Racial Comrades: When I review the news anymore, I am often amazed at the complacency of the average White man and woman to the events that are rocking their world. I am forced to hear in my minds-eye that old mantra of Commander Rockwell – “White Man What Will It Take To Make You Fight?”
Over in the Middle-East, the Judeo-Capitalist World Empire continues to attempt to grab every puddle of OIL on planet earth – this time in Libya, from which most of Zog-Europe gets there petrol, and which was once firmly in their greedy imperialist grasp.
Boy! Ol’Obama the “PEACE” candidate sure has done a complete turn-around from WHAT he “SAID” at election-time, eh? Now, he’s got THREE wars Americans are involved in. Of course, just as EVERY LYING POLITICIAN before him, he’s proven to be a complete sock-puppet for the REAL rulers of America – the evil, CORPORATE elite.
Talking about the wealthy ELITE – did you hear about how soaring INCREASES on PAYROLL for college ADMINISTRATORS ( up 30% ) and FACULTY ( up 22% ) , has drastically RAISED costs for those White students attempting to go to university? It only makes me wonder if these kids are “LEARNING ANYTHING” about the GREED in this corrupt society that we try to live in? I truly HOPE so, after all – there’s NOTHING like a little “PERSONAL EXPERIENCE” to drive a point home – ie, THIS ANTI-WHITE, JUDEO-CAPITALIST SYSTEM MUST GO! And we MUST replace it with a CITIZEN FRIENDLY system such as NATIONAL SOCIALISM! NOW!
Not to be outdone, I read recently about how Congressional “Staffers” were getting HUGE PAY INCREASES – 19 MILLION MORE in 2010 – than in 2009. These are the creeps who TOADY for the Congressmen and Senators themselves – you know, the lickspittles and coffee-go-fors who are normally either jewish, or kosher-like spoiled wealthy brats, or both. Ah, will we ever see those MARCHING MOBS of ANGRY CITIZENS – like what�s happening across the Arab Middle-East, toppling one corrupt government after another, and which are so strongly APPLAUDED by the systems controlled media – HERE in the good old JEW-S-A? NEVER say NEVER Comrades – who could have predicted the fall of the Soviet Union so quickly, or the re-unification of Germany – or, for that matter – a MULLATO President, who was elected by a populace SO DESPERATE to ( hopefully, but alas mistakenly as it turned out….) pry off the vice-like grip off the Republican-Halliburton-Corporate control of the U.S. government, and its ANTI-WHITE WORKER agenda?
And to get to ANTI-WHITE – the latest Census figures for MEZTIZO’S in America ( which are ALWAYS understated…) – in their words “crossed a new milestone” in as much that these ILLEGAL INVADERS now amount to 50.5 MILLION, or ONE in SIX “Americans” …growing by 43%. A 2008 “projection” by the US Census Bureau stated that “RACIAL MINORITIES WILL BECOME THE MAJORITY BY 2050, with ONE in THREE being MEZTIZO” – of course, it WILL be SOONER – IF – White people sit on their collective ass’s and refuse to GET INVOLVED in an ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION to handing over their COUNTRY, their CULTURE, their FUTURE to the NON-WHITES, such as NATIONAL SOCIALIST RESISTANCE.
Comrades, a few more of those Q&A’s that you tell me that you appreciate –
My name is Ryan Wxxxxxxx and I’m a student at Michigan State University. For my American Radical Thought writing class, we are writing an essay in which we’re supposed to interview members of a radical group and share information about the group in the words of its’ members. I thought that the American Nazi Party would be a very interesting topic to learn and write about. If you have spare time, it would mean a lot to me if you answer the following questions. There are a lot of questions so if you don’t have the time to respond to all of them, any amount you can would be greatly appreciated.
What are the main goals that the American Nazi Party hopes to accomplish and what actions have been undertaken to accomplish these goals?
