Racial Comrades, there is an old saying, ” that the truth hurts ” – and I’m afraid for many people involved in this “racial movement” – it DOES!
Recently, we received the below letter from a White woman reader of this ANPReport, who literally “tells it as it is”…and I wish to share it with all of you.
While there are a few things that I would disagree with her to a point, such as the American Nazi Party doesn’t have involved, many of the “types” of individuals whom she describes – at least I myself have not yet met any of them – she IS pretty much, right on target, describing the “racial movement” as a WHOLE – because over my many years involvement, I HAVE SEEN these creatures, and MUCH WORSE, I’m afraid.
Once again, all I can say – is that THAT is “WHY” the ANP does NOT consider itself a part of this “racist” reactionary, right-wing circus…WE are sincere, orthodox NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, and there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between sincere, true NS and “all the rest”!
My name is Jeanne Bxxxxxx, and I live in Port Huron MI.
I read your posting, submitted on your website on the 16th of January.
I have some other thoughts I would like to share with you on why the White movement is not more accepted in the general community. Yes, consumerism has had its affect. But, that is not the complete answer. The short answer is the perceived hypocrisy in the movement.
The 14 words are stated, while the women are called bitches, run around with no bra no teeth and in general look unsavory and unhealthy. I have seen children in just diapers with baby bottles filled with soft drinks, who are dirty, unsupervised, and cranky.
The movement speaks of family values, while the soldiers often do not bother to marry the women who are giving them offspring. We speak of being Law Abiding, while these young men are committing acts of violence.
Documentaries feature members living in “compounds”, usually a group of trailers that my grandfather wouldn’t have used to house chickens.
We speak of being mentally superior while the self proclaimed spokesmen are generally under educated, and have no understanding of public speaking, grammar, diction, or syntax. I grew up in a small town, and many of my teachers had taught my mother back when the system was still a series of one room school houses. Grammar was drilled into us, usually by a ruler, or a twist of the ear.
If the movement is to grow, we must first expect more from our people, we cannot live like a bunch of animals and claim to be their superior. No one will listen. I find myself disgusted by the displays I see from the various groups, and I believe in the sentiment.
We must find new ways to show racial superiority, we must take this battle on to their field, Where are our scholarships, assistance with filing for housing programs and financial education for our young people who need it? Why aren’t we offering room and board to a young soldier who is trying to go to college and better himself and further the movement?
I have many more ideas on this subject, but will await your response. I look forward to starting a dialogue with you.
Jeanne Bxxxxxx
Comrades, once more – UNTIL we ( the racial movement ) decide to set some QUALITY CONTROL among “who” is allowed in our ranks, and HOW they perform whilst in them ( as the ANP already DOES ) – NOTHING is ever going to IMPROVE…and, the connection with the mass of “NORMALS” that we need, if we are to SUCCEED – will never occur. That�s a simple FACT.
As I have often stated Comrades, its NOT “quantity” but QUALITY that is IMPORTANT! Of course, we DO seek “more people” – but, they HAVE to be of the kind that are NOT some kind of wack-jobs, dysfunctionals, or losers – in other words – SANE, INTELLIGENT, SINCERE, SACRIFICING, and COURAGEOUS “NORMALS”! And IF an organization IS infested with freaks and/or stumble-bums – I can PROMISE you THIS – that THEY will DRIVE AWAY any “good” people whom you might have recruited.
The White Worker Jan. issue has been mailed and everyone who deserves getting it, should receive it soon, if they haven’t already gotten it. The Party is intent this year, in enforcing “the rules”, per Good-Standing – if only – because those who DO show their commitment DESERVE to have the drones culled from our ranks. The ANP has reached the point in growth and organization, where we no longer need to “hope” to get some kind of “support” from PROVEN deadbeats and parasites…by, “cutting them constant slack”! From now on in – its CARRY YOUR PART OF THE LOAD LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES, or…..oh well, there are plenty of “garbage can” groups out there looking for another USELESS “warm body”, to inflate their Poohbahs ego. LOL Its sometimes amazing to see these puffed-up little play-groups COME and GO! At least the arrogance of these posers, never ceases to astonish ME! LOL
Comrades of the ANP – together we have come a LONG WAY, standing TOGETHER through thick and thin – from attacks and tribulations from WITHOUT and, yes…sometimes from weaklings and saboteurs from WITHIN – but, LOOK at what WE have accomplished! Today, the American Nazi Party stands as the BEST, the most ELITE organization among the whole racial resistance – with not ONLY the most sincere, and dedicated people involved…but, with the BEST PLAN of operation, smashing its way OUT of the old right-wing, reactionary playpen of “whats been done” ( over AND over…) for the last 40 years of FAILURE.
2010 is going to be a GREAT YEAR for sincere, orthodox National Socialism in America! I challenge all of YOU to JOIN with ME – in MAKING IT HAPPEN!
One more thing Comrades, I want to pledge to everyone reading this on my honor – that adherents of the American Nazi Party will NEVER, EVER be instructed to become SYSTEM GARBAGEMEN and PICK UP TRASH ALONGSIDE THE ROAD like jailbirds or Zog slave-labor – as do those poor, deluded souls of the “nsm”, who’s “mighty kommander” humiliates them in public, while never once doing the degrading “bend-over” HIMSELF…er, NEVER “doing the bend-over”?…I’ve HAVE been told, once long, long ago – but, THATS another story in itself…
For White Worker Power! 88
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com