Racial Comrades: After my last ANPReport, where I had mentioned that I had received no questions per my request, I have been inundated with them, so I’ll start right in…
I was asked “why do I do this”? Well, my best answer is simply FOR MY CHILDREN. Let’s be honest here, the world we “live” in, is a TOILET-BOWEL – it is EVIL and utterly CORRUPT. Never in the history of mankind, has humanity sunk to such a decadent and depraved level, as that which we currently exist in today. Everywhere you look, there you see “something wrong” – and those in CONTROL – rather than seeking to improve obvious injustices, instead seem to be the ones FUTHERING the PROBLEMS.
Comrades, in a nation where we can put a man on the moon – we see “WHAT”? Continuous WARS meant ONLY for the benefit of those in control to further their continuous take-over and exploitation of the entire globes resources, for the enrichment of a TINY fraction of the populace – 85% of America’s wealth is controlled by 3% or less, of America’s population!
We see millions upon millions of AMERICANS – LOSING their JOBS to “out-sourcing” to third-world counties, where there are NO “labor laws”, NO “unions”, NO “benefits” ala health-care etc. – ALL for the never-ending GREED of the afore mentioned “3%”. We see millions upon millions of AMERICANS – LOSING their HOMES and SMALL-BUSINESS’S, while the PROFITS of the MEGA-CORPORATIONS continue to GROW year after year!
Comrades, America is the ONLY “first-world” nation – WITHOUT a NATIONAL HEALTH-CARE system. And I certainly DON’T mean this obscene SCAM that they currently have us all lined-up for, where YOU HAVE TO BUY INTO ONE OF THESE PRIVATIZED INSURANCE policies – OR, face being FINED! NO! I mean a health-care service, that comes out of the TAXES that we the people ALREADY PAY – like in all these other first-world lands. Health care that is FREE.
I hate to state the obvious, but many Americans have become brain dead zombies. For some strange reason, so many mindlessly buy into this mantra of �it may not be perfect, but it�s the best around…� when it comes to this ROTTON TO THE CORE system. WTF?!
It�s TIME for the National Socialist VOICE of TRUTH in this nation! It�s time for US to say LOUD and CLEAR – WE ARE THE VAST MAJORITY, and WE have had ENOUGH of being rammed, jammed and slammed by those in CONTROL.
“How do we make it better”? By getting OFF of our collective ASS – and TAKING BACK the POWER from those currently raping us -AND GOVERNING OURSELVES. I’ll give you some SIMPLE SOLUTIONS that would mean positive change.
(A) first off, let�s start operating this country upon the principal of AMERICA for the “common” AMERICAN PEOPLE, instead of for that special “3%”. Let�s DRASTICALLY CUT the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX budget, down to realistic, NECESSARY NEEDS. These imperialist WARS are of NO benefit to the American PEOPLE – END THEM, and bring our troops HOME and PUT THEM on our BORDERS. No longer will America extend itself around the globe, killing people and making enemies. We already HAVE plenty of “X BOMBS” to obliterate anyone who might wish to attack our shores – if they DO – we USE them. Otherwise, the rest of the world can kill each other off, WITHOUT our children�s blood being spilled for “PROFITS”. Think of ALL that “defense/security� monies being spent on AMERICANS for a change! Maybe we could “afford” health-care for our own people, instead of killing others around the globe?
(B) CLOSE our BORDERS and DEPORT EACH and EVERY ALIEN – hence we would be opening up MILLIONS of JOBS and CUTTING expenses spent on these creatures – from all angles, whether its space in the prison system, to less use of water, electricity, schools…you name it! Removing 20-30 million of these people and sending them HOME – means MORE of EVERYTHING for AMERICANS.
(C) CORRUPTION – in a National Socialist America – CORRUPTION, at ANY level would be a crime against the Folk Community, hence a CAPITAL SENTENCE for those who engage in it. Can you IMAGINE how MUCH tax money would be FOUND/SAVED if such a policy was instituted?
(D) Creation of a National Labor Force, by the government – in lue of having this vast, bloated, useless “military” – where DECENT PAYING JOBS would be offered to ANY citizen wishing one. With this Labor Force, we could tear down and rebuild America’s aging (over 100 years typically) INFRASTUCTURE and CITIES. Before the whole thing collapses, as it IS doing.
(E) TAX the obscenely wealthy – ie SHARE the WEALTH! ONLY a person who has a SLAVE MENTALITY would submit to seeing their CHILDREN living with “less”, simply because those in CONTROL ( ie the WEALTHY ) through their propaganda-media, shower them with the bull-dung line, that it�s the “divine-right” of someone to live in a multi-million dollar mansion, never working a day in their life, and enjoying all the fruits of the “great unwashed” labors…simply BECAUSE “that�s the way things are”. NO, I’m NOT saying that I believe in “communism” and want everybody to “have the same” – that�s the SYSTEM’S lying prattle. What I AM saying is – “HOW WEALTHY DOES ONE PERSON HAVE TO BE, TO LIVE A HAPPY LIFE”? LOOK Comrades, when it�s “OK” for the system to take YOUR TAX DOLLARS and “BAIL OUT” Multi-Billionaire BANKERS – yet, the “you & me’s” get THROWN OUT OF OUR HOMES � SOMETHING�S WRONG, and we BOTH know it. America IS the masses of its PEOPLE – NOT � that profligate “3%” who we’re told are “too big to fail” – the common WHITE WORKERS are the folks who MADE these parasites� fortunes, by the sweat of OUR brows…they’re LUCKY that we will leave them ANYTHING after the way they have all JEWED us!
