Racial Comrades: Recently, a Party Comrade and good friend sent me the below article for our monthly Party magazine, The White Worker ( a subscription is available for a $20 donation, hint, hint..) but, I thought it so pertinent to what�s occurring in today�s corrupt, decadent, Judeo-Capitalist society – that I would share it with you here and now. Enjoy!
This system is all trick, and no treat.
by Steve Davenport
This system is utterly worthless for the average American. It only serves the rich elite. The powerful of this country live only by one code, greed.
The Obama administration was hot and heavy to give us national health insurance. Instead they’re just giving us common folk the shaft. They intend to MAKE people buy health insurance, but not help them pay for it. In fact, aid programs for the needy are cut to the bone, and in some cases, the bone marrow.
What happened to Obama the peace candidate? He gets the Nobel peace prize, but for what? We’re still stuck in Iraq, and he wants to send more troops to Afghanistan. Some peace candidate. All the money being spent on helping fight Jew based wars.
The Jewish lobby attacks anything and everything that is opposed to the Jewish agenda. Yet, nothing is made of the push for a Greater Israel, and a Jewish empire. Israel has bombed innocent women and kids, but the pro Jewish forces just blow it off. Guess Jewish racism and imperialism is OK if enough money is paid.
The people’s of Rhodesia and South Africa thought they’d be shown mercy, and given peace, if they gave in to non white demands for power. Wrong. Whites in both countries are being harassed and destroyed. But our country is so dominated by non white interests, that nothing will be done to save them.
This is being called a jobless recovery. To me, it�s a recovery less recovery. How can you call it a recovery, when massive joblessness will persist indefinitely. The only group that is recovering, is finance, which by an amazing coincidence, is heavily Jewish. Its not just the Jews, its even more their gentile collaborators, who for gold will sell their souls lock stock and barrel. In the meantime, the common people are left to starve and struggle. No meaningful help can be expected. All the monies that might have helped us, the common white people of this country, has been pissed away to help the anti white forces of international finance. Without jobs, we can’t even be wage slaves.
This system would rather fight foreign wars, and aid the rich, then see to the needs of the average citizen. As far as ZOG is concerned, we can all just die off, and good riddance. There are plenty more non whites to bring in as a slave work force. No uppity whites to deal with, in their demands for decent wages, and their belief the govt should help them.
The ANP sees it totally differently. We believe in caring for our people, not treating them like garbage. WE, the ANP will see to it that there are jobs at decent pay. That whites will not be allowed to go hungry or be ill with no govt aid forthcoming.
As far as the fourteen words goes, we, the whites of America have ruined our kids future. They have a debt to pay that will last for generations. ZOG isn’t thru. It now threatens whites very means of survival. How are we whites to survive with no way to support ourselves, or get govt aid? Non whites have job quotas, and discrimination laws to protect them. We whites are basically being left to whither, and die out. Extinction.
You must support the ANP, its your only lifeline in the storm that is fast approaching. WHITE,the choice is clear, help the party and save yourself, or do nothing and watch your race in this country die out.
Is the new symbol of the white race here to be the dodo bird? Your kids deserve a lot better.
Comrades, things are happening by leaps and bounds, bringing progress so quickly to the ANP that I can hardly keep up with it. New Official Supporters are flooding in from across the country. New programs are being instituted, that I thought would stay on “hold”, at least for a while. And while these small, pathetic “internet nutzi clubs” are finally imploding, and disintegrating into oblivion – the BEST of their adherents are realizing the potential of the American Nazi Party’s program and coming into our ranks, bringing with them their skills, abilities and dedication towards creating a REAL, SINCERE, 21st CENTURY National Socialist movement.
With the up-coming S.C. Conference in November only a little more than two weeks away – I HUMBLY HAVE A FAVOR TO ASK ALL OF YOU.
As you know, the Party has not had one “special fund appeal” in 2009, unlike past years. Well, after sincere wrangling of my brain – trying to “figure out” making ends meet – as well, as MOVING THINGS FORWARD…I realize that I have no choice, but to come to YOU. For in all honesty – YOU ARE THE PARTY.
I will speak TRUTHFULLY and BLUNTLY. This Conference is costing monies to hold. As well, the numbers of people attending, in these growing difficult economic times, are SACRIFICING a LOT – to ATTEND. I understand this, as I myself am going, and I too have been scraping together odds and ends, and sacrificing others – just so that I too can afford the costs involved to attend.
Now Comrades, I would really like to be able to take a MASSIVE AMOUNT of Party propaganda down there with me, to make available to all the Party Comrades who HAVE truly SACRIFICED to BE THERE. CAN YOU HELP?
With all these “hard core” National Socialists gathered together, it would be beyond “a shame” – NOT to be able to put the “TOOLS” into their hands, so that when they return home – filled with enthusiasm and commitment, they can GET to WORK spreading the GOOD WORD of NATIONAL SOCIALISM far and wide!
I need YOU to $UPPORT me in this – IMMEDIATELY – TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! You see, I need to first RECEIVE your donation, then deposit it, then procure the materials, and then PRINT and PRODUCE them – and that takes TIME…BUT, IT CAN BE DONE!
PLEASE MAKE ALL MONEY ORDERS OUT TO “ANP” ONLY. Cash is of course, welcome too. I’m very sorry to “spring this on you”, but you see, I really didn’t want to HAVE to revert to a “special appeal” this year – but, the OPPORTUNITY and the NEED is here…and I suppose that those of you who ARE inclined to HELP in time of need – will DO SO, and I really need not go on any further.
Comrades, the “Party Machine” is in motion – to KEEP it in motion – no, to MOVE IT INTO “HIGH GEAR” depends upon YOUR RESPONSE at this critical time. PLEASE HELP.
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com