Racial Comrades: Well, it the New Year, and its time to get back into the saddle for a ride back into the Struggle against the darkness.
As we look at recent events, IF one subscribes to the “WORSE IS BETTER” for now, point of view – things ARE looking up!
Economically, the “system experts” are now projecting a 10% UNEMPLOYMENT rate, growing across the nation.
More and more system politicians are getting exposed as the CRIMINALS and GANGSTERS that they are, hence eroding even further the respect and trust of the common citizen.
As for the “jewish-power problem” – well, from the WALLSTREET BANKERS to this latest JEW arrested for the BIGGEST “PONZI SCHEME” ever known – BERNARD MADOFF – who bilked a mere 50 BILLION DOLLARS from assorted folks world-wide…”JEW AWARENESS” is fortunately GROWING once again!
Then along comes the ISRAELIS – going on another EXTERMINATION campaign in the Middle-East, – no matter how many of these “Anti-Nazi” hollywood thrillers that they keep cranking out – people are becoming AWARE and ANGRY about just “HOW” such a small “MINORITY” of people – can cause such MASSIVE HAVOC on a global scale. And the rumblings of discontent are growing each day, alarming those Judeo-Capitalists who haven’t got their ears stuffed with ill gotten gains. Or, to be honest, even those “little jews” out there, who are as innocent of any wrong-doing as you or I.
Below is another letter from an individual, seeking to know the truth. As I have often stated before, I like utilizing this forum as an “educational service”, for both those who are basically clueless, as well as those who could use a “concise answer” from a National Socialist perspective. So lets go –
I’ve had some questions for a time, and I assume that you would be the best source to answer them, about the correlation between Nazism in America and Nazism in 1930s-40s Germany.
1) My understanding is that Hitler’s primary concern was with the German nation – hence national socialism, not worldwide socialism per se. How do you arrive at applying that to the U.S.?
ANSWER – Hitler WAS both a German “nationalist” as well as a Pan-Aryan racialist. In a sense, he was both a “man of his times”, as well as a “man before his time”. As a man of his times, he faced a “White World” that WAS basically RACIALIST across the board.
An example would be that at that time, in America there were actually RACE LAWS on the books, that LEGALLY FORBAD “interracial marriage”. As well, America was also into EUGENICS – the bettering of the human race, through “breeding” a superior human being. America as well, had LAWS enforcing the SEGREGATION of the races, in fact the Army was SEGREGATED completely – as was much of society.
So, Hitler concerned himself with “cleaning up” Germany, and make it a shining example of success for the rest of the White world to emulate. NS Germany�s getting out the the hands of the international jew-bankers – through utilizing the BARTER SYSTEM – where Germany as an example, would trade finished goods, for raw materials – completely by-passed the jewish middle-man, hence their need/desire to abolish such a creative system off the face of the earth. Everyone knows, that jews create little of substance – yet, are the “go to-middlemen” of all business transactions…for a PROFIT of course! LOL
The thing is, that National Socialist is an IDEA – like “Communism”, or “Christianity” – and that an idea, lives on through its BELIEF SYSTEM, and acceptance of people, of that ideology. Because a belief comes from “somewhere else” – IF it is correct – does that mean, that it is ONLY for those who first conceived it? Of course not!
National Socialism NEVER “died” – it suffered a “setback” yes – but, you cannot kill an IDEA with a bomb or a bullet. AS Hitler himself once stated to HIS Judeo-Capitalist opponants – “If you seek to erradicate National Socialism, all you really have to do, is to erradicate the CAUSES that brought National Socialism into existence”!
Simple, isn’t it? Its like the simplicity to the “industrial crisis” in the U.S. – you want people to buy American auto’s for example? Well, EMBARGO ALL FOREIGN cars. The same with EVERYTHING else – there is literally NOTHING that Americans NEED – that cannot be produced BY Americans. Of course, American workers will HAVE to be paid a DECENT and LIVEING-WAGE – and the Judeo-Capitalists would HAVE to be satisfied by a “DECENT/NOMINAL” PROFIT – but, NO! These greedy creatures want HUGE PROFITS – well, there ARE “more of us” ( the regular old wage-slave White Workers ) than there are of “THEM”…so, they better hope and pray on there plush carpets that the day never arrives where we all get PISSED OFF ENOUGH, to HAND THEM A PICK AND SHOVEL, and RE-DISTRIBUTE all that ill-gotten wealth, BACK to the PEOPLE, from whom it was STOLEN FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE!
