Racial Comrades: Today I would like to speak a few thoughts, upon the very distinct DIFFERENCES that National Socialism IS – from simple-minded “racist-reactionary” thinking.
So many people involved in this “racial movement”, indeed even within the SUPPOSEDLY “NS” circles – are NOT really NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, but are rather “racist” CON-SERVATIVES. Talking with them, I am often reminded of the old adage about folks who thought that “flying was wrong” for mankind, because “if God had wanted humans to fly, he would have given them wings”! LOL
They go on and on against “BIG GOVERNMENT”, without pausing to THINK – that IF the government was PRO-WHITE, and there to SERVE the best interests of the Aryan populace…it would be a wonderful thing. You see, THAT�S “what” National Socialism as put forth by Adolf Hitler IS “all about” – SERVING the FOLK – NOT the people being put upon the face of the earth, to serve this current MONSTROSITY.
National Socialism is REVOLUTIONARY – in that WE – DON’T seek to “go BACK in time” to ANY epoch of LONG GONE, past history. INSTEAD, we seek to BUILD SOMETHING NEW AND PROGRESSIVE, that serves the interest of TODAY�S Aryan populace of the 21st century.
YESTERDAY is GONE – NEVER to RETURN. And honestly, looking closely at much of America’s history as a society – “WHAT IS THERE” in truth, that we should seek to return TO? Hasn’t just about “everything” in a social context – BROUGHT US – to “WHERE” we all ARE “TODAY”? Surely, “SOMETHING” was VERY WRONG all along, for our current situation that we face each and every day – to have even come into being?
Then, are we for some strange, unknown reason – to RETURN to that very SAME path…that BROUGHT US HERE? I say NO! I say, that IF things WERE “so great” in the PAST – that we would NEVER have reached the point where we now find ourselves! And we MUST – GET OFF THAT PATH – and CHOSE a NEW ONE…IF we are to secure those 14words and Social Justice for the White Working Class.
And Comrades – that path MUST be a truly NATIONAL SOCIALIST one! NOT in simply “trappings” and “symbolism” – but, in ACTUALITY. That means CHANGE – but, REAL, POSITIVE CHANGE – and isn’t THAT the true life-path of Aryan mankind? IF our people hadn’t CONSTANTLY chose CHANGE – wouldn’t we be in the position of the African, or other “Third Worlders” – who sought the same-old/same-old simply perhaps because they FEARED the “dangers” of change, OR were simply not in a position, or capable to effect it?
I KNOW one thing Comrades, that “change” CAN appear “scary” to some folks, they would prefer the “devil they know, to the one they don’t” – but, I also KNOW this – LIFE IS CHANGE…for GOOD or for BAD – life constantly CHANGES around us. The QUESTION IS – DO WE – effect the POSITIVE CHANGE that we NEED and DESIRE…or, do we cling to the past like a timid old woman who prefers “not seeing” anything around her, that might displease her…hence, “it doesn’t exist” – until REALITY FORCES HER TO OPEN HER EYES, and finally SEE THE TRUTH!
Dear Chairman Suhayda and Party Comrades:
To all white people of America, what do you believe in? We’re constantly bombarded with how our forefathers believed in capitalist democracy. That they have been willing to fight for, and die for it, because it gives us a great lifestyle.
Our ancestors who settled here did NOT believe in racial equality. They killed the American Indian, and enslaved the black. Since enough people North, and South, made money off the seizure of Indian lands, and the slave trade, it was tolerated. The vast majority of people just got by. Capitalist industrialists, and capitalist planters made the money. Their competition for power brought this country to a Civil war. Come the 60’s, and all of a sudden, it is told us, and especially our kids, that racism is bad, and whites are evil. Israel taking Arab land is OK. The fact that blacks sold their own people into slavery is now ignored. Whites transported, but they bought from black slave traders. This is the honest truth. Look it up.
