Racial Comrades: I hope you all had a Merry Christmas with your friends and families. I also hope that I won’t have to hear any excuses about your inability to send in your $10 dues for January because all your money went to support your local bar on New Year’s Eve.
Every year people make a big deal about “new year’s resolutions” and which habit they will break, which goal they will accomplish etc. Maybe I have a unique experience in that the majority of people I know fail miserably in their resolutions within a week of the New Year. However, I think that is pretty standard. Why is that so?! Why does White America have such weak willpower? Adolf Hitler didn’t set goals for himself such as managing stress, eating healthier, or to save more money (most Americans can’t even handle THAT). He set one life goal of advancing the Aryan Race and freeing his people from racial, spiritual, cultural, and economic corruption. He didn’t make excuses; he didn’t get distracted with any of the other facets of life. He set his goals and went 110% towards attaining them. Whether you agree with his ideology, or even understand it, his dedication and focus HAS to be admired. If only WE had HALF of his willpower!
My other point to be made with that is that there are many thousands of White Americans that are in general agreement with the ANP’s message of justice for the working class, a secure future for our children, safe borders, easy access to higher education, and the many other benefits that would come from a National Socialist government. The problem is that these people, some of whom may possess tremendous willpower and dedication (maybe you?), are either still on the fence about getting involved, or they are dividing their efforts between various protest groups, or as a lone wolf without any support base to complement their activism.
The saying that the truth will set you free is complete nonsense. Without USING that truth, it is pretty much useless. It’s like having a car but not caring or knowing how to turn it on, so you sit inside and do nothing all day. But HEY! At least you have that car right? For example, the Alex Jones �docudrama� �The Obama Deception� has been viewed on YouTube over 8 MILLION times and the VAST majority of viewers have responded positively to the facts presented in the video regarding Obama being a puppet of the Empire and his allegiance to Wall Street etc. But so what? What has changed because of that? Where is the massive uprising? Nowhere. What is knowledge without action? Nothing.
Think about this, which is the greater evil: committing a crime, or watching that crime being carried out and doing nothing about it? It is a hard concept for me to grasp that people (YOU) can be aware of such terrible acts against mankind and PURPOSEFULLY look the other way. �The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.�
And THAT brings me to the ANP goals for the first part of 2011. If you want to be part of the serious movement that exists in the United States, if you want to be involved because you’ve seen the destruction of your town or have lost your job due to judeo-capitalist greed and corruption, then helping out with one of the following short-term goals is a great way to start:
#1 I want a NEW, regular current events writer for our publication, The White Worker. It is not a difficult position; it just requires reliability and punctuality. I have had a couple Official Supporters offer to write one article a month but so far, nothing. Step Up.
#2 The ANP will producing informative and entertaining interviews to enable You to get a better grasp of National Socialist ideas and concepts.
#3 It is time for an updated Official Supporter form. Perhaps a nice pdf document.
#4 We currently have the Rockwell Article, “What We stand For”. We are now ready for a more complete political platform concerning all modern issues to help provide material for future ANP political candidates. It is never too soon to get ready for an election. This task requires someone with a solid understanding of National Socialism.
#5 Finally, we need one of you (I have someone in mind) to assist with graphics and artwork for videos and for The White Worker.
That is all for now. I hope to hear from YOU very soon and I hope that those of you who are damn tired of the SAME OLD-SAME OLD lack of success along the well beaten, worn-out path of the past, will consider and join in our efforts. After all, it’s NOT going to happen – unless YOU – GET INVOLVED.
For White WORKER Power!
Axl Hess – AXL@americannaziparty.com