2) Somewhat related to my last question, does this mean that you are, in fact, socialists and opposed to capitalism? What does that mean exactly?
ANSWER – Yes, we ARE National Socialists – NOT – Marxist socialists, who desire to “share with every featherless biped”, whether they helped create ANYTHING towards the peoples-community benefit, or were simply a drone, looking for a handout…ie, the “WALL STREET BANKERS”, eh?
OUR “socialism” is geared towards the benefit of ( gosh.gasp! ) OUR OWN KIND.
In a National Socialist society – NO ONE – will be without MEDICAL CARE. NO ONE – will go without decent SHELTER. NO ONE – will find EDUCATION “too costly”…IF they have the ABILITY to LEARN, and eventually become a valuable member of the Aryan Community…NOT, if their parents are simply wealthy, and they seek to spend a few years “partying on campus” as a “thing to do”. NO ONE – will ever face being WITHOUT EMPLOYMENT, and employment that they can DECENTLY provide for a family with.
But Rock, “WHERE WILL ALL THIS MONEY COME FROM”? EASY – BILLIONS SAVED from the “MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX SCAM”. BILLIONS from “FOREIGN AID” to “others” than OUR OWN. BILLIONS from REDISTRIBUTION of all this “WEALTH” that this 4-5% who CONTROL 85% of America’s WEALTH – IF they want to be “dogs in the manger” with the rest of their White brothers and sisters…well, THAT is VERY unfriendly of them Comrades. Plus, you clean-up all the WASTE, GRAFY and SCAMMING that goes on IN what passes as “government” these days, and you would be amazed just HOW MUCH you would have available. This country is more CORRUPT than any “Banana Republic” in the history of man!
3) To my knowledge, Hitler never had a issue any minority other than Jews, with the justification, in his mind, that they were damaging the country – hence the “nationalist” part again, and why he also went after, for example, gypsies. Am I correct in understanding that you have an abiding hatred for *all* non-white races? If so, why?
ANSWER – National Socialists do NOT “hate” other racial peoples, simply BECAUSE they ARE what they are. We DO in many cases, HATE WHAT THEY “DO”, when it effects OUR FOLK in a negative fashion. I myself “HATE” those evil, corrupt members of my OWN race – much more than I do any Non-White. Nazi Germany had ARABS, TURKISTANIES, INDIANS, as well as members of just about EVERY White nation on earth, fighting in its military during WWII. Millions of RUSSIANS, SPANIARDS, FRENCHMEN, ITALIANS – you name it – there even a “British Legion” made up of Brit POWS, in the Waffen SS.
Those evil Nazi’s for example, supplied long distance air-support to the Iraqis, who tried to liberate their country from the control of Judeo-Capitalist “Great Britain” – of course, those “democracies” who swore that they were “fighting to free the world” – still held most of the world CAPTIVE and under THEIR EXPLOITATION of peoples and resources – but, we aren’t supposed to even think about THAT, now are we? LOL
4) Did Hitler himself ever adopt the concept of “white people” as a class to it’s own, as opposed to other races?
ANSWER – Of course, you should read his book Mein Kampf – in it he describes the White/Aryan race as the most CREATIVE race of peoples. He even has praise for America, bet you didn’t know THAT – now did you? READ the BOOK – its FREE to download on our website.
5) How exactly do you define a white person? i.e. skin tone, or heritage, and just from certain European countries, or something else entirely?
ANSWER – Each European tribe of peoples has it own “peculiarities” or “distinctions”. Here in America, because of the inter-breeding over the years between let us say, as in MY case – Dutch and Hungarian – we have created a “mongrel” Aryan/White racial tribe.
BUT, we are STILL “White/Aryans” – not of “one particular tribe” ie “German” , or Russian” – yet, our races creative attributes are still within our genes. The “best standard”, that the American Nazi Party utilizes at this stage is – IF an individual – THINKS, LOOKS, and ACT “white”…they ARE to be considered White/Aryan.
From whatever Aryan tribe one comes from – French, Irish, Greek, etc, et al – we are ALL brothers and sisters united by blood-bonds, and culture.
6) Given that “Aryan” means a specific type of fair-skinned person, not just a white person in general, does this mean that your membership is composed of all blond people with blue eyes? If not, how do you factor that concept in, or do you? Are you involved in eugenics, or something similar?
