Comrades: I am glad to finally be back with you. The reason for my not writing any ANPReports for the last few weeks is very simple, and very frustrating � Comrade Axl Hess’s computer was destroyed in the line of service, and he was unable to immediately replace it with another. Neither was the Party in a position to be able to economically “help” him, simply because of lack of a “rainy day fund” – in fact, because of the usual “SUMMERTIME SLOWS” in financial support – we are forced to operate on a day-to-day process. Some days, we are unable to even mail out items, simply because we haven’t monies on hand to cover postage costs.
Yes, I know this sounds “WEAK” and “PATHETIC”, and those few I have discussed it with, recommended that I NOT mention it, so as not to “give comfort” to our enemies – or to “show weakness”…but, THAT is only covering up the truth, it would NOT solve our problems.
“WHY” such a thing occurs in the “summertime” is beyond me. I would THINK that in this season of fine weather, where the ability to be “ACTIVE” would be just the OPPOSITE of what does occur – unfortunately, it seems that in summer, people are just so involved in “HAVING FUN”, that their Movement commitment is somehow shunted aside…
Now don’t get me wrong, there ARE a number ( albeit a small one ) of wonderful Comrades out there, who DO come through in a true National Socialist fashion – but, their SACRIFICES seem to only somewhat “cover” the LACK of all the others.
Another thing that I have noticed, is that a lot of folks are sending in their Pledge Slips – with either an “order for propaganda” included in the pledge amount ( which should be an ADDITIONAL sum…) and/or only making “PARTIAL” donation of what their pledge was. Let�s be honest here Comrades, the Party requests ONLY – 33CENTS a DAY – as a minimum pledge amount = $10 a month. When I myself first joined the ANP back in 1967 – the minimum pledge amount was FIVE DOLLARS!
I truly and sincerely, can understand that today�s economic climate makes it tough on a LOT of people, myself included – BUT, I refuse to believe that ANYONE cannot save and come-up with at LEAST – 33CENTS a DAY each month.
You know, having belonged to Rockwell’s ANP/NSWPP back in the day – I experienced WHAT an organization of truly COMMITED people COULD accomplish – IF they REALLY wanted to! We had no “fat cats” back then, just simple, regular working folks. BUT, we all BELIEVED in National Socialism enough to pool our resources through SACRIFICIAL EFFORT – that the Party was able to purchase HQ’s, open Bookstores, buy vehicles for transporting Party personnel – ALL through the efforts of “little folks” like you and me.
In fact, in the 70’s, the Party had a yearly “fund appeal”, where once $88,000 was raised in a ONE-YEAR period! Of course, all that was gone once Matt Koehl decided to sell everything and retire to operate his “religious” Hitler cult, in the late 80’s – but, STILL it clearly SHOWS that it COULD be DONE – with DEDICATED National Socialists who BELIEVE.
Now, decades later – with conditions WORSENING for White people – both RACIALLY and ECONOMICALLY, to a MASSIVE degree…WHERE is the same SPUNK that we NS once showed so heroically? Where is the COMMITMENT? Where is that SPIRIT of SACRIFICE?
I THINK that we ALL wish to see a growing, successful, and well-grounded National Socialist organization emerge here in America, instead of the costumed, fantasy clubs that we see paraded on the “History Channel” looking and acting like buffoons? Well Comrades, that�s NOT going to HAPPEN without a LOT of – WORK, EFFORT, and SACRIFICE on all our parts! And let�s be honest, it�s going to take MONEY too. LOTS of money.
Recently, we have seen this Steele character out west, who was a “movement lawyer” who poorly “represented” Richard Butler back when AN still existed, getting arrested for wanting to “murder his wife and mother-in-law”. After his arrest, the system found he had almost $100,000 in SILVER alone buried around his property! What if, instead of hoarding silver, he would have PLOUGHED ALL THAT WEALTH into the Struggle that SUPPOSEDLY he was so “deeply” committed to? He was always one, telling folks “how bad� and “how desperate” things facing us were – but, apparently NOT enough for him to PUT HIS MONEY WHERE HIS MOUTH WAS, eh?
