Racial Comrades: Well, the system has finally let the cat out of the bag. Yes, a few days ago it felt bold enough to announce through its controlled media – that this year of 2010 – that MORE NON-WHITE BABIES WILL BE BORN IN AMERICA, than WHITE ones!
Of course, the American Nazi Party has been stating this for years, but now its “OFFICIAL” – so all those folks who scoffed at what we were saying, i.e. “that it just can’t be true” – cannot pretend that �IT AIN’T SO.�
Now, I myself THOUGHT that such an announcement would set the “movement” ABLAZE – that suddenly “our side” would suddenly – FINALLY – get a fire under it – and get down to treating this situation in a SERIOUS, nay – a FRANTIC manner. But, no – seems its still more interested in putting on “carnival/sideshow” nonsense, than getting SERIOUSLY involved in building a POLITICAL-WHITE-RESISTENCE….
The worst is almost upon us.
by Steve Davenport
For decades now, we of the racialist cause, have warned our fellow whites that their position of control in this country was in grave danger. We were laughed at, and ridiculed for our trouble.
Well my fellow whites, guess who’s laughing now, no, not me, I’m close to tears. The news has been released, that this will be the year when non white births, will outnumber white births.
This above all else that we have said, should be a massive wake up call, that whites need to ORGANIZE, to be able to maintain what few rights they still have in this cess pool country. This is most serious.
Consider these statistics:
1 in 10 counties in this country are non white majority.
1 in 4 communities in this country are non white majority.
The govt is saying whites will be a minority by 2042. I think it very much sooner, but even if we accept that year, its still a catastrophe for whites.
Whites are having fewer children. Black birth rate is stable. Hispanics are having large families, and their immigration rate to this country is enormous.
We see before our eyes, how non white rule is corrupt and incompetent. What will it be like when they’re the majority? Maybe we should take a quick look at Rhodesia and South Africa, for a look at how white minority status is. Rhodesia was quite prosperous under white rule. A major food exporter. Now the economy is a shambles, and its people starve. All our bleeding heart liberal/leftist care about is that its under black majority rule. South Africa was the most prosperous state/economy, on the African continent. Again leftist/liberals insisted on black majority rule, and forced it with sanctions, and aid to black guerrilla armies. Well South Africa now has black majority rule. Its also got the highest crime rate in the world. Yes, far worse then ours. Its economy is also deteriorating.
Think that these countries are too distant for us to worry about becoming like them? Well how about right here in our nation. What about the whites who couldn’t escape to the suburbs, and have to live in non white majority neighborhoods? I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about harassment, robberies, violence against them. Seems non whites don’t love whites. They don’t want them around, and make their displeasure well known. The big cities are controlled by non white majority, local city govts. We see daily, how bad things are in them, compared to when whites were in control. Doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence on how a majority non white country will be. By law, we have racial quotas to help non whites get jobs in the public and private sectors. In the old days, you got a job by merit, not race, but guess those days are gone. Once hired, non whites basically can’t be fired, less the civil rights commission comes down on you, as an evil racist. The fact that the non white is a bad employee is ignored. Non white is the only thing that matters. Whites are pushed around as a MAJORITY, do you think it will be better if we’re a minority? I don’t see non whites helping whites with anything, period.
Has Obama shown himself to be the shining light that will save our nation, or a political bungler, who can’t even unite his own party to follow their own platform/program.
Why is it, that Black Africa, functioned better under white colonial rule, then it does now with all the colonies now independent nations? Why is it, that the nations of Latin America, after a couple hundred years of independence, with all of them now “democracies”, still is the rule of a rich few elite, over the extremely poor many?
Can YOU, white, honestly, in your heart, and even more, your mind, not be afraid of minority status?