ANSWER – “Aryan” in truth means NOBLE – something that I’m afraid that a very large percentage of “White people” certainly are NOT at the present time. You are confusing it with “Nordic”, which means usually “blond, blue eyed”. This misinformation was another propaganda attempt by our enemies, to once again confuse and divide our people from the UNITY that National Socialism embraces. And yes, I myself am both blond, and blue-eyed – big deal.
7) I’ve heard some various arguments about the concept of the Holocaust. I myself haven’t looked much into it. Are you claiming that no persecution of Jews ever took place, or that it occurred, but on a smaller scale than commonly taught? For either one, why is that, and what is the evidence you have for / against the concept?
ANSWER – The “holohoax” – I wondered just when THAT would come up. Are you referring to the holocaust of TENS of MILLIONS of WHITE BABIES, murdered across the White World by Judeo-Capitalist “doctors”? Or, perhaps your referring to the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of WHITES killed in these “WARS” – brought on by Judeo-Capitalist GREED? Maybe, your referring to the holocaust of MILLIONS of CRIME VICTIMS in America, perpetrated by Non-White animals let loose upon them by their beloved Masters who control every aspect of their life, in this toiletbowl of a society?
Could it be that your referring to America’s extermination of the Ameri-Indians? Or the Turks killing off MILLIONS of ARMENIANS around the early 20th century? Or, how the JAPANESE killed off THIRTY MILLION CHINESE during the Second World War?
Naw…your interested in the so-called “JEWS” and their sob story that they have milked for sympathy for the last 40 years! Why not ask a PALESTINIAN about the “holocaust”? LOL
To tell you the TRUTH – I DON’T CARE. It happened, IF it did – long before I was even born – and I have always wonder THIS. “WHY” have the “jews” ALWAYS found themselves HATED and BOOTED from EVERY LAND that they ever infested? Check HISTORY – EVERY COUNTRY – from SPAIN to ENGLAND…has “persecuted” and EXPELLED the jews infesting it, over the centuries – “WHY”?
“WHAT” have these jews “DONE” that all these various peoples DISLIKE THEM so avidly? In FINDING out THAT “answer” – perhaps – you’ll have the “SOLUTION”, as to “WHY ALWAYS THE JEWS”?
Look, no one disavows the “Christian” faith, simply because over the years – millions of people have been killed in its name – whether through Crusades, Witch Hunts, Inter-Religious Wars, or “Bringing the Faith to the heathen”. In the “Old Testament”…JEWS actually BOAST and REVEL in their claims of EXTERMINATING MILLIONS of THEIR ENEMIES, well – don’t they. So when and if the other shoe comes down, don’t expect me to overlook the possibility of the CRIMINAL paying for the CRIME.
Sometimes people simply “have enough”, and PAYBACK IS A BITCH!
8) From what I’ve read of your site, it seems to be based on the concept of America as it was founded. But if you advocate socialism or a dictatorial government, wouldn’t that put you at odds with the people who founded America, and the principles they founded it on? If not, wouldn’t it put you at odds with actual Nazism?
ANSWER – Well, yes the Founding Fathers DID restrict “voting” to WHITE MALES and LANDOWNERS. And yes, they wrote in the Constitution, Art III, Section V, I believe that blacks were “less than human” ( many, if not all were holders of negro slaves…) stating clearly that negroes were considered to be 3/5ths of a human being, per census.
But, you see, we are NOT “reconstructing” 1776 – we desire a NEW National Socialist society. A society where the most CAPABLE are CHOSEN by the PEOPLE as our leaders, and where – yes, they DO hold a large position of responsibility – they ALSO are held ACCOUNTABLE, something where a “democratic majority rule”, is nothing more than an EXCAPE from ACCOUNTABILITY through “multi-participation”. NOBODY really “KNOWS” – “WHO” – to hold accountable, as it was all done by “MOB RULE”. And when the mob rules, and no one is accountable – unlike the Leadership Principal of National Socialism – where ONE MAN is chosen to DO a certain job – and IF they don’t do it well…you KNOW just “WHO” to replace with a capable individual.
National Socialism is NOT “some guy telling you what color socks to put on in the morning”, as my high-school teacher so incapably taught! LOL Once again READ Mein Kampf – or, read the American version of NS “White Power”, written by George Lincoln Rockwell, in the “Rockwell” section of our website. Its FREE…Oh, “such a deal”!
