Racial Comrades: After literally DECADES of not only GETTING NO-WHERE – but, actually GROWING SMALLER and more IMPOTENT – I think that its time for the “racial movement”, and especially the NS movement, to stop what its doing and take an assessment of WHAT is WRONG.
I’m going to be BLUNT and I’m going to be BRUTAL in my assessment, but I think anything less is only dancing around the problem.
First off – just WHAT is the “movement” SUPPOSED to be ACCOMPLISHING – WHAT is its
GOALS? It is SUPPOSED to BE a “POLITICAL” movement, well isn’t it? Yet, when I look at the movement, all I see is at best – a “protest based society”.
Comrades, the end-run of ANY real political organization is the ACQUIREMENT of POLITICAL POWER on some level of the political spectrum. Is this being done? No matter “what” organization you see, they ALL basically are the SAME – in as much as that they ALL play dress-up in some kind of a costume – they ALL hold “protests&marches” designed to attract attention….to “DO WHAT”? Why, to go out there, and do it all over again! LOL
Its like a dog chasing its tail – an endless circle digging a rut. WHY? The movement has been “doing this”, ever since I first got involved back in the 1960’s – AND WHAT HAS IT ACHIEVED? Numbers at these circle-jerks are SMALLER each time around. The PROBLEM that I perceive, is that there is NO END GOAL – beyond “DO IT AGAIN”.
In the ANP, we HAVE decided upon a realistic agenda. Finally, ALL OF OUR EFFORTS are being geared towards entering the political arena and partaking in REAL POLITICS. To be sure, we are REALISTICALLY “starting at the bottom” – LOCAL ELECTIONS – because we are HONEST enough to accept that the “big offices” are presently far beyond our means and resources at hand. As well, to what purpose would be gained to miraculously win a prominent political office – and have no GRASS-ROOTS support to build upon? For far too long, the movement has tried these “spectacular campaigns” – that were based NOT upon BUILDING a broad-based POLITICAL OPERATION – but, rather a “ONE MAN on a WHITE HORSE” fantasy.
Hand in hand with entering REAL political campaigning, goes the never-ending OUTREACH of our various forms of LITERATURE, designed to educate, recruit, and organized like-minded White people – NOT to shove them out on some corner, waving a placard, wearing some outlandish costume – but, to hopefully integrate them into ever growing LOCAL POLITICAL EFFORTS.
The same criticism could be leveled at these “educating” orgs, as I do at these perennial “protesters” – THEY HAVE NO END-GOAL i.e. GETTING INVOLVED in REAL POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING.
What�s the use of MILLIONS of “EDUCATED” people – IF – they aren’t utilized in some proactive purpose?
Comrades, IF all the time, money and effort that has been WASTED on “rallies, marches and protests” over the past 50 years – had been INSTEAD – utilized in REAL political effort, I believe that we would be in a far different position than the one we now find ourselves in.
And the FAULT for this is the so-called LEADERSHIP of this movement. It HASN’T provided any! It takes REAL, HARD WORK to operate a REAL political campaign – even locally – so much easier to provide a week-end of ENTERTANMENT for the faithful, than ask them to GET REAL and DO WHAT IT TAKES, to ACHIEVE ( ANYKIND, NO MATTER HOW SMALL ) of REAL political POWER!
Folks, there are political offices out there where a candidate runs UN-OPPOSED, simply because people are TOO DAMN LAZY to “GET INVOLVED” – this HAS to CHANGE. I see NO good “reason” why “our side” cannot put the same effort into becoming City-Councilmen, School-board members, County-Commissioners, Sheriffs, etc – as they do, for hosting&attending “racial fests”, and the like nonsense! Its simply LAZINESS and LACK of COMMITMENT that holds us back.
Once WE have achieved a level of LOCAL POWER across the nation, THEN we can utilize that BASE of SUPPORT to attempt the larger goals of power. IT CAN BE DONE. BUT, you have got to WANT to DO IT.
I am so TIRED of hearing from these “when THE DAY arrives, I’m gonna…” so-called “revolutionary” types that I could spit! IF these people WILL NOT work for LEGAL POLITICAL GOALS NOW – they sure as hell, are NEVER going to “DO ANYTHING” else! They are BULLCRAPPERS and FANTASY FRAUDS and little else!
Comrades, we EITHER start “getting real” with our POLITICAL efforts, OR I suggest that we quit wasting our time playing “lets pretend”.