His attitude was that of the “proverbial jew”, MONEY apparently meant MORE to him, than the Struggle that he liked to prattle on about. Well Comrades, I’ll tell you THIS – IF you/we LOSE – all your “monies” aren’t going to mean Jack to you, as I’m assured that it will be relieved from your hands quite quickly – and I hope that you have the “satisfaction” of thinking and considering “WHAT” the “DIFFERENCE” � MIGHT have BEEN – if you had ONLY $UPPORTED “your side”, the way that the JEWS $UPPORT THEIRS! Its no “ACCIDENT” the THEY derive the SUCCESS they achieve, per how THEY make sure THEIR organizations are ALWAYS well-funded!
The bottom-line here, is that I am humbly requesting that the Party STARTS building-up a “slush-fund” – BEYOND regular operating costs – for incidents like what happened with Comrade Hess, or perhaps “legal” issues, or heaven knows “what”. I happen to KNOW that there ARE Comrades out there, who have not yet been slammed by this growing depression, National Socialists, who on the whole – are STILL doing QUITE WELL economically. And I’m asking as your Party Chairman to PONY UP – to give the Front Line FIGHTERS the “TOOLS” that they desperately NEED – as you would any other “army” taking the field, in YOUR interests. Now don’t go turning around, looking at “others” – I’m talking to YOU.
I fully believe, that there ARE dedicated National Socialists out there, to whom giving a HUNDRED DOLLARS, would NOT in any SIGNIFICANT fashion, “cramp their lifestyles”. The same could be said for a few more I know, who could come up with $500 or even a THOUSAND – IF – they REALLY wished, and it wouldn’t drive them into poverty.
But, you see – THAT – IS the “problem” here. IF we were BIGGER, or IF we were STRONGER, or IF we were making GREAT STRIDES…they would have very little wavering in $UPPORTING the Party as it NEEDS and DESERVES. BUT – you see, it�s a
“catch-22″…WITHOUT that significant $UPPORT – we will NOT get “BIGGER”, “STRONGER”, with those “GREAT STRIDES”.
What�s the “ANSWER”? To me it�s simple, MAKE YOUR PLEDGES ON A REGULAR BASIS – DON’T MAKE HQ “wait”, or HAVE to “remind you”, as if you were a child. Review your resources, and decide “HOW MUCH” to really COULD donate without honestly “hurting your economic status”. And then – DO IT.
A very sad commentary
by Steve Davenport
At the end of world war two, the USA was the richest, most powerful (we had the A bomb, and no one else did) nation on the planet. The population was 98% white Aryan. Life was good for its people. So everyone in America thought Capitalist Democracy, was the way to go, and that every other nation had to do it “our” way, or else. The European empires were allowed to die, and the US struggled with the Communist menace, all in the name of a “better” world.
So how are things now? From 1945, to 2010, a mere 65 years, this nation has gone from golden, to garbage. Our unemployment rate is 9.5%. 5% is considered acceptable. We now have an unknowing, uncaring BLACK president. Our population is roughly only half white. Our national debt is in the trillions, which is owed to non white foreign countries, unlike the past when it was a small amount owed to white Europeans. Unlike the good old days, when people could walk the streets of our cities at midnight, and feel safe, we are barely in control of our city streets. Drug abuse is now a major national problem. The health of our population has precipitously declined. We keep being called on to fight wars, that we really don’t understand the reason for.
Capitalism, invariably ends up controlling the democracy part. Money doesn’t just talk, it shouts orders. Power and influence, are bought and sold. No money, means no clout.
Our people had their loyalty bought, and paid for, by the wealth of Europe, which was owed us at the end of the war. Notice that now that the Communist menace has vanished, our cherished American middle class lifestyle is also disappearing. The power elite no longer need to keep the American middle class in existence, so they aren’t.
Our unemployment rate is 9.5%. You can only send so many jobs overseas, before your economy begins to decline. Millions have had to collect unemployment. Only thing, this isn’t the New Deal era. Congress would rather bicker, than extend benefits for 2 million unemployed workers, and their families. As of this writing, nothing has yet been done. Big business gets massive amounts of bailout money, so they are once again profitable, (and in a position to donate massive amounts of campaign contributions), while small business gets the shaft, in other words, not a dime’s worth of help. Small business is the backbone of the economy, yet its needs are ignored.
