Racial Comrades: “CHANGE” – that was the SLOGAN, of the half White/half Negro, mulatto President Barack Hussein Obama. Yet, WHERE is IT?
Lets take a look at SOME of his recent appointments to this evil, corrupt collection of political whores running this Banana Republic of a nation. So far we have the following members of the “CHOSEN TRIBE” –
RAHM EMANUEL – JEW CHIEF OF STAFF ( he’s gonna run the whole show )
DAVID AXELROD – JEW SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT ( he’s gonna tell the prez what to do )
Now Comrades, am I the only one noticing that Obama is not so much assembling a “staff”…. as a “MINYAN”? LOL
Throw in all the assorted CLINTON era has beens, and there you are – “REAL CHANGE”! LOL Just wait until he starts appointing all the KOSHER “overseas ambassadors”, et al – you’ll think that this country is ISRAEL – rather than the “Jewnited States”!
But, while the “Chosen Ones” consolidate their power as never before, like the old song says…”The beat goes on…”
Dear Mr. Chairman,
I have been studying your ANPReports for months now, and I have to admit, that for the most part you have really rocked my world. I’m not exactly what you’d call a white worker, since I have been a low level executive at one of the Big Three. I’ve lost my job. All the car companies are hurting. Eventually everyone will get screwed, I just got it earlier rather then later. I’m not going to whine and cry, I made great money and had a great life. Now I’m rapidly becoming destitute, because my wife insists on living the same lifestyle, without the same income. My family is suffering which really makes it hard. I blame myself, and the rest of the white race for this mess. We’ve been played for suckers, and their still playing us.
We have been raising our kids to believe in a fraud. We have been talking ourselves into believing in a fraud. Believe in what? That our economy is great, and all we good little system drones have to do is be patient, and our leaders will put things to right. What a bunch of BS.
Obama was elected on a desire for change. The Republicans have been the super Capitalist party. Making the world safe for Capitalist exploitation of the working man. I’m certainly no Marxist radical. I was deeply involved in Republican politics. I sat thru many a meeting trying to help business so it can help America and the world. Well all it really did was business help itself to greedy deals, and now the world economy is shot.
How is Obama going to change things? I’m no economist, but I do know something about business. The solution they’re talking about, is smoke and mirrors. In other words a total con job. Throwing money at the economy is worthless. Public works won’t create near the jobs and economic activity to restart the economy. There is literally nothing to restart. In the Great Depression, public works were nice PR, but what got most people working and money flowing, was world war 2. All you needed to do, was prime the pump. That won’t work now. There is nothing left to prime. We’ve given all our jobs away. I know. I sat in on numerous NAFTA inspired meetings, where we talked on closing US plants and shipping the assembly to Mexico, and our parts making overseas, especially to Asia.
Where is the change? No new blood, with new ideas. Obama is just using left over Clinton people, who supposedly condemned NAFTA, but once Clinton was elected ,he and his minions supported it. To add insult to injury, look at all the minorities in positions of power now. Where are Aryans? This is now an out and out non Aryan controlled govnt. Its so obviously blatant because they don’t think Aryans will be able to unite and become strong.
In other wards, NOBODY, and I mean nobody, in a position of power in this country, is being honest about our country’s situation. We gave our jobs away. People can’t make money without jobs. No money, no spending, which spells the death of the consumer based economy.
I think its time to be isolationist again. If we concentrated on making things in this country, instead of relying on foreign slave labor to do the work for us, we’d be employed, and have money in our pockets. We let rich corporate fat cats make billions, at the cost of the impoverishment of their own people. They ruin companies, yet get millions as bonuses!
My fellow Aryans, its time to wake up. We have to start acting like Aryans, and not fools. Frankly the hell with the non white world. Let them kill each other. They’re not worth the blood and treasure we’re squandering, to save countries who then take OUR jobs. What about our kids future?
WE the people, need to take back control, and implement policies that help our people, not some greedy elites bank account. Do you really want our families to starve while some already wealthy executive goes to the spa wasting billions of YOUR tax dollars that should be used to help the economy? Enough of this corruption.
Either we unite as a race, and build strength to survive, or we condemn ourselves, and our future generations to poverty and subservience. Do you really think a white minority will be allowed to stay prosperous and politically powerful by a non white majority? Or even be allowed to exist?
Howard Rxxxxxxxx
Comrades, Howard does have ONE thing incorrect in his letter – National Socialism recognizes, that an individual does NOT have to “work only with his/her hands” – to be a White Worker…many White Workers are also workers of the MIND. And in a true National Socialist society – the workers of both the HAND and MIND are a TEAM…in cooperation, getting the job done correctly.
Otherwise, I would have to say that Howard has hit the nail pretty squarely upon the head. Its too bad, that it took HIM losing HIS position, to finally awaken to “whats been going on”….for a VERY LONG TIME.
But, he is NOT alone, far too many “blue-collar” workers have been either “BLIND”, or UNCARING to the progress downhill that this nation and our race have been experiencing per the past decades. I guess that this degenerate Judeo-Capitalist society, “bought off” the “PRINCIPALS” and “MORALS” of the populace – through having the “good life” ( ie, having more and more plastic junk, paid for by “easy credit”…) – so as few ever wished “rocking the boat” and risk LOSING what the TV told them, that they just HAD to HAVE. LOL
How else can you explain the total lack of HONOR, DECENCY, SPIRITUAL PRIDE, and DISCIPLINE that has declined to such an alarming rate among the White Folk? So many SOLD THEIR SOULS – TO “FIT IN” – and become “GOOD” LITTLE CONSUMER CATTLE. Perhaps the jews aren’t too far off the mark, when they call us “GOYIM” ( cattle, in yiddish ) , eh?