Why do we continue to support a capitalist system? We are told it brings the good life. It has only been good to a small few. The vast majority were just barely able to survive. Why did we have all the labor riots, like Haymarket for example, in this country. The country almost went left during the Depression, but world war 2 brought enough prosperity in making and selling weapons to alleviate the worst aspects. Still we have had pockets of white poverty, Appalachia is the most well known. Now like the Depression, whites are again losing their cushy lifestyle, and facing brutal poverty. Why do you people keep on this roller coaster? The vast majority of Aryans barely get by. When things get too rough, and rumblings from a fed up populace start reaching our rulers, then some crisis is manufactured, like war. No good war to fight, then give the people some handouts for a while till the anger subsides and it can safely be taken back.
This system is based on the spirit of money. The only color our rulers care about is green, the color of money.
It has luxury and affluence for the fortunate few.
Now we face as a nation trillions in debt. This debt has to be re paid. At least the interest. It is owed to foreign countries who are non white, non Aryan, and don’t give a tinker’s damn about American lives.
The stock market goes up, but these are foreign fat cats getting fatter at an American trough. What job creation is there? We get talk, but nothing concrete. The truth is, this is a jobless recovery. The financial people can get back to making money, (most of these people being Jewish, by coincidence), while the work a day Aryan common people are left to struggle for work, left to struggle for food, left to try and develop a new sense of identity since white Aryan pride has been destroyed.
Why do you whites support a system that villianizes you to your very own children. Our kids are poisoned every day about how evil whites are, while non whites are made out to be saints. This is the white devil propaganda of the Black Muslims. How did it become everyday education, in white schools?
No people without pride can ever really hope to succeed. The ANP provides whites with pride again. It is actively opposing the vilification of whites in schools. We are determined to restore pride and unity to our people once again. Your kids need to hear the truth, the ANP is bound and determined they get the truth. We will put an end to the anti white propaganda that is passed as education in this country.
White pride shouldn’t be just a slogan. It should be a policy. If non Aryans can “find their lost pride” we should be able to also. Its only fair. Right?
Help us help your kids find their pride and dignity once again.
Comrade Steve Dxxxxxxxx Heil Hitler!
Comrades, among our many mail items, recently we received several inquiries from “interested” people, seeking to “join the Party”. One was from an individual in Georgia, who sent along a photo of himself half-naked, showing his bloated, pasty body, covered with tattoo’s – who stated that he was unemployed and wanted to “join for free”, having been recently released after 8 years, from prison a year or so ago, for “neo-nazi crimes”…now, WHAT in HELL are “NEO-NAZI CRIMES”? I never knew that the National Socialist ideology EVER – PROMOTED “criminal activity” in ANY form, manner, or shape!? His letter went into the circular file.
The other was from a “Mr. Tucker” from Ohio, who belongs to a net-nazi grouplet, that I wrote about a few months back – and he now apparently has come to the conclusion that its mighty leader is basically a fraud, and the club was going no-where – so he sent us a list of “questions” to answer – so he could make up his mind, if “we were right for him”. Now, he too was without employment, and since his current org was a “play for free” outfit, he wanted to know if he could continue his parasitic existence, with us as well. Yeah, sure…..
Now this person has an “interesting” history – according to our queries, and researching our files – we found that Mr. Tucker previously had belonged to the jew Frank Collins/Cohn’s old “nspa” hollywood-nutzi outfit, until Mr. Cohn was sent away to gulag for MOLESTING LITTLE BOYS. ( presently, Cohn is involved in “satanic-like” crapola, instead of hollywierd-nutzism…) After that, he eventually hooked-up with Jeffie Sloops “nsm”, and finally settled in his current play-pen.
Now, all THAT is bad enough – the kicker here, is that in between the jew Cohn’s nutzi’s, and “nsm’s” DEVIL MAN HERRINGTON’S escapades – Mr. Tucker was a “HIGH PRIEST” of the “CHURCH of SATAN” and BOASTS on his current groups website, how he “OVER LOOKED MASS ORGIES” etc et al…as a “HIGH SATANIC PRIEST”.
