Racial Comrades: With the Yuletide holidays fast approaching, I would like to take the time to ask each and everyone of you to reflect upon just “what it is” – that we are “celebrating” – at this time of the year.
Surely, it is NOT attempting to “out-do” everyone else, like the stampeding hordes at Walmart the other day, who actually CRUSHED a store employee, as he opened the doors – in the mad rush of mindless “CONSUMER SPENDING” – that seems to be programed into our people, like zombidized robots, to fill those Judeo-Capitalist cash-registers, while purchasing useless, plastic junk from China?
To myself, the BEST “moral” of the Yuletide season – is the Charles Dickens story – “A Christmas Carol” – the tale of a SPIRITUAL JEWDAIZED Aryan “money lender”, who “see’s the light”…and breaks free from his bondage of “MONEY” – and rejoins his people as a worthwhile Folk Comrade.
I would encourage every White parent to be sure to share this moving tale with his children this December – either through READING the story aloud, it�s a relatively short story – or, by viewing it together, and discussing it as a family afterwards. Its an excellent way to form an inroad so to speak, introducing National Socialist VALUES…without a blatant “Nazi” intent. Your children will NEVER forget the time you spend with them, and coupled with the “season” – what better way – to in a subtle manner, to “get our point across”, about National Socialist “Social Justice” in young minds?
Per the “situation in Amerika” – well Comrades, it WORSENS every day. This evil, decadent, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist monstrosity has DUG ITS OWN GRAVE, and the ONLY WAY “out of it” is to do the ONE thing it cannot – which is “CHANGE” into something of which it is not….and of course, this it will not voluntarily do. So, like the once mighty Soviet Union – it marches downwards into the ashcan of history.
Speaking of the phrase “CHANGE” – so much for Mr. Obongo’s much vaunted “PROMISE” of “CHANGE”, eh? His recent cabinet picks, are the SAME OLD/SAME OLD evil, corrupt faces of the PAST! ALL creatures in one way or another, sucking off the public teat, or a political parasite with a has-been past. NOBODY “NEW”, with fresh, healthy ideas, IN VIEW! LOL
These are the SAME BUNCH, who over the years – GOT US TO WHERE WE FIND OURSELVES NOW – yet, the “PEOPLE” demanded, and “voted” for CHANGE! LOL Oh well, ANOTHER “White Knight” ( er, “Black Knight”…) who turned out to be a total PHONY in the end-run! GOOD! Just what the sheeple NEEDED to implode their “faith” in this sick, depraved system even FURTHER!
Perhaps, AFTER a good dose of the “capable, black man” proving a TOTAL FAILURE ( alongside, the PHONY “PALEFACED” political whores, running the show, never forgetting of course, his beady-eyed, HOOKED NOSED “advisors” ( er, wire-pullers”? ) that surround him like vultures… ) even MORE Whiteys will have reality unpleasantly thrust upon them. I’m a firm believer that its “darkest before the dawn” – and it ( unfortunately ) will take the “DARKEST NIGHT” – to WAKE OUR PEOPLE UP, from their selfishness, cowardice, and lethargy – that has enwrapped them in a fog of SELF-HATE and SNIVELING UNMANLINESS for so long a period of time.
After all – lets be bluntly HONEST here folks – “everything” that now faces us – was brought about, by Old Whitey LETTING IT HAPPEN, without doing one damn thing, except perhaps ineptly “protest & whine” a wee bit to the master to ease-up a jot with his foot on our collective necks, lest we get a tiny bit “too uncomfortable”. lol
NO! Its time to finally RISE UP – THROW OFF the MASTERS FOOT – GET UP on our feet, and ACT like the ARYANS that we ARE! Yes, that MAY take some cajones…but, the “alternative” in totally UNACCEPTABLE!