Well, all you goyim out there – especially those of you strutting Swastika armbands – THIS IS 2009…TIME TO GET YOURSELVES WITH THE PROGRAM!
“What can you do”? Here’s some ideas that WILL effect positive progress –
(A) HONOR YOUR PLEDGES AS ANP OFFICIAL SUPPORTERS. In other words, honor your commitment towards your Party, just as you would the “cable bill”, each and every month – on a timely basis.
(B) ORDER ANP MESSAGE CARDS/STICKERS, ETC, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. It is no hardship to put ONE message card under a windshield-wiper, or on a store shelf, etc – EVERY SINGLE DAY…unless you live on a desert island, or in a cave and never get out. REACH-EDUCATE-ORGANIZE is how we grow and reach our goals. DO YOU REALLY WANT “ANOTHER COMRADE TO TALK/WORK WITH”? Well, go out there and RECRUIT THEM!
(C) EDUCATE YOURSELF about “WHAT” you profess to believe in. READ Adolf Hitler’s book “MEIN KAMPF”, and George Lincoln Rockwell’s “WHITE POWER”. BOTH are FREE to download on our website. Not only will you gain understanding of the National Socialist ideology – the MORE that you comprehend – the STRONGER will be your FAITH in what you doing.
We have added more downloadable leaflets in the “support” section of our website. I thank those Comrades who made the effort to create them. WE NEED MORE – ON “DIFFERENT/VARIOUS” TOPICS. Comrades, think of a topic that YOU personally feel strongly about – and create a propaganda resource, for others to spread the word with, concerning such topic. E-mail it to me, I will review it, and if it “works” we will post it up on the website.
Recently, a Party Comrade reminded me of this – so I’ll mention it again. IF you are in the position where “YOU” personally “just cannot distribute materials” – BUT, you ARE in the position where you can “SPONSOR” ( help finance ) a Party Activist who is willing and able…please send in a donation, earmarked “ANP sponsor program”, and we will see that your donation goes towards providing activists with free materials who are trustworthy is distributing more than they at this time can afford themselves. This worked well last year, and I would like to see it greatly expanded. It “moved” a LOT of propaganda materials to the White masses!
Next, I would like to comment upon “road-side trash-picking” – NO the American Nazi Party DOES NOT, nor will it ever – involve itself in becoming GARBAGE MEN for ZOG, gratis. We are disgusted when we become aware of people who claim to be “Nazi’s” – VOLUNTEERING to go around PICKING UP TRASH, for ZOG…as if they were CRIMINALS on a CHAIN-GANG. While perhaps many of these costumers “learned” this “talent” while being incarcerated, we don’t know – but, even IF “re-painting ghetto housing” earned them some kind of brownie-points with the social-marxist crowd – we STILL would be firm in our belief that “sucking-up to ZOG”, by being THEIR “garbagemen”…is no proper activity for a REVOLUTIONARY NATIONAL SOCIALIST to become involved in. What some of these costumed, right-wing reactionaries will “do” to attempt to “gain acceptance”, or “fit in”, in this decaying toilet bowl of a society, is beyond me. WHO IN THE HELL “WANTS” A “FANNY PAT” FROM UNCLE SAMUEL? Pathetic…………..
One last mention, this springs ANP “National Conference” will be open to those Party Comrades who are in “GOOD STANDING” with their PLEDGES and ACTIVISM. Please, if you are not current, attempt to get caught up. Only those with a “mighty good reason” – and LET US KNOW WHAT IT IS – will have consideration shown towards their financial difficulties. This is NOT because the Party is a “greedy, money-grubbing outfit” – it is simply because “$UPPORTING” our organization, to the best of each of ours abilities – is a “measuring stick”, so to speak, of ones true commitment towards said organization.
I personally am aware of several Comrades, who are unemployed, or retired – who NEVER MISS A MONTH of their pledged commitment towards financially supporting our American Nazi Party. And I also am aware of a few “others” who pull in six-figures, and “vacation abroad”, who could have been the “butt” of the joke about “how was copper wire invented”.
As Chairman, I myself DON’T “rate people” over “how large” their donation is – rather, I DO have consideration – by how much of a SACRIFICE it was, to make it. Think about that, if you “don’t get it” right away.
Simply put – I myself would prefer that people who DON’T take the ANP as “seriously” as most good Party Comrades DO – either “get involved” to the proper NS “standard”, ( ie, carry their fair share of the load…) or reconsider “what is their problem”. Am I wrong, when I say that National Socialism has no room for “slackers”? Isn’t THAT just “what” NS is all about – EVERYONE in the Folk Community – PULLING THEIR WEIGHT as COMRADES DO, to the best of their ability? Well, enough said, or insinuated.
IF the recent “inauguration”, along with “everything else” occurring in our world today – hasn’t stuck in your craw enough to “GET YOU INVOLVED” yet – I’m simply combobulated. Me, I’m ready for “whatever it takes”, myself. How about YOU?
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com