Now, I could go on and on, but there are a few tidbits for thought. Remember the “Queen” who told her starving people �If there’s no bread, well – let them eat cake! “. NS is a PEOPLES COMMUNITY – NO ONE in the BOAT, gets to sit there and look on, snacking on goodies, while the rest row – WE ALL ROW…
Another question was “how does National Socialism feel towards Non-Aryans”? Comrades, being National Socialists, it�s a given that we believe strongly upon the importance of “RACE” being involved in almost every issue that we face in life. But, the racial issue MUST always be considered in its most POSITIVE form.
What I mean here, is NOT the degradation, or demeanment of other races, but the enhancement of our own. National Socialism is certainly NOT an excuse for blind hatred, or mindless, constant bigotry of non-Aryans simply BECAUSE they are not of our Folk.
In all, honesty – National Socialist Germany had a very POSITIVE attitude towards non-White peoples around the world. Examples would be their appreciation of the Japanese as an ally to offset the Judeo-Capitalist and Judeo-Communist world enemy, that sought and continues to seek world-wide dominion over every race of people, everywhere.
National Socialism also allied itself with non-Aryans who sought to free themselves from the yoke of servitude and enslavement put upon them by the marxist/democratic octopus – such as in India where Chandra Bose formed a Free India movement, which evolved into a government in exile ( which was recognized by Hitler after Bose’s visit to Berlin in 1941 ) and had an army of several hundred thousand men, mostly recruited from ex-British pow’s that the German army had captured in North Africa, where these people had been forced into the British army to fight for world jewry.
Or, the Arab Legion led by the Grand Mufti, recruited from many parts of the Middle-East – in fact, in 1941 the NS Germans sent a Luftwaffe contingent to fight alongside the soldiers of Iraq, when they rebelled against their British overlords in the failed attempt to free their homeland from that tentacle of imperialist subjugation.
System propaganda constantly tells us that WWII was a war to “free people” from brutal Nazi occupation. Yet, any student of history KNOWS that National Socialist Germany had – unlike the “allied” powers – NO “colonies” which subjugated NON-WHITE peoples ( as did BRITAIN, FRANCE, the U.S. or the SOVIET UNION ) to the RAPE and THEFT of their natural resources and self-determination!
Yes Comrades, where-ever National Socialist Germany went, it was looked upon by the non-Aryan world as LIBERATORS – from those self-declared “free nations” who talked one thing, and in actuality – DID another.
What I am attempting to point out, poorly perhaps – is that National Socialism – unlike Judeo-Capitalism/Communism never has, nor does it…seek to dominate, or exploit non-White peoples. What we DO believe in is peaceful co-existence, to the mutual benefit of all. Since we NS believe in RACIAL SEPERATION – it is difficult to understand “HOW” we NS would then subjugate “others”, when we would not be near them in any case? Our doctrine is one of SELF-DETERMINATION of ALL peoples, bar NONE. IE, THEY keep THEIR nose OUT of OUR business, and we will reciprocate in kind!
This leads to the Jewish Question, ‘ do NS hate and seek to exterminate each and every jew in existence”?
NO. National Socialism seeks ONLY to REMOVE harmful anti-White elements from our Folk Community, and take away any negative influence that they might hold, like a cancer from a sick individual. Your average “small jew” who owns a store or works for a living has nothing to fear from us. In truth, many of todays so-called “jews”, are NOT even jews in reality. So many have interbred with Aryans over the centuries, that they cannot be described as true RACIAL “jews”. Far more insidious is the “jewish mindset”, which unfortunately infects far MORE White people ( crass materialism, spiritual decay, etc ) in this current decadent society, and which will only be removed and replaced by a more healthy and beneficial attitude, through striving to live a healthy, spiritual National Socialist lifestyle.
Comrades, here again I want to reemphasize that we Aryans should not, nor need not – place “BLAME” for our current situation on “others” – if there IS any BLAME to be handed out, WE deserve a heaping helping on OUR plate, for sure. WE all KNOW � RIGHT from WRONG. And if we are HONEST – WE all let things get to be as bad as they are, because we were TOO LAZY, or TOO COWARDLY, or TOO SELFISH to take the steps necessary to STOP them when they first raised their monstrous heads.
But, it�s NOT “too late”, it�s NEVER “too late” – to DO THE RIGHT THING. This economic DEPRESSION that is descending upon us – will give us all a chance to clear our minds of all the “junk” that clutters it – and to focus upon that which IS and SHOULD BE , most important to us in the long run. DECENCY, HONOR, SACRIFICE, LOYALTY, and DEVOTION to that which we love and cherish, will remove the materialistic greed and selfishness which has enveloped our minds and souls. When we have LOST the ability to accumulate all the “plastic pleasures” that this current foul society constantly tells us that we cannot be happy without – and many of us are already starting to experience that cleansing, and many more will follow – then, we WILL begin to APPRECIATE that which IS worthwhile, and begin to REBUILD ANEW that which SHOULD be most important in our lives!
National Socialism is about BEING the BEST, or at least STRIVING to BE the BEST that one can be – in every which way possible. Strip away all the materialism, and what have you left? The TRUTH of WHAT you really ARE. For so many, currently there would be little or nothing there – sad. For a National Socialist – stripped of ALL that this decaying, plastic world has to offer – he/she stands PREPARED to BUILD a NEW WORLD…BETTER than the OLD! That is WHY, in the words of the Hitler Youth anthem – truly, TOMORROW BELONGS TO US!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com