Worldwide, the Aryan is AWAKENING and NOT accepting “half-measures” and “almosts” any longer. The time of the “opposition” reactionary right-wing is long PAST. Recently, the “BNP” over in Britain had its complete mailing list exposed on the internet, by an “insider” – WHAT the hell could you EXPECT – when the “BNP” openly accepted, nay canvassed for – NON-Whites and JEWS to join its “nationalist” organization? They actually loved to BOAST of their “JEWISH” candidate for a council seat in London! IF they couldn’t FIND enough WHITE people willing to join their efforts – surely, there was NO NEED to seek to pad them with Paki’s and other darkies? BUT, the “BNP” is similar to old Davy Duke, in “mainstreaming” themselves – and like Duke – who once he DID get “elected to office”, sold out his racialist supporters completely, by becoming overnight a “mainstream CON-servative”. ANYTHING for these characters to KEEP their NOSE in that “TROUGH of TAX-PAYER DOLLARS”…once they achieve that “PERSONAL GOAL” of getting there.
Dear Mr Suhayda,
I am a french student living in England. What was my surprise when I first heard that the new USA president is a nigger. I am a proud defender of the white power, but unfortunately I come from a country where freedom of speech doesn�t exist, and so we are reduced as inferior compared to the minorities who have the right to steal from us, and assault us out in front of our colleges. I thought moving to England will be better for me as it is the homeland of skinheads. But National socialist litterature seems to be banned also in this country. Hopefully I still have my bible (MEIN KAMPF) with me.
I totally agree with your last message. I am 21 and I continue my business studies to show the world we can be national socialist, brilliant and polite and I want to fit in the society. When I was younger, I belonged to a small neo-nazi group, but nothing comparable to the american nazi party.
I would like to help my country, and spread the ideas of national socialism in France. Many of young people can�t stand the current situation, we just need a brilliant leader to gather us. Our actual leader of the right wing is really stupid and only cares about his money. Plus some of his assistants are jewes, and he took pictures of black people for his campaign.
I would like to become an active member of the white power movement. What can I do for my country?
Comrades, we as National Socialist REVOLUTIONARIES – will NEVER – “compromise” our BELIEFS, for ANY “consideration”. And I assure you, just as many of my earlier prognostications in the past have been proven true – EVENTUALLY, “IF” we National Socialists DISCARD the silly, pathetic “fantasy” antics that have held back the National Socialist movement for so long…through hard work, a significant portion of the White Working Class population WILL come to our way of thinking.
On Party news – the November The White Worker magazine, was a bit late, but it has been mailed to all deserving Comrades on our list. The December White Worker should be mailed in about a weeks time.
We have five new booklets in the “merchandise” section of the website – the “National Socialist Bulletin” reprints, were the VERY FIRST ANP publication that George Lincoln Rockwell ever published back in 1960. They are an excellent resource for those interested in “how it was”, way back in the beginning of Rockwell’s struggle to establish the American Nazi Party. “Who brought the slaves to America”, is of course, self-descriptive, as well as factual and informative.
Comrades, I realize the “economic woes” that each and every one of us, under the heel of Judeo-Capitalism faces – yet, I still humbly urge each and every one of us to keep OUR PLEDGE in mind, and to fulfill our obligation towards financing the Party, even in this “holiday period”. Nothing will set us BACK – like a month WITHOUT resources – and even if you “have” to make your pledge “smaller” than usual – please send SOMETHING to keep our work progressing. Surely, the Party of Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell deserves to be “somewhere” on your list – before it all goes into the jingling bells of the registers at Goldblooms and Silversteins.
Next spring, the Party will be holding its first National Organizing conference in the Mid-West area – Comrades deemed worthy to attend per their faith, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice will be notified in January with the details. I truly hope to see many of you reading this there. 2008 has been a year of strengthening for the ANP, I believe that IF we really want it to be a year of dramatic progress – 2009 has that potential – but, ONLY if we make it so. Lets not only continue the pace, lets STEP IT UP!
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com