Racial Comrades: I realize that its a wee bit early, but since many of you who are already aware of what I’m going to announce, and those of you who will be interested – I wish to give you time enough to make your plans to attend.
On OCTOBER 9th, 2010 at ONE PM – the ANP is going to be holding a AMERICA AWAKE INDOOR RALLY – that�s right, a MASS DEMONSTRATION of TRUE WHITE UNITY, in S.C.
It will be held in the town of LAURENS, which unlike so many venues where various “WN” tend to hold their “events” where the non-Whites are the predominant population – Laurens is more like a “Mayberry” where NORMAL, DECENT White folks hold sway.
The ANP is distributing large quantities of literature in the area, and we are intending that a sizable number of local Whites will have their interest sparked, and attend. Therefore, we are laying down some reasonable “ground-rules” for attendee’s, which we politely request be adhered to.
#1 Of course, NO DRUGS/BOOZE are allowed period.
#2 NO WEAPONS of any kind are needed – you�re NOT “going to war”, so please leave your weapons at home – I don’t want to hear of anybody being arrested, like I do at “other” WN events, because someone brought along an unneeded weapon and zog pulled them over for “whatever” and did a search!
#3 As this event IS an ANP event, and we are attempting to “connect” with the general White public, and NOT “scare” them away, or “amuse” them – we are requesting that all participants dress appropriately in “CIVILIAN” attire. ALL sincere WN are invited to attend, but please bear in mind that this Rally is being held to REACH the WHITE MASSES – NOT – as a “fun fest” where people in “fancy dress” can come and get stared at, or anybody who feels the urge can mount the stage to the microphone and get their “15 seconds of fame, screaming racial slurs”, to the embarrassment of those listening. We have a structured time-frame for this event, and we intend to hold to it.
#4 There will be seating available for up to 400 people, there will be an ANP “literature table” manned by a Party Comrade, and refreshments will be available – Rally attendance is FREE of charge. The ONLY uniforms to be seen, will be worn by our ANP Security Arm (S.A.), led by Party Comrade Paul Kozak. ANYONE who attempts to disrupt this event will be dealt with “politely” and escorted out the door. We intend that this will be a “family-friendly” gathering, where WHITE PEOPLE can finally assemble TOGETHER without the various “elements” of this putrid judeo-capitalist society intruding.
Our Party Comrade “on the ground” is SA Political Advisor John Bowles, who is available to assist anyone with the needed info on hotels, etc – he may be reached at johntbowles@hotmail.com . Or, PO Box 473, Enoree, SC 29335.
AFTER the Public Rally, in the evening the Party will be holding a PRIVATE, gathering for ANP adherents only. There are various Awards ceremonies planned, a “raffle”, and of course Party “net-working” and strategy-planning for the near future. I hope to be able to meet with many of you there whom I only know from our communications! There will be no “band”, or drunkenness associated with “other”, past WN gatherings – this is a POLITICAL event.
It�s about community.
by Steve Davenport
National Socialism really does stand for something, and it�s not mindless hate. There is nothing mindless about it. It is a carefully thought out and painstakingly developed system of living based on the notion of the community being of uppermost importance. The concept of the folk community is so simple, and so basic. This is the system that guarantees it. Guarantees its survival.
The enemies of National Socialism, (and there are a lot of them), fear and hate it, because it poses a threat to their wealth and power. Other groups hate it, because they’re on an ideology trip, and they don’t want a reality based way of life interfering with their pie in the sky dreams, that have no basis in reality at all.
National Socialism believes in the strength of the community, not to go conquer, but to defend the folk community’s existence. There have been and continue to be many predatory forces in this world. That’s why people seek community, for mutual self-protection. To watch each other’s back. To protect their kids. In an age of child predators, how anyone can dispute this, is beyond me. Think of it as the national political version of neighborhood watch. People helping people to survive. The police encourage neighborhood watch, but far too many people, and groups, condemn NS for espousing the same only on a national social level. What gives?
In cities, there is a practice among residents of the same city block. The tradition of the block party. All the residents of a block get together and have a potluck dinner, with music (band or CD) to have fun, and cement the bond of neighborliness. It�s a simple thing that brings joy and togetherness. People get to know each other and form bonds of friendship, that they will help each other in times of difficulty. NS wants to have a national block party. We want to eliminate any class animosity, and have the boss, the worker, young, old, rich, poor, feel united by the bond of the national folk community. Have our people develop the bonds of caring for each other within the framework of the racial state. We want, and even demand more than the mere Potemkin village of caring we get now. We don’t want just the “community” soup kitchen where the starving go for a bowl of soup to keep them alive, while they remain in the gutter. NS wants everyone employed and given a chance to lead a productive life. The folk community helps you, as you help it. There will be no such thing as unemployable. The handicapped won’t be ignored, but the govt will actively find and train you for work. The deaf can be typists, the blind phone operators, etc.
One of capitalism’s greatest sins is how it strips a person’s dignity from them. Lose your means of making money, even if not of your own doing, you�re treated as human garbage. The pressure to succeed (ie make money) leads to much corruption, greed. A person shouldn’t be judged by the size of their bank account, but in our current society that’s all they are judged by.
Honesty, bravery, intelligence. All are ignored in favor of wealth. To an NS society, honor/courage/intelligence/duty, are utterly indispensable, and our schools would show it. Our educational system would stress dedication to the folk community, not just learning to make money.
What are the goals, especially long term, of our current society? Both our current political parties just want to maintain the status quo. NS wants its people to live, not just exist. It has definite goals, present, and future. We want to form a national folk community, and thru time, make it grow ever stronger and united. We want to raise our kids in this society, and raise them to treasure their people, and not be ashamed/uncaring towards them in any way.
Whites have been divided for too long, in this country and abroad. Far too much white blood has been shed, at the hands of their fellow whites. NS offers whites of the world racial unity, and the goal of a global white folk community. If you want your children to grow up and achieve this great goal, then help us at the ANP.
Blacks and Jews understand the need for unity among themselves, why don’t whites?
Time to get the racial folk ball rolling.
In other Party news, the August issue of The White Worker is in the mails. As well, I wish to sincerely thank all of you who took part in the Rockwell Memorial literature drive on the 25th of this month! I know that the Commander would have been pleased and proud of each and everyone one of you who took part! You showed TRUE National Socialist SPIRIT!
THAT�S what makes the American Nazi Party so “DIFFERENT” from all these “others” out there – the ANP is made up of GOOD PEOPLE, doing GOOD THINGS, for a GREAT CAUSE!
Comrades, lets keep that ball rolling, DOING “whatever” we ALL can – no matter HOW “small” or HOW “little” it may seem at times – it ALL ADDS UP!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com