The ANP is the only racial life preserver we have. I won’t lie to you, and say it will turn the clock back. White apathy, and cowardice, over decades, have made that impossible. It can at least maintain white survival, and do everything it legally can to
protect white rights in dealing with the coming job, housing, etc discrimination that non whites will try to dole out as revenge on whitey. Any doubts? Ask the whites of Africa how happy they are. Ask whites who are stuck in non white inner city neighborhoods how great it is.
If you�re not a supporter, you better hurry up and become one, because the party can’t help you, if you don’t help it. This year could very well mark the beginning of the end of white predominance in the US. Something that should scare the hell out of you, if you�re white.
Comrades, I recently asked SA Political Advisor Bowles to write something, to “connect” with all of you, about the NEED of SERIOUSLY “getting involved” when the Party requests its adherents to “DO SOMETHING”. I asked HIM – simply because sometimes I think that when “I” write such a message – its just not getting through to enough of you – per your combined response to my appeals…
by SA Political Advisor J.T. Bowles
When you throw a stone into a pond, that stone creates a ripple effect. When an American Nazi Party activist takes action and distributes literature, or donates money, or any other activity that the ANP needs then that action has a ripple effect, that effects other people and can even persuade new people into joining and bringing them into pro-White politics.
Standing apart from the other so-called “White Nationalist” organizations in America has become a matter of separating the serious from the players of make-believe. With the economy and morale of White people at its lowest point in decades, it is becoming increasingly crucial for the American Nazi Party to maximize its resources by promoting itself in an effective and calculated manner. A unique, new strategy is a vital and necessary part of this process.
As a veteran National Socialist candidate for elective office in the past, having campaigned three times for various public offices, I can say to you, “There is a big change in the economic and political climate in America now, which brings a unique perspective on how to mold ourselves and our political organization in preparation for the future”.
The leadership of the ANP believes that the only realistic way to enact change on a LARGE SCALE is to LEAD in a serious, intelligent example, that people would be willing to follow.
Official Supporters and Activists of the ANP can do their part also by, (1.) Donating what funds they can to build a good financial base for the movement, (2,) Distributing literature to keep the message alive and circulating in the White community, and (3.) Building organizational cells in their areas that comprise of other activists. The list can go on…but it takes an effort on the part of everyone. Do your part today!
Comrades, I guess what I’m trying to get across, is that we are only going to SUCCEED – IF – each and everyone of us, ANSWERS the APPEAL of the Party when it – HOLDS A CONFERENCE…and no one bothers to attend, OR – it announces a LITERATURE BLITZ…and no one bothers to go out and distribute materials, OR – it calls for a FUND APPEAL…and no one donates. Am I making myself clear?
This up-coming National Conference here in Detroit, is being held for YOU. So far, we have had twice as many registrations this year, as last year – BUT…and I’m NOT trying to be “snide or rude” here, and I do know from personal experience what kind of “SACRIFICES” it sometimes entails to attend. Still, it is VITALLY NECESSARY for Party Comrades to ATTEND these Conferences, for a multitude of “reasons”.
IF we are to build and create a REALISTIC, SERIOUS “POLITICAL ORGANIZATION” – unlike all these fantasy clubs out there – its going to TAKE “sacrifice” to do so!
Right now, it appears that the latest “fad” going on in the “movement”, is this SCAM by various “movement personalities” to PRETEND to be “doing something” – by staging these ridiculous “WRITE-IN CAMPAIGNS” for various public offices.
Now, I myself have campaigned three times in my past for low-level public office – City Council, School-board – ALL “achievable” goals, in a sense. Even basically campaigning “on my own”, I was able to gather the needed signatures, post the deposit…and actually GET MY NAME ON THE PRINTED BALLOT. My “best” tally was 1,600 votes, for a “racist/nazi”…not “too bad”.
Yet, these “personalities” who are obviously incapable of RECRUITING, EDUCATING, and ORGANIZING a following of adherents, are now EITHER – TOO LAZY – or – TOO INCAPABLE to do the same, per REAL POLITICS. Lets face it –
“write-in campaigns” are a FARCE! They are a JOKE! They HUMILIATE our Struggle, portraying us as PATHETIC LOSERS – who not only CANNOT WIN – but, are so dysfunctional that we cannot even get OURSELVES ON THE BALLOT like any other candidate. Is THAT the case?
