Racial Comrades: As anyone who has been following the progress of the American Nazi Party so far this year can see, we are moving far ahead of any other so-called “White Nationalist” organization on the scene – certainly, we ARE the premier National Socialist organization in America today.
While these “other” groups still in existence continue on desperately persisting in trying to do the SAME OLD/SAME OLD treadmill – Phase One style actions – i.e. “pitiful street demonstrations”, sparsely attended “rallies”, and ludicrous “stunts”…the ANP has instead MOVED INTO THE REALM of REAL POLITICAL ACTIVITY.
Comrades, I pledged many years ago, that I would bring the NS movement – OUT OF PHASE ONE – even if I had to do so, KICKING & SCREAMING…and it has been done!
Of “ALL” the so-called “nazi competition” ( I really HATE that word…) ONLY the dregs of the hollywierd-nutzi “nsm” remains – ALL the other fragmented “nazi” clubs have gone under. And “nsm” itself has imploded to the point where it consists of a few “die hard” degenerates and their costume devotee’s, who supplement their ranks at their few publicity-oriented stunts, with various “bonehead” and “independent” elements who come along for the momentary “excitement & fun”.
With the combined news, of “Kommander Schoeps” mulatto step-daughter ( per his current wife ) and “Chairman Herrington�s” affiliation with the “Joy of Satan” ministry – just about every DECENT person has left the “nsm” in disgust. The SAD part about this whole betrayal – is that there WERE a number of newbi’s in the “nsm” who were unaware of the situation – ( I mean, was Schoep and Herrington going to TELL their followers what’s going on? ) and the vast majority have been burned so badly with the feeling of ULTIMATE BETRAYAL – that they have abandoned the Struggle for good.
Now, SOME of these people HAVE decided to give it another chance, and have approached the ANP seeking involvement. I have been asked by several to give an “OPEN STATEMENT” per “ex-nsmer’s” , so here it is:
IF an individual, of ANY prior “organizational” affiliation would wish to join in the efforts of the ANP – they are welcome to apply. All that we request, is that they understand clearly that the agenda of the ANP is VERY DIFFERENT from their former clublets. IF they are willing to join our efforts in a POSITIVE manner, and become a TEAM worker – they are welcome.
Even people who were with us in the past, but would like to return – may re-apply – as long as they were NOT treasonable to the Party in their past behavior. My attitude is this – I really don’t care if someone “called me a name” in the past, or said something nasty about myself – THIS IS SOMETHING BIGGER THAN “ROCKY”…it�s the SURVIVAL of our Folk, and ACHIEVING SOCIAL JUSTICE for the White Working Class. I may not “like you”, or vice versa – but, IF we can WORK TOGETHER for the common goal – THAT is what�s IMPORTANT.
A good “example” would be John Taylor Bowles – at one time we were at loggerheads, when he was affiliated with the “nsm”. NOW, Comrade Bowles is one of my most faithful Comrades and the Political Advisor of the ANP SA. We both put our “differences” aside, and WORK TOGETHER for the 14WORDS!
Bottom line is this – WHY waste your time, money and efforts on DEAD ENDS? The American Nazi Party has PROVEN through its achievements – based NOT on “publicity whoring”, but through quiet, HARD WORK and SACRIFICE – that REAL, POSITIVE GAINS, can be achieved IF we REALLY are willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES to achieve them.
Moving out of the silliness of Phase One is that FIRST STEP – TAKE IT – and join the ANP as it emerges into Phase Two.
The net is really a cage.
by Steve Davenport
I wish I knew why YOU, the Aryan people of this country, go along with this system.
Its not like there’s no other choice available anymore. What does this mess of a system do for you?
Our politicians fall all over themselves telling us how wonderful this system is. What do you expect them to do? They like their positions of wealth and power. Do you really expect them to tell the truth about what a mess this country really is? For them, honesty is not the best policy, because they want to stay in charge. We’ll NEVER get the truth from them ever.
Our media is just a cheer leading section for how great this country is. The media is controlled by the wealthy/powerful. Rupert Murdoch being an example of a media mogul. Like with the politicians, do you really expect the people who call the shots, to permit the truth to be told, if its negative, and risk unrest? Our military brass fill our ears day after day with news of glorious victories, and how wonderful the wars are going. They also have a knack of finding enemies to
fight, or at least that we must be on guard against. Hence the need for a super sized military. Do you expect them to tell us that the threats are overblown, or downright non existent, and risk a loss in funding? Not bloody likely.