From now on in, the American Nazi Party refuses to engage in ANY “activity” that does not somehow further its REAL POLITICS agenda. I urge all those who are ready to leave the playpen of costumes, fantasy and make-believe behind, to join with us.
The real rulers of the US.
by Steve Davenport
What happened to Obama campaign promises of great change for this country. His out with the old, and in with the new rhetoric seems now to be just words. The way he’s going, we might as well have made George W. Bush dictator for life, since all his policies just keep on going.
It is sadly a myth that the common people of this country run the show. In REALITY, nothing could be further from the truth. The monied class rules. In this country, money doesn’t just talk, it dominates.
Obama opposed the wars, offshore drilling, nuclear power. These were all Bush initiatives that Obama condemned. As soon as he became president, virtually overnight, he’s all for them. Wonder why?
These involve industries, with big amounts of $ behind them. Money that can become campaign contributions to whoever will play ball. Obama talked about universal health care. What we’ve gotten is universal insurance control. Insurance companies are calling the shots. It�s the average citizen pays for insurance, whether they can really afford to, or not. No direct govt assistance like
other countries. Germany had universal health care in 1870. Obama and the Democrats, have the same attitude towards the unemployed, that the Republicans have. Be as stingy as possible, because if you�re out of work, you must be a lazy bum. They just give you a few bucks to make it look good.
During the Irish potato famine, the British govt made the landlords foot the bill for famine relief. The landlords promptly gave out starvation rations, in exchange for forced labor. The choices boiled down to work, starve, or leave. Both unemployment, and social security disability in this country, give you just enough money to keep you from starving, but nothing else. Disability is especially shameful. People who are DISABLED have to wait till they’re at death’s door to finally get aid. There’s nothing left over to help with drugs, rent/mortgage, or doctor visits. Try supporting a family on either disability, or unemployment.
I could write for days on how whites would/should/could have avoided their current predicament, but the past is past. Non Aryans are firmly entrenched in our govt these days.
The money worshiper Capitalists have total control. They buy power and influence. Voting is a meaningless exercise. I remember I was at a car show. A friend of mine got picked as judge. People could vote on what car they thought best. I went backstage to help count the votes. Turns out I needn’t have bothered. He simply decide what HE thought was best, and announced to the audience, that that was what was voted by the majority.
This is the same trickery that is being practiced in our society. We’re told such and such a candidate is the winner, but it�s the monied interests that call the shots. Why else would Obama turn out to be a black version of George W. Bush. It really and truly doesn’t matter who is elected to office. The reality, is that we have shadow rulers, with their own agenda, and its one that is hostile to the Aryan people and way of life.
All we common citizens can expect from the mega rich predators, is to be used to fight wars for profitable resources. Help will be the miserly bare minimum, to make it look good for the home town folks.
Is this the kind of life that guarantees a future for you, and your family? To be a virtual slave, and treated worse, then we do for our pets. How much longer will our race endure, when we’re not properly cared for, and are being outnumbered every minute?
Time for National Socialism. A system that will educate, and care for you. We value our race, not money. We have to achieve power at the polls, and free our people from the almighty money rulers. Time is running out. The political class knows whites won’t take crap. Non whites will. They want this country to be majority non white. We need a group/party that will fight to preserve us, not constantly screw us. Help support the party of white salvation. Thru thousands of years of struggle, whites worked to establish wonderful civilizations. It will be a total betrayal of
our ancestors, and us, to let the non white tide, bury it.
Comrades, this months special outreach efforts are geared towards utilizing our large and effective “BUMPER STICKERS” – which you can review and order ( at cost ) from the “merchandise” section of our website. Lets TOGETHER place many THOUSANDS of these effective attention grabbers across America!
Once again, I want to advise everyone NOT to use these to “agitate” non-Whites – which would simply be a waste – but instead, to REACH, EDUCATE, and ORGANIZE White men and women into a political Party that serves THEIR BEST INTERESTS…the American Nazi Party!
Be an NS Johnny Appleseed with your message-cards and stickers – YOU NEVER KNOW BY
PLACING JUST ONE ITEM – how effective YOUR efforts might be!
Comrades, NOTHING is “IMPOSSIBLE” to achieve IF you place enough SACRIFICE, HARD
WORK and DEDICATION into that effort. The ONLY end-result that you CAN count upon is
DEFEAT – through NOT “getting involved”!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com