Our state and local govts, are facing massive tax revenue shortfalls. This means cutbacks in services, and tax increases. In all levels and branches of govt in the US, far too much money has been wasted on giving minorities jobs and help programs, (all for nothing), that could have saved white America from the financial catastrophe our country is now suffering in. Trying to raise the level of black society, has only lowered and impoverished white society. Its especially galling, that white America has been called on to help the non white minorities of this country, and the non whites of other countries, yet help for white America is always too little, too late, and pulling teeth to get. In other words, whites have been called on to help, but got/get none in return.
America is supposed to have a sense of fair play, but it certainly isn’t present when it comes to taking care of its own. I think this country is in deplorable condition, especially considering how things once were. There is a war against the poor, and especially against white Aryans in this country. It started as an underground war, in the 1960’s, and has just progressed, to where it is now blatant anti white Aryan, middle class. Groups that hate our race are slowly but surely gaining power. The old chestnut of an international communist conspiracy was only half right. The communists hated the US, but they had a lot of company. The reds are gone, but their allies are alive and kicking. Unfortunately the kick is to the gut of white middle America. I won’t dwell on problems any more, since if you live in this country, you know only too well the score.
Don’t just think that National Socialism, and the ANP, are mere life preservers to save you from a sinking ship of state. They are building programs. Like putting up a skyscraper. They want a nation built on solid foundation, that rises up to make a nation strong and able to handle any rough times.
An NS America, will create a strong foundation of health care, to protect its people’s health. It will re-vamp the education system in this country so that an education will mean something, not just send kids out the door who can’t function. It will defend itself, but not go off attacking other societies for the sake of Capitalist profit. With an ideology focused govt/society, drug abuse and crime will decrease, since people will be motivated to think of their folk, not themselves, or have a need to escape reality.
NS America won’t play money/wealth favorites. Those who need help shall receive help. This isn’t pie in the sky dreaming. With enough support, the ANP can accomplish anything. We need money for materials, and volunteers to distribute materials to get the word out.
It�s been a sad commentary on our society that we as a people have allowed this decay. We can fix it. Together as a united people’s community, we can be elected to power and save the day. Hopefully, the bane of civilization, materialism, will finally disappear; the folk dedicated community will be re-born and grow to lead us to greatness once again.
Comrades, another issue I would like to bring up, and that is the issue of “UNDERSTANDING” just “WHAT” it is that you as National Socialists comprehend and understand about our National Socialist ideology. Something, that I’m afraid is lacking in far too many Party Comrades, to one extant or another.
I realize that to some folks, Adolf Hitlers book Mein Kampf, is a wee bit “difficult” to read, and because of its time-frame – to many uneducated Americans ( sorry, but our “schools” are crap when it comes to teaching history…) frustrating when not being able to understand the context of early 20th century Europe.
Rockwell agreed, and so he wrote the book “White Power”, which easily explains National Socialism in terms that Americans can comprehend and understand… I am requesting that each and every one of you (especially, those in the ANP SA ) go to the “Rockwell” section of our website, and download and READ this book. It is FREE, and the only “cost” will be your TIME and EFFORT – I assure you, that you will not only ENJOY reading this book, but you will become a better, more thorough National Socialist by doing so.
After all, NS is NOT about “hating people” , or “conquering the world”, or “wanting to kill all jews and non-Aryans” as the ADL, and the “History Channel” would like you to believe – its – YOU READ IT and FIND OUT!
Comrades, all I wish to see is PROGRESS, in BOTH – YOU and the ANP itself. I cannot “DO IT ALONE” – WE – CAN make it happen, IF we truly WANT to! Back in 1975, in Cleveland Ohio – the NSWPP put OVER a hundred uniformed NS marching down Euclid Ave., the main-street, at the annual Party Congress. Then, this evil little man, did what the jews never could, and destroyed the best NS org since WWII…
We CAN “get there” again , and SURPASS that point – IF – WE REALLY DESIRE TO. I DO. Don’t YOU?
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman