Racial Comrades: As we have been proclaiming for years now, April is “White Pride Month”, due to its being the month of the birth of our founder Adolf Hitler, on April the 20th.
And, as we always do, we request that all National Socialists make a SPECIAL EFFORT, the week surrounding His birthdate – to HONOR this great Aryan Hero – by once again DOING “what” He himself would prefer that we do…National Socialist OUTREACH ACTIVISM.
Yes, I know – once again you are being requested to “DO SOMETHING” beyond mouthing platitudes. Beyond “lifting a glass in his honor”. Beyond “lighting a candle in the safety of your four walls”. The Party is requesting that YOU make once again, a SPECIAL EFFORT to – DO – “WHAT” He himself would have DEMANDED of YOU. Which is – GETTING OFF YOUR ASS – and CARRYING the GOOD WORD of National Socialism to the White masses – in NS propaganda outreach!
I am often asked, “what” makes the American Nazi Party “the” organization to become a part of, out of the whole of the alphabet-soup of groups in the “racial-movement”? I can answer that:
The ANP has a workable PLAN, beyond simply chasing our tail in a circle of “protest, rally, march, and do it all over again”. Please allow me to review the ANP, and then COMPARE its efforts to ANY other org out there.
The ANP has an IDEOLOGY; an entire world-view to live by – National Socialism – does yours? The ANP has experienced, dedicated, and HONEST leadership, that have NO “dark secrets, ala criminal-history, mental dysfunctionalism, etc et al, in their closets” – does yours? The ANP produces multi-faceted out-reach POLITICAL materials – from booklets, to stickers, to message-cards, leaflets, etc – themselves – they just don’t sell trinkets and “stuff” from non-Party sources, does yours? The ANP publishes a regular, 20+ page MONTHLY NS magazine – The White Worker – does yours? The ANP has a QUALIFIED uniformed section of the Party, to protect the activities of its membership – the SA ( Security Arm ) which is made up of DICIPLINED, mature men – not just “anyone” who wants to “wear a costume”, whether they are an overweight 300lb slob, or some bull-dyke type “woman”, like some of these costumed clubs, who NEED and DEMAND Zog police protection. Is that your current group? The ANP refuses to “OUT” its adherents in stupid, repetitive, “street theater” activities, which bring NOTHING POSITIVE to the table, and instead INVITE many possible “problems” to those that engage in them, what with their pitiful numbers, and lack of discipline and organization of the participants – is that your group? The ANP prefers to utilize ITS OWN media to reach our people, rather than to PERFORM for the ENEMY’S controlled media apparatus – which works hand in hand with the system – like scripted performers, which allows the ENEMY to photograph, catalog, and index each and every White man or woman involved – why not hand them a resume’ instead, and simply save time? lol Is this your group? The ANP has QUALITY CONTROL over “WHO” is allowed to join our efforts. You will see NO carnival-like, tattooed freaks, covered from head to toe in the ANP. You will find NO career criminals, in the ANP. You will find NO perverts, NO drug dealers, NO trinket-peddlers – can you say the same about your group? The ANP, instead of engaging in the pathetic circle-jerk of achieve-nothing-positive “demonstrations”, which has been the “movement” standard for decades – has taken its efforts into – REACHING the White masses with our outreach, EDUCATING those people with our ideology, and ORGANIZING them into our REAL-WORLD efforts at actually campaigning for “low-level” POLITICAL POWER, per running for realistic, and obtainable public offices, such as School-Board, City-Council, Library-Board, etc. Offices which CAN be won, and BUILDING a BASE for further, future political growth. Does yours, or is it really just a silly little “re-enactment group” of one type or another? The ANP holds Party Conferences, from coast to coast, on a regular yearly basis. Where you can MEET with other sincere, intelligent Party Comrades. Does yours, or are you basically a fantasy, internet-club?
Comrades, I could write much more, but I believe the above gives a pretty clear idea, of where the ANP and the alphabet-soupers stand, in contrast to one another. I will leave it with THIS – IF you are a sincere, intelligent White man or woman, who desires association with others like yourself. If you really don’t wish to associate with dysfunctionals, wierdo’s, freaks and people whom you really “wouldn’t want in your home…” – then consider the ANP. IF you still have this naive viewpoint, that “everyone who screams white-power, no matter if they personally make you cringe…” is “your brother” – then you had better stay where you are, until you get burned through association with creeps, and I only hope that after your “experience”, that you haven’t QUIT the Struggle in total disgust, and THEN are willing to come our way. That�s ANOTHER “fine job” that so many of these garbage-can outfits do so well – burn and turn-off good but naive newbies, who think that “ALL” racial orgs are like the one they just “experienced”, and abandon the fight forever.
People, we DON’T need 1,000 little “WN” groups, even IF some are “well-meant” – our Struggle NEEDS ONE large and well organized and disciplined POLITICAL EFFORT. Instead of “fingers on a hand, all a waggling in every direction” – we NEED those “fingers” CLOSED INTO A FIST, that can smash its way to POLITICAL SUCCESS! It�s on our agenda to BRING IN all those lost, worthwhile people from those thousand flailing fingers, and to FORM them INTO that FIST.
