Racial Comrades: If there is one single thing that I’ve noticed in the so-called “neo-nazi” grouplets that have existed here in America over the years, is their complete misunderstanding of just “what” National Socialism really IS.
In so many of these re-enacters minds, it appears that National Socialism is #1 – a “HATER” movement – instead of a National Salvation movement for the survival and betterment of Aryan mankind.
In July, our idiot of a sock-puppet for Judeo-Capitalist big business – Emperor Red Beak Bush – stated that “things were improving” in the foreclosures of homes and business’s, and that NEXT YEAR “only” about a half-million foreclosures were expected. Now, this week – his “Housing Czar” stated that the figure was expected to rise – to around a million.
Well, I heard today in an interview with the head of the National Lenders Association – that THEY project it still worsening, and at LEAST – TWO MILLION foreclosures will be called in, in 2008! AMAZING!
Yet, “what” are the costumed crusaders with the home-made Third Reich “costumes” hollering about? “NIGGERS! & JEWS!”…top THEIR list of prominent problems that America’s White Working class is facing. And I suspect that that is because the majority of these street corner theatrical artists – simply AREN’T adults like you and I – people WITH mortgages, bills, families, et al…rather they are a bunch of immature kids playing “hollywood hater, bogeyman”, seeking a thrill and “somebodies” ( ANYBODIES, really – as they don’t seem to care if its good OR bad
“publicity” that they receive ) attention.
For those poor souls who like to flaunt the Swastika, yet cannot seem to fathom “WHAT” it really stands for – let me simply state THIS – Adolf Hitler didn’t win the hearts and minds of tens of millions of his country-men, going around “hating jews, etc”…he WON them, by MAKING POSITIVE CHANGES in their entire, failing lifestyle.
This stupid, reactionary, right-wing “racial movement” has been FAILING for so long – on this “Racial Issue” alone – that its become braindead, that perhaps OTHER critical issues…like hem?, LOSING YOUR HOME because of Judeo-Capitalist INTEREST SLAVERY…just MIGHT be foremost in a LOT of White peoples minds right now. The same COULD be said about “LOSS of JOBS”, or the “HIGH COST of EXISTING” in this greedy, unfeeling “Money is King” toilet-bowl of a nation!
Even this war(s) to save the world for Judeo-Capitalism – is a HOT TOPIC in Aryan minds, per all those Aryans families with loved ones involved. Below, is a message from one ANP Comrade who was sent to Iraq to fight for judah – let us hope that he, along with a growing number of other ANP adherents in Zog’s military – make it HOME, and in one safe piece! We are going to need every TRAINED and EXPERIENCED Racial Comrade that we can lay our hands on before “this is all over”.
David Xxxxxx wrote:
I just had the chance to read the Oct.16th report (about “blacks in the Army in WW1/WW2) And, God is it still true today! Hell, my driver for our ‘mission’ in Iraq-has got to be one of the laziest, non-working people I have ever had to work around! Now I have known some ‘blacks’ who are hard workers. DAMN FEW! Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I’m still here in spirit, in the service of the Folk. I will write a full report about over here (snail mail) as often as I can.
Keep up the good work! David Xxxxxxx
— rocky suhayda wrote:
Take care Comrade, and save your heroism for the war here at home – remember, for every enemy of ZOG that you kill, ( unless you HAVE to , to save your own unfortunate ass ) ol’ Zog thanks you! lol – ROCK
David Xxxxxx wrote:
it’s my plan to get my ASS home in one piece! There is a lot to be done here. As far as ZOG goes-F!@K them! my people, and race come first! Then if we have time