This is suppose to be the country that takes care of its own. The caring nation that never risks its people in war unnecessarily. We the people, are believing our own propaganda. Or more accurately, the system’s propaganda to keep us loyal little drones, just working away making profits for the mega rich to enjoy. The safety net we constantly hear about is a lie. It doesn’t exist. Not for white people anyway. Non whites get taken care of, because their the poor discriminated
against minorities. Whites on the other hand, can just fend for themselves. There may be govt programs, to help the destitute, but if your white, the paperwork demands are huge, and incomprehensible for us ordinary folk.
This country hasn’t a safety net, as much as, a tiger cage for its white citizens to be imprisoned in. Whites are being worked to death, not given any help, and being called upon to furnish soldiers to fight wars that they shouldn’t have to fight. Should you dare to object to being worked like a beast of burden, the powers that be, will do their best to cause you grief, and you as a WHITE worker have no recourse to pursue.
This country passed a constitutional amendment to end slavery. In reality, our capitalist masters would love nothing better to bring it back. Why else do they send jobs overseas to virtual slave labor countries. Why else do they treat their very own people, like animals. Work people till they have nothing left to give, and leave them with nothing. The great Individual retirement accounts that were suppose to provide a wonderful retirement for workers, have been destroyed by Capitalist greed and recklessness, leaving many with nothing, at the worst possible time of life to
be in that kind of situation.
There is an alternative system to live by. The ideology of National Socialism rejects capitalist greed as the basis for a society. It values its people. It considers the core of a system, to be the racial community. Everything to benefit it, doing nothing to bring it harm, or destitution. NS will tell its people like it is. It has no need to lie. It has no need to worry if the people get the truth will they stay loyal. Our Capitalist democracy, goes out of its way to prevent you, the people from hearing anything but system propaganda.
They know if you hear another way, you’ll take it. The safety net has no netting. Time for we Aryans to free ourselves from the Capitalist cage, and work towards electing our candidates to establish a racial state.
The ANP is the vanguard. We will help you liberate yourselves, and establish a united nation dedicated to the preservation and betterment of the Aryan. Please help us achieve this. It can be done with all of us pitching in our support. We are the Aryan race, we owe it to ourselves to have a just, caring society. We must stop accepting being treated like animals in a cage.
Party Comrades, by now – all of you should have received the May edition of The White Worker magazine, and the June issue is preparing to go to press.
As well, the ANP Spring Blitz literature campaign shows no signs of slowing down, and I commend each and everyone of you who are taking part, for your efforts! To those of you who were/are able to help out with a “SPONSORSHIP DONATION” – which allows us to send MORE materials free of charge to those willing and able to utilize them, I personally THANK YOU!
Being Party Chairman, I am often thankful that the mass of ANP adherents are not of the kind who are distracted by these many “stunts” that periodically flare up in the “WN movement” – the current fad being this “running as a write-in candidate” for public office. LMAO It is so LUDICROUS in the EXTREME that I’m amazed that these CON-MEN have the gall to even promote such a JOKE! Or, that there are people out there willing to FALL for it!
Getting on the ballot is NOT really THAT “difficult” to DO. Presently, the Party has two Comrades going through the process, and they WILL appear on the printed ballot. All I can think, is that the people who perpetrate such ILLUSIONS are – either LAZY people who are NOT sincerely COMMITTED to “DO WHAT IT TAKES” to actually WIN our Struggle, OR – they are so pitifully WEAK in people and resources to “GET THE JOB DONE” correctly, that they shouldn’t have taken this step in the first place!
As Chairman of the ANP, I pledge you this – I WILL NEVER ALLOW THE PARTY TO
“PRETEND” TO BE “DOING SOMETHING” – that it CANNOT fulfill. Nor, will I ever allow
the Party to engage in ANY “activity” that MAKES IT A LAUGHING-STOCK, to the ENEMY,
You see, “I” don’t really CARE – if my “name” appears in a jewspaper, or my “face” on the jewtube – in fact, if the enemy IGNORES us – it only makes our job easier, with fewer hassles, as we steadily WORK our way FORWARD.
Comrades, OUR RACIAL VICTORY – will be ACHIEVED – NOT by the “name recognition” of a FEW “prominent personalities”…but, rather by the HARD WORK and SACRIFICE of us ALL
– especially, all those UNKNOWN, and UNRECOGNIZED Activists and Fighters, who carry
on in the political arena, day in, day out, NOT for the “GLORY” or the “FAME” – but, BECAUSE it�s the right thing to do, for our CHILDENS sake!
Join with us!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com