In the ANP there IS a place for EVERYONE who is willing to become a “cog on the wheel” like every other Party Comrade – to MAKE that wheel GO ROUND! That�s TEAMWORK – that�s NATIONAL SOCIALISM! Don’t “try” and be “satisfied” with anything less!
What happened to the economy?
by Steve Davenport
I often wonder, just how STUPID the people of this country are. Our politicians play the same old tricks, and we go right along. Hell, they don’t even bother to change the script anymore, that’s how much they think of the common people. First Thatcher of the UK found how winning a war can make you popular, and above reproach. Then Reagan with Grenada. Then Bush 1 with Panama, and the Gulf. Amazingly the Gulf war didn’t win Bush 1 a second term, but then, who wants a president who has no idea what a supermarket scanner is, or what its used for. Then its Clinton with Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. Then it�s Bush 2 with Afghanistan and Iraq. Now its Obama and Libya.
Our leaders use the UN as a cover, but everyone knows that the US calls the shots, and the nations of the world obey. The UN and NATO are just fronts for the US to be able to justify, whatever it wants to do.
What has happened to the US economic problems? Did they just all go away all of a sudden? Now that we’re at war, not a whisper of how the unemployment rate is, the housing market, job creation. Its like its all been forgotten. It certainly has been by the ruling elite. They’re far happier fighting a war for more oil, then trying to solve this country’s problems. They don’t care about the little guy at all. Obama was supposed to be the peace candidate, but being so two faced, he hasn’t hesitated to cook up a war to distract attention from our economic woes. The political class cannot be trusted, and haven’t been trustworthy for many decades now.
Our economic mess, is still a mess. It�s actually probably getting worse, as we keep jumping into wars. There is still quite sizable unemployment. Still piss poor job creation. Jobs are still being outsourced. Social programs are still being cut or whittled away to be useless.
Mark my words, the next intervention will be Syria. Its starting to have unrest, and its not popular with the US. Actually Israel, but these days Israel and ZOG’s policies are the same, when it comes to eliminating regimes we don’t like, that are also a headache to Israel. I feel sorry for the Palestinians. With the Arab world in disarray, and the US playing muscle man for Israel, They have no hope of recovering any of their land. Israel has all of Palestine, and will keep it. Anyway I digress. Obama will next get us involved in Syria, as another distraction from his failure to fix the economy. That seems to be the modus operandi of our political class these days. Fight wars, so the real problems at home get ignored. Get everyone flag waving, so they forget about protesting the economic decay this country is going thru. Its a dirty trick, but it works every time. I feel sorry for our future generations, since they have no chance for a decent job, but can expect a war every 10 years or so. This is the same situation as with the British and French empires. Glory on the battlefield, helps deflect anger at home over deplorable conditions.
If we continue on this path, we are facing economic ruin, and future generations will definitely have the same. We need JOBS. Real jobs that pay real money, not minimum wage jobs. People with families need real help, not just rah rah in the papers celebrating victory over nations that are far inferior militarily. Our people need HEALTH care. Not just learning how to fill out insurance forms, but real care, provided by a bona fide health professional, with the expense covered by the govt that is supposed to care about them. Our kids need EDUCATION. Not being in the middle as govt and teacher unions argue. We need to think of our kid�s needs, and provide them, or we’ll end up a third world country.
Obama can afford to praise Brazil. His job isn’t in danger of being outsourced to there. The rest of us better get on the ball, and stop the outsourcing of jobs. Between China and India, this country’s workers have suffered horrific damage to their standard of living. All we need is to add in yet another big economy like Brazil, and we’re really cooked. Besides being the “peace” candidate, Obama was against outsourcing. Now he wants to add Brazil, as another source to siphon jobs from our shores. Outrageous. He’ll get away with it, since we’re at “war”, and are focused on that.
The ANP needs financial support. We know you’re all having a hard time of it trying to survive in this crap economy. You know writing your congressman is useless, unless you include a couple hundred thousand dollars in donations. We ask that you give as much as you can. We need to elect our candidates, people who are imbued with the NS spirit, to stop the rot, and rectify the many evils we currently are suffering with. Remember the old saying: “freedom costs”? Well so does righteousness. The party needs funds for expenses, and to contest elections. There is no other way. In a society that adores money, is it really a surprise that it takes money to compete in elections. Remember when you�re sending your donation, you�re fighting for the greater good, and to keep our younger generation from having to live in a system based on hypocrisy, and fighting constant wars, so politicians can avoid taking responsibility or doing anything like their jobs.
Comrades, with the March issue of The White Worker magazine, which all Party Comrades in Good-Standing should have received by now – was a Registration Slip for the April 30th Party Conference to held here in the Detroit area. PLEASE if you wish to attend, send in those slips ASAP to Party HQ. We need a count of those attending per food, seating etc. As soon as we receive your slip, you will be sent further details and directions about the Conference.
Next month – MAY – will start off the 2011 SPRING BLITZ ANP literature-outreach campaign! I urge every Comrade who intends to take part in this nation-wide effort, to order their propaganda materials NOW. Every year, has seen a bigger and better success, as more Comrades do their part, as every National Socialist should – I hope that I can count upon YOU!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com