Racial Comrades: The Party has been working hard in preparation for next month�s Oct 9th Rally in SC, and so far it appears that we are going to have a really good turn-out! I hope that every Comrade considers the “cost” of NOT attending far outweighs the EXCUSES that are so easy to come up with. Like my old Drill Instructor�s father used to say “excuses are like a**holes, everybody�s got one!” Hah! Still, too true, too true…
I honestly cannot understand the “WHY” of White men and women NOT making an effort like this to STAND UP in their own interests. Surely, for ONE TIME this year – instead of a trip to “Disneyland”, or some other “vacation” – MAKE A STAND FOR YOUR CHILDREN�S FUTURE! WHAT could ever be MORE useful in your life?
This Rally could be the START of FINALLY organizing nationwide, a REAL, SERIOUS, INTELLIGENT White People�s POLITICAL EFFORT that is NOT some idiotic “street corner drama”, NOR some Kosher Con-Servative siphon that is meant to DERAIL any serious REVOLUTIONARY MINDED campaign against this rotten Judeo-Capitalist system!
America Awake
by Steve Davenport
By ZOG’s own admission, 1 in 7 people in this country, the USA, not some far off third world butt hole of a country, this one, are in POVERTY. That means they are POOR. POOR!. 14% of the population of this country. What happened to LBJ’s great War on Poverty? Guess the war is over, and the common people have lost. The War on Poverty was always flawed in my eyes, because it always stressed non whites, not white poor. Sure they’d mention Appalachia once in a great while, but that was just throwing white folks a bone.
Well they solved non-white poverty, by selling out whites, big time. Companies, and govt were FORCED BY LAW to hire non whites, and basically never fire them. Whites lost out. The result was chaos in companies and govt, who were stuck with workers who couldn’t or more likely wouldn’t work. Companies took off for overseas for cheaper, hard working non white labor, (known as slaves). Now without jobs both at home, and abroad, whites are fast sliding into poverty once again.
There were many poor whites in this country once upon a time, but hard work, and the drive to better themselves made White America wealthy and powerful. Now White America is in steady decline. We’re being outnumbered as non-white numbers continue to skyrocket. We’ve been thrown into unemployment as jobs are given by quota, rather than merit. Between fighting constant wars, and capitalist greed, our economy is a mess. Our family life is being destroyed since the media says divorce is OK, and our kids watch moral filth posing as “family” entertainment. How can you White Aryan America have allowed, and still allow this to happen? I’ve seen Tea Party shirts around town. They’re very funny and clever in some cases. The Tea Party or anything else like it is not the answer. Making fun of Obama is NOT going to change things. Now people are disgusted with the Democrats, and want to go back to the Republicans. WHY? The financial mess started under the Bush Regime when we became �allies� of Israel, and now fight wars for their sake.. Neither party is worth a tinker�s dam. They’re devoted to keeping the Capitalist system. Liberal, or conservative, they insist on operating within a Capitalist framework. They will keep a system that has always favored an elite, and betrayed the majority to exploitation and poverty.
White greed and laziness has led us to the abyss. Think how much better we’d be today if we hadn’t had Negro slavery. We’d probably still be clearing land in the south, but we’d have been spared a civil war, and we wouldn’t have near the problems we do with having a large non-white population in our midst. White plantation owners wanted cheap, abundant labor, and didn’t consider the consequences at all. History is merely repeating itself today with the liberals being the new abolitionists, and our corporations being the new plantations. Cheap labor to save the almighty buck, no matter what turmoil it brings. White Aryan America, WAA, cries out for justice, and the return of white civilization to this country, and the white virtues that made this country great. We can’t totally restore the good old days, but at least we can contain the awful internal rot. We must bring back stable family life. We must bring back jobs for white people. We must restore white dignity.
America awake, to the reality of our situation. Deal with it. Stop playing political ping pong by voting now this party, now that. You must act outside the box. Go with a party with a new attitude and agenda. The ANP represents National Socialism. A theory and practice, a way of life, that is totally the opposite of the current system. We care about white family life, that it must be stable, lest you have all sort of moral calamity concerning drugs and crime. We care about people’s right to exist, and be healthy. You shouldn’t be allowed to be sick and starving, just because you don’t have a few bucks. In the America of today, you basically can’t make enough money. In an NS America, money is a low priority concern, your race and how to help/serve it is paramount. The choice is to go down with the slave ship of capitalism, or take a life preserver called National Socialism to a new and totally different world. It won’t be problem free, but at least it won’t be hell bent on the destruction of its own people. Our current system has had it. Wake up and smell the coffee, before the only thing you’ll smell is the garbage in our streets.
Comrades, I wish to make another mention about the Oct 9th SC Rally � NO CAMERAS will be allowed, except by ANP Personnel. Photos will be published afterwards – with attendees� faces BLACKED OUT, as always. Unlike most orgs out there, who seem to do a service to the enemy by providing excellent photographs for their files – the ANP has a strict policy of doing WHATEVER we CAN – to SAFEGUARD our adherents from enemy observation. We will ALWAYS continue that policy. This is NOT because we are ashamed of who we are, or what we do – but, BECAUSE we understand the NEED to protect our people from the “nastiness” of the HATERS of National Socialists and Pro-White thought in general. Those movement Poohbahs who could care less, are either careless individuals who don’t deserve the trust of the people whom they have fooled into associating with them, OR system tools who the enemy has a “handle” on, to MISLEAD their followers and ought to be EXPOSED and AVOIDED.
Comrades, the future is what WE make of it – IF we sit back and DO little or nothing, it�s going to get pretty “DARK” � LET�S MAKE A FIGHT OF IT!
PS – For more info about the Oct 9th Rally in SC, please review my last week�s ANPReport, thank you!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com