9) Is there an actual correlation between the two, or did you just choose the name out of convenience / familiarity? Was there a Nazi party in the U.S. during WWII? If so, what were it’s activities / aims?
ANSWER – We are the AMERICAN Nazi Party – because, we are AMERICANS. We utilize the term “Nazi”, because so many Americans are, unlike in Europe – politically illiterate. They have little or no understanding of ANY political ideologies – so, “Nazi” at least makes it clear to them from the start, that we are not “MARXIST” socialists. Another reason “why” neither of the systemite political parties even attempt to portray ANY “ideological differences” to the masses – they AREN’T any! They are the flip-side of the SAME coin – either way you toss it – the same old phoney-smiling crowd of prostitutes act as sock-puppets for the REAL RULERS – the CORPORATE POWERS of AMERIKA.
In present day American politics – NO ONE – gets anywhere, until they have been VETTED and CHECKED-OUT by the Powers that Be…that they won’t be a hindrance to “business as usual”. IF they are willing to sell their soul – THEN – they get that Kosher Stamp of Approval. I wonder if its a big “K” or “U”, and where it goes…? LOL For those readers clueless here – Google KOSHER FOOD RACKET.
I probably have more, but I imagine I’ve asked enough for now. Thanks in advance.
– Lucan Cxxxxxxx
Comrades, over the “Holidays” I’ve started a new work – its going to be a Q&A reader – something that I think that the National Socialist movement has needed for a long time.
You can help – e-mail your questions that you feel need a “neat reply” – a “pat NS answer” so to speak, that you can glibly relate to those seeking “the answer”. Far too many, so-called “NS personalities” have gotten into the swelled habit of vomiting forth nonsense from their own confused brains – pretending it to be NS doctrine – and thereby confusing a lot of innocent souls who don’t honestly know any better, but think that these egotistical poohbahs DO. Truth is, just because some loud mouthed oaf slaps on a Swastika, DOESN’T mean that he is a NATIONAL SOCIALIST, anymore that some “biker” who utilizes it to “piss people off”, and/or attract “attention”.
We have received several new leaflets, per my last ANPReports request for help – please review it again if your interested. I hope that more of you will at least TRY to be creative, and get involved in this project.
The January “The White Worker” magazine is getting ready to go to press, so the Party is starting off on the right foot this year. I know that IF we all pitch-in, that we can make this year a banner year for National Socialist growth in America. Most of the “hollywierd nutzi” fantasy clublets are gone, or imploding – and thankfully, they are not on the whole being replaced by new “Mini-Fuhrers” – who instead of JOINING the already established and proven American Nazi Party – prefer being a big fish in a fantasy, internet puddle. These people can often be recognized by their obsession with the “Third Reich” and the “PAST”, rather than National Socialism TODAY, or their “mixing in” of NON National Socialist imagery, such as “rebel flags”, and/or “skinhead memorabilia” alongside our sacred symbols. Some actually consider GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL struggle and sacrifice “irrelevant” and attempt to create of themselves a “cartoon-like clone” of “what�s gone” forever. Sad. Why don’t they just form a “re-enactment” society? In a way, I guess they have, eh?
I would like to mention as well, that the ANP has hopes for eventual, real “political activity” on the local level, as we continue to strengthen and grow – but, wish to remind everyone, that FIRST one MUST BUILD the political machine…before even attempting actual “electioneering”. The recent embarrassing episodes by several so-called “NS candidates for president”, who never even attempted to realistically get on the ballot – is a perfect example of WHAT NOT TO DO.
All this creates is a syndrome of unrealistic “expectations” among the more gullible of the NS movement, and severe depression when it doesn’t pan out. Lets be blunt, all this fantasy nonsense is a SCAM – pure and simple – and IF some “leader” is willing to SCAM his followers in this instance…what�s NEXT?
I only wish, that these people out there, who try soooo hard – to “LOOK” – like the hero’s of NS Germany…would only attempt a wee bit more – to “ACT” like them, per dedication, sacrifice, courage and active moral belief!
Does anyone with a working brain really believe that if Hitler and his Comrades were to spring to life TODAY – that they would be doing the “SAME OLD THINGS”, the “SAME OLD WAY”…constantly rehashing the long lost PAST – into this, the 21st CENTURY?
Lets get this New Year rolling! Like anything in life – the RESULTS will BE what YOU have PUT INTO THEM.
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com