Racial Comrades: Recently I was requested to do an interview, and since it ties in with my recent request for questions about National Socialism, and “what we believe”, I thought that I would utilize it here. So, here goes……
Q: First of all, what do you prefer to be called as a group? Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, etc.
Answer: We are National Socialists, although we use he designation “Nazi”, simply because at the present time, most Americans would not understand “WHAT” a National Socialist “IS”, confusing us with some kind of Marxist ideology. NS are certainly NOT “supremacists”, rather we are SEPERATISTS – we believe that RACIAL SEPERATION is best for all concerned. White and non-White alike.
Q: Being American citizens, do you connect more with your American heritage; or your Aryan ethnicity? Or is there no line at all drawn between the two?
Answer: We are White people who happen to be born in America. Our racial heritage is EUROPEAN; our cultural heritage is what has passed for “culture” in North America, since the first White people set foot here – hundreds of years ago.
Q: Who brought the Nazi movement to post-war America? Who were the most influential leaders for your organization?
Answer: The man responsible for raising the Swastika banner up out of the ashes of temporary defeat, in the 20th century, was a decorated U.S. Navy Commander � George Lincoln Rockwell. He first organized and led the American Nazi Party from 1959 until 1967, when he was murdered because of his beliefs. Our current Party Chairman Rocky J. Suhayda, first joined the ANP back in 1967 at the age of 16.
Q: America is a land of freedom. I’ve heard arguments that the men that wrote the Constitution were “White, God-fearing men.” While this is historically true, they did allow for freedom of religion. As Americans, do you feel any taboo being prejudice against people of other creeds with this in mind? Or does your loyalty to the Aryan race outweigh that?
Answer: Our “Founding Fathers” bye and large, were SLAVE-HOLDERS , and the Constitution that they wrote, states in Article I Section Two – that negroes were to be considered 3/5ths of a human being. Let�s be bluntly honest – THEY WERE RACISTS. In fact, up until the mid-late 1950’s there were LAWS on the books across America UP-HOLDING racial-segregation, and even against the mixing of the races, through inter-racial marriage. It is only fairly recently that American society has been brain-washed into tolerating the present-day state of affairs. To be honest, we feel that just about EVERYBODY IS RACIST – or how else can you account for the fact that people MARRY their own KIND, and in large part – PREFER to live amongst their own KIND? It is only NATURAL in the NATURAL WORLD – blue birds breed and nest with blue birds, lions breed and band with ONLY other lions – NOT cheeta’s, nor puma’s, nor tigers…
Q: Are passive, peaceful marches and protests favored over violent riots? How do Neo-Nazi leaders view rouge members who preform violent acts? Are they punished, or is the behavior simply ignored?
Answer: The American Nazi Party is directing its efforts, not into senseless “demonstrations” aimed at a Power-Structure that is either indifferent or against our beliefs – but, finally into campaigning for “low-level” political office – School-Board, City-Council, and the like, where we have an actual chance of obtaining a power-base, from which to build upon, to strive higher. Most of the time, we run on “NS platforms” without having to acknowledge “who” we are � as low-level offices are usually “non-partisan”, ie, one does NOT have to “declare” their political party. Sometimes, or adherents may choose if they have been “already outed” as NS Activists, to go ahead and campaign as open National Socialists – our tactics are very flexible. Decades of holding pitiful “marches and rallies” with low numbers and poor organization and discipline have produced nothing in the way of positive results – until, we CAN “impress” the populace properly, we will find other ways of achieving our aims. This brings to mind the latter part of your question – QUALITY CONTROL over personnel. Far too many “racialist organizations” accept “ANYBODY” simply to fill the void with warm-bodies. This has led to not only having some very disreputable creatures “representing” their views, but tarnishing White-Nationalism as a whole. The average White man and women are often repelled by these “tattooed, unkempt, foul-mouthed, raging haters”, who tend to fill the tv screen at home. Of course, the systems controlled-media LOVES to “hold-up” such creatures as the “walking billboards” of our Cause. Likewise whenever one of these lunatics who have been welcomed-in by dysfunctional “Movement-Poohbahs” seeking any featherless biped to gain that oh so desperately sought after “publicity”, gets arrested for some crime – once again, the entire Racial-Movement is “TARRED” by that cretins association. The ANP has strict levels of Quality Control – an example is – that you have never heard of any kind of such scandal about our organization or its adherents, at least to my knowledge.
Q: The Klu Klux Klan has been around, at least in America, for a longer period of time then the Nazis. Are the KKK and the ANP on the same level with each other? Do they ever collaborate?
Answer: The “Klan” has no “ideology” that I am aware of, beyond being “racially aware”. Whereas National Socialism is a complete “World-View” of living a healthy, progressive Aryan lifestyle. The ANP seeks no “association” with any other organizations. We have our own goals and agenda, they have theirs I suppose.
Q: On a political level, leaving out nationalism, what exactly are the Nazis about? What do they want for America?