ANSWER – The ANP is striving to achieve the 14WORDS ( We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children ), and SOCIAL JUSTICE for the White Working Class, which has NO representation in the current political system. We are working to achieve these and other goals, by building a White POLITICAL effort, starting at the BOTTOM – school-board, city-council, sheriff, etc which ARE obtainable if we put enough effort into it – and working our way to greater objectives, as we organize and grow.
What are some things that you would like the general public to know about the American Nazi Party?
ANSWER – The ANP is made up of the “common people”, people who are your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, your family members. Unlike the current SYSTEMITES in control – people just like YOU – who understand your concerns, because unlike those in control, we LIVE the SAME lifestyle as YOU do. If YOUR enemy – the evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist RULERS whom you have to “thank” for ALL the ills besetting you – HATE US so DESPERATELY…then we can’t be all that “bad”!
What stereotypes about the American Nazi Party would you like to address and assess the validity of?
ANSWER – OK, lets take “myself” – I am an honorably discharged veteran, who has never been convicted of a crime. I have a family with three children and been married 30 years, and have supported them with no “assistance” of any kind. I have worked all my life and once again received no “help” from “my” government per all the taxes paid forth. Yet, according to this society – being a “racist” ( of course, EVERYBODY is basically a racist – ie someone who loves and prefers their own kind- , or America would be a literally “brown” populated nation…) much less a National Socialist, I am constantly condemned, persecuted, and demeaned by the same degenerate, corrupt, unprincipled WEALTHY ELITISTS who are in CONTROL of America today. This is “PREJUDICE” or PRE-JUDGING if I ever saw it! Of course, the so-called “racial movement” DOES hold a part of the blame for the ability of the system to accomplish this, by unfortunately allowing far too many freaks, wierdo’s, dysfunctionals, and losers to enter and stay within its ranks. One thing about the ANP that I am very proud of, is our insistence of Quality Control of our adherents.
What does the American Nazi Party believe is the right way for the United States to operate, mostly regarding its’ diversity?
ANSWER – Simply put – SEPERATION – which allows for SELF-DETERMINATION for ALL peoples. Unlike other racial homelands which are in the main indigenous to that racial population – there is not ONE all-White land left on planet Earth. Even Iceland is being force-fed non-White “refugees”. With these literal invasions, comes the eventual CONFLICT over CULTURE, RELIGION, as well as limited resources such as JOBS, RESOURCES and SPACE. With “Whitey” separate from non-Whites – how can Whitey “oppress” anyone, any longer?
Do you believe that white people are better than the other races, and if so, why?
ANSWER – White people today, are certainly on the whole NOT “any better” than non-Whites. In fact, in many instances such as courage, or willingness to sacrifice for ideals, I would have to admit that todays “whites” are an inferior breed, compared to their once great ancestors. But, if one MUST “judge” the capacities of the various races – than one MUST utilize the only “yardstick” worthy of such an inquiry. And that would be on the basis of PERFORMANCE. Take ALL the creativity of each race per human civilization, and remove the creations of that race vs the others, and compare WHICH racial group has the most IMPACT. I feel assured that while of course all racial groups have contributed “something”, the overwhelming creativity of the White/Aryan race stands far to the foremost.
What is your party’s platform on some of the major current issues today, such as abortion, gay rights, the war in Iraq, and gun control?
ANSWER – Abortion: It is sad that in this day and age where birth-control is so easy, affordable and simple, that the LACK of DICIPLINE amongst our population still produces “unwanted” pregnancies. Yet, that is the KEY word – UNWANTED. I myself can think of nothing worse than being an “UNWANTED” child. Therefore, I believe that it is “better” to abort, than to condemn a child to such a hellish life. What we need to “DO”, is NOT to worry so much about abortions, as to STOP the NEED of them in the first place! But, for that you need a DICIPLINED people, people who take RESPONSIBILITY for their lives, something that todays American, by and large, corrupted by this plastic, materialist society cannot seem to do.
