALITY. Nor is the ANP a �costume re-enactment” society where you can dress-up in clothing of a bygone era. Neither is the ANP a mindless, bigoted HATE-GROUP where you can try to build your self-esteem by constantly denigrating �others” – indeed we have MORE contempt for the losers of our OWN race, than any “others” in existence.
In the ANP, for the very FIRST time in my knowledge – serious people are attempting to BUILD a SERIOUS White POLITICAL ORGANIZATION – instead of some street-theater society, decked out to perform like scripted actors for the enemies jews-media cameras. I invite all serious minded White people to join us and GET INVOLVED in building that SOLUTION.
Comrades, just a few notes – the Illinois Conference went very well – so well, that they are planning another this fall! A big – Well Done! – to all those who participated!
Next coming – is SC in JULY!
Meanwhile, I wish to remind all of you that the ANP Spring Blitz literature drive CONTINUES into JUNE and the “first day of summer”! Let�s keep that Banner flying through your INVOLVEMENT and $UPPORT!
For White WORKER Power! Hail Victory! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com