Answer: Our first goal is attaining the “14Words” which are – “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children�. Our second primary goal is to achieve Social Justice for the White Working Class. Of course, we have many other issues of concern, such as a true healthy environment, a “National Health Care System” for our Folk, intelligence-based Free Education, as well as Free Trade-Schooling for those inclined… NS believe that the STATE should be in SERVICE to the PEOPLE – not, as it is unfortunately done today – where the people are nothing more than WAGE-SLAVES, TAX-COWS, and CANNON-FODDAR to that 3% of the population that control 85% of America’s wealth. This current, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system is nothing more than a plutocracy of the rich…
Q: Why all the hatred for the Jews, in particular?
Answer: This cannot be answered so simply here, needless to say that NS are NOT out to “exterminate” each and every jewish person in existence. What we ARE out to destroy – is, the JEWISH MONIED “ELITES” POWERHOLD in America, where for example ISRAEL’S best interests are put BEFORE the best interests of America and its citizens. The “small jew”, who works for a living like everyone else, and has no “say” over the current situation, than you or I – has nothing to fear from National Socialism. Neither does ANY non-Aryan. NS stands FOR separate, self-determination and autonomy for ALL the peoples of the world. Only those who would do harm to the Aryan Folk, are our enemies.
Q: Is racially purging a goal for the ANP, or has the organization moved to a more peaceful path; and even be willing to ignore, so to say, other races if they could live away from them?
Answer: Very aptly put – IF there could be ONE ALL-WHITE nation on planet earth, where we Racialists could happily live – AWAY – from “others”, whom we would prefer not to co-exist beside…, we would move there. There are MANY all-Asian nations, there are MANY all-Negroid nations, there are MANY all-“brown” nations – hell, there is EVEN an ALL-JEW nation – but, there is no longer ONE ALL-WHITE nation, even Iceland is being forced to accept third-world “refugee’s” into its culture and gene-pool.
Q: Freedom of Speech is the first right guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights. Has ANP’s rights ever been violated (by people other than the Jews)?
Answer: At present, our “side” – because of a lack of people, resources, and yes “WILL” – has found itself in the role of a “pariah”. In the systems controlled media which forms popular opinion, is there ANYTHING “worse” than a “NAZI-RACIST”? This can of course be changed, but it�s going to take some real DEDICATION, COURAGE, and WORK on “OUR” part to make it happen. The FIRST step is for “our side” to QUIT ACTING the PART – that the enemy has SCRIPTED for US! QUIT ACTING like a “crazed hate-monger”, QUIT LOOKING like some “carnival freak, or back-woods wild man” � we need to start BLENDING-IN with the people whom we are seeking to “CONNECT WITH”. Then real progress will come…
Q: What does it mean to you to be Aryan? Can you be a Nazi without being racially Aryan?
Answer: The term “Aryan” simply means, being a “Noble Person” in our White/Euro culture. So yes, a person can be an Aryan, even if they are not a National Socialist – IF, they live up to the term. Sadly, few “white people” today could call themselves Aryans. FYI, ALL of the various Euro/White tribal entities – French, Irish, German, Italian, etc et al – are racial brothers and sisters, and Aryans, only of different cultural tribes.
Q: What words would you have for someone who has not acknowledged their Aryan heritage?
Answer: Your ancestors struggled, strived, fought, and worked to MAKE you WHAT you ARE today – why not HONOR your roots, rather than discard that which is so valuable? Once LOST – it is something that can NEVER be regained.
Q: The Jewish people were giving a state of their own shortly after the War. Do Aryans wish to have their own country, and be formally recognized? If so, where would the land be? (like on a map)
Answer: Yes, and I will be more than happy to move from Detroit to go there!
Q: Are gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood frowned upon? Or glorified? By the people and the ANP.
Answer: “GANGS”, ie the AB were formed in prison from inmates, most of whom belonged there for committing crimes. I cut no one any “slack”, simply “because” they are “racist”. EVERYBODY, just about – IS RACIST – in my book, unless you count those poor souls who have lost their racial identity forever. You DO the CRIME (and I’m not referring to actual POLITICAL-PRISONERS here) and you SERVE the TIME.
Q: Should the USA and Germany go to war again; would you, personally, fight for your homeland, or the fatherland? Why?
Answer: Germany of today, is just as decadent and corrupt as present day America. I would fight for NEITHER. We NS have a motto – Our RACE is our NATION.
I know these are a lot, but thank you so much for answering my questions.
Comrades, I hope that you enjoyed my interview, and I hope that I was able to instruct you in our National Socialist viewpoint on various issues. Please continue to send me your questions for further ANPReports!
A couple of important Party up-dates, which I should have addressed earlier….
A Party Comrade has WON an important UNION POSITION at their place of employment! This is a fine example of WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED – IF – we only TRY! Well done!
The White Worker magazine was mailed out for January – we are having a few “problems” ala the Post Office returning some of our mailings – so, if you didn’t receive yours please let us know.
So far this year, we have gone through almost TWO REAMS of card-stock, which means that Party Comrades have ordered almost 5,000 MESSAGE-CARDS for distribution and several hundred assorted stickers as well! And this in MID-WINTER – please keep up the good work of spreading the message National Socialism to our White brothers and sisters across the land.
While we have received a few Activity Reports, we would like to receive MORE…
Comrades, let�s keep the momentum GROWING!
For White Worker Power! 88
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com