I’m not sure if the ANP is an actual political party, but if it is: If the ANP were to win the presidential election in 2012, what would be the first legislations that would be implemented?
ANSWER – We ran several candidates in the last election – who received around six thousand votes for National Socialism � and we intend on running more. Not bad for our first attempt. This is what sets the American Nazi Party aside from 99% of the organizations in the “racial-movement” – we no longer play at “street-corner theater”, holding tiny “demonstrations” that accomplish little or nothing, except some negative attention from the systems controlled media. Instead, we are concentrating upon REACHING, EDUCATING, and ORGANIZING through our own media efforts, that portion of the White Working Class population that is ready to welcome our message. Last election, only one of our candidates campaigned as an “open Nazi”, in California – yet, he received around 2,000 votes! You see, it depends on our tactics – if we can WIN by running “off the radar” we do. What matters is attaining some political POWER. We let the other media hungry “costumed clubs” in the “racial-movement” run around, acting like its Halloween all year round – we have a more serious agenda. Per your “fantasy” query – the FIRST thing we would “DO” – is TAX the WEALTHY for the benefit of the vast majority of the American population as they SHOULD be taxed, that or STOP ALL the STUPID WARS to make the world safe for Judeo-Capitalist exploitation and greed! Tough call, eh?
How did you originally become interested in the things that the American Nazi Party stands for?
ANSWER – In high school I read Adolf Hitlers book, Mein Kampf. Researching more, I discovered Commander George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party. I joined the ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16.
What do you think the eventual fate of the United States will be if its’ citizens don’t come to support the beliefs of the American Nazi Party?
ANSWER – In all honesty, I believe that this nation is doomed per its corrupt, decadent, greedy Judeo-Capitalist system – where 3% of the population – control 85% or more, of its wealth. It is too far gone in its ever growing debt to non-Americans, and “global interests” ( who’s interests are certainly NOT that of America’s White Working Class…) and as a society, it CANNOT “change” – it can ONLY be REPLACED. When things get “bad enough”, White Workers will push aside the canards about those “big bad Nazis” – and give us an inch, we’ll take a mile. LOL! In all honesty once again, those 2,000 Californians were VOTING National Socialist ( in the secrecy of the voting booth ) – and add that across every city in the US… We figure we only “NEED” one-half of one-percent of totally dedicated and disciplined, and angry White people ( about one million folks…), and thats one hell of a “political army” to work with. Then we can REALLY have some “CHANGE”!
Thank you very much for your time,
Ryan Wxxxxxxx
Comrades: The March issue of The White Worker magazine is in the mail, inside you will find a registration slip to attend our Michigan ANP Conference – if you intend on attending, please return it ASAP, and further details will be forwarded to you. If you cannot attend, but would like to make a contribution to help the Party defray costs, we would be grateful to receive it and put it to good use!
The ANP is once again intending on fielding a list of Party Comrades as local election candidates across the nation in 2011. Most filing dates close by the month of May – so if you are interested in campaigning – either OPENLY as NS – or, “UNDER the RADAR”, with NO POLITICAL AFFILIATION which is fine…we recommend that you do so and contact Party HQ asap.
Usually, it only “costs” a small fee – or, a small number of signatures from registered voters on a filing petition to get on the ballot in local electoral campaigns. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT – ISN’T IT? NOT running around like its Halloween, acting like loonytoons – instead, ACHIEVING REAL POLITICAL POWER! In some cases, seats are open/UN-OPPOSED – it would be a WALK-IN… Check your local newspapers, and consider it – please. We assure you that anyone who decides to run “UNDER the RADAR” will NEVER be “outed” by your organization for “publicity”. You KNOW that you can trust me on THAT!
I’m truly excited about our up-coming National Conference in SC in July – I’m looking forward to a BIGGER and BETTER event this year, than ever before. I sincerely hope that each and every Party Comrade will start NOW in making preparations to attend and take part!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com