Hell, the crack-head negro down the street, can “declare” – “VOTE FO ME FO GUBBENNOR, AS A RITE’IN CANDEDATE! ” …would ANYBODY take him SERIOUSLY? Would they be EXPECTED to? So, are these CON-MEN ANY DIFFERENT?
To ME – all this SHOWS just how FAR OFF in “FANTASYLAND” this “movement” IS – when ANYONE can not ONLY PRETEND to “campaign for office” in such a manner …BUT, actually gets “accolades” from the peanut-gallery for doing it! DAMN, but BARNUM was RIGHT!
I can hear the cat-calls now – “WHEN ARE YOU/ANP GOING TO START CAMPAIGNING FOR PUBLIC OFFICE…blah, blah, blah”. I’ll answer that by saying THIS – WHEN WE DO, WE WON’T TELL YOU ABOUT IT. Our candidates will run on an NS platform, but without “outing” ourselves. Whats MORE “important” – possibly getting ELECTED – or “putting on a show”? And WHEN we run, it will be for ACHIEVABLE positions, in LOCAL OFFICES – NOT – some “high & mighty” position that EVERYONE understands is a forgone conclusion from Day One.
But, you see Comrades THATS the DIFFERENCE between US and THEM. WE hope to WORK HARD to possibly WIN. THEY are PLAYING a CON to “impress the yokels” into sending in the shekles, AND them getting their petty EGO’S stroked in the bargain, through lots of (NEGATIVE) “publicity” – nevermind that it continues to make our Struggle look like impotent fools.
I have through many years of EXPERIENCE, come to the firm conclusion that SOMETIMES its far BETTER to “DO” NOTHING – than the WRONG THING. And this play-acting of pretending to take part in politics – as these “PERSONALITIES” are doing – is not ONLY wrong…its embarrassing and humiliating to the SACRIFICES made by all those men and women who HAVE given, and ARE presently giving THEIR ALL, for a Cause these “pony-show” creeps take so lightly. IF these people CAN’T seem to DO BETTER than what they presently “offer” – I suggest they fold up their side-shows and RETIRE from the scene!
Comrades, with ALL the POTENTIAL that present day America offers to SINCERE NS politics – IF OPERATED CORRECTLY, and in an INTELLIGENT, PROFESSIONAL manner – these self-professed “HATERS”, with their “SLURS” and unnecessary OUTRIGHT BIGOTRY – stand as ROAD-BLOCKS that the enemy can easily POINT A FINGER AT…”as THATS what you ALL stand for…”. Looked at from that perspective, it make you WONDER just “why” these people ACT as they DO, doesn’t it?
I hate to think that I’m “paranoid”, but I’ll tell you all THIS – IF I was in the enemies position – thats what I would do – CREATE an “opposition” that REPULSED the masses through their message and bearing, so as to NEGATE those who WERE SINCERE from gaining a following, except among the lunatic fringe…by TYING THEM ALL IN TOGETHER, and especially giving these LOONIES the LIMELIGHT over any more sober, serious people involved.
Since all these “movement personalities” are unable to CREATE a going organization, and are UNWILLING to JOIN and WORK WITH an already existing organization – I suggest to them that they quietly RETIRE. THEY had THEIR chance, please DON’T ruin it for the rest of us who ARE willing to DO THE NECESSARY WORK to fight the REAL political struggle, by treating the Aryan Resistence as a JOKE. YOU may think it is, but its NOT.
Between “Stormtroopers” of the so-called “nsm” picking up trash along the highway like convicted criminals, as a “revolutionary activity”, and “famous racist personalities” pretending to run for office in “write-in” campaigns….this reactionary “movement” really IS frigging AMAZING! LOL
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com