Now, “WHY” should I even CARE about cretins like this? Haven’t I reported and exposed so damn MANY of these creatures in the “hollywierd nutzi” camp, that it wouldn’t surprise me? Well, what DID make me want to vomit, was the fact – that in this “internet-nutzi” club that he belongs to – Mr. Tucker is no less than “NATIONAL YOUTH LEADER” – APPOINTED by the Great One himself!
NOW WHO IN HELL, IN THEIR RIGHT MIND, WOULD APPOINT A “SATANIST” ( “ex” or not, anyone who HAS those personality traits, is STUCK with them in my mind. This ISN’T like some kid playing D&D, or being a “Goth” – when it comes to NAKED ORGY’S, etc et al – involving a cult that a JEW who dreamed it all up, ie “ANTON LEVY” – that�s SICK, and un-Aryan…) to be a NATIONAL SOCIALIST “leader”…involving our YOUTH? ONLY someone who was NOT a NATIONAL SOCIALIST in ANY fiber of his being – someone who was pitifully DESPERATE to have ANY warm-bodies around, to boost HIS EGO – no matter “WHO” or “WHAT” they are.
So, I’m going to state CLEARLY – HERE and NOW – ANYONE who is associated with the American Nazi Party, and is in ANY MANNER associated with this cluster-f**k – MUST CHOOSE, US or THEM. ANY association with this unbalanced individual who APPOINTS degenerates and dysfunctionals to a “supposedly” NS organization – disgraces and misrepresents National Socialism – and every ANP personnel MUST shun and denounce such un-Aryan behavior! ANYONE who violates this policy will be EXPELLED from the Party at once. To any member of this group who ever hopes to join the ANP in the future, this stands for YOU as well. The ANP will NOT countenance “satanism” or degeneracy in ANY way, shape, or form – period.
In the past, I have allowed ANP Official Supporters to “belong/associate” with “other orgs”, as they were not Full Members who have restrictions per other organizations. In THIS particular case though, NO-ONE who is associated with us, may be allowed to besmirch our common idealism by associating with such disgusting and immoral behavior. YOU CHOOSE – either the ANP – or, “THEM”. Like this California Klub, Jeffy Sloop and the “nsm” apparently have “no problems” with “satanists” either – as the creature standing to the left, in the recent picture of Sloop’s pitiful S.C. event SHOWS – wearing a “SATANIC” belt-buckle. The ANP refuses to accept such freaks, and as sincere National Socialists – we intend to eventually STAMP it OUT. Comrades, “satanism” is NOT “freedom of religion” – it�s simply DEGENERACY, flat out. And WE are not so desperate for adherents, that we are going to open our arms to every FREAK out there, who is willing to slap on a Swastika! THAT�S the “DIFFERENCE”, between US – and ALL of “THEM”.
One last note, ANP Comrade Taylor Bowles has a new National Socialist Blog, and I encourage all of you to review it! Its accessible at – bowlesblog.blogspot.com – I believe that you will find it to be enjoyable, informative, and truly quite entertaining.
Comrades, the fall weather is right around the corner, but we still have plenty of good activist weather for us to utilize – I know that I “encourage” you “more” than most “leaders” out there do – to “GET INVOLVED” and to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, through CONSTANT literature distribution. But, THAT is the “difference” between sincere National Socialists, and “wanna-be’s” who play fantasy dress-up and little else. We MAKE the FUTURE what WE want it to BE – because we know deep in our hearts, that with SACRIFICE and EFFORT – TOMORROW DOES BELONG TO US!
For White Worker Power! 88!
Rocky j. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com
ED: As well, our webmaster has asked me to request any serious Aryan out there, who has the capabilities and willingness to “get involved” – to CONTACT US – in regards to helping with computer work per the ANP.
You may contact him direct at – AXL@AMERICANNAZIPARTY.COM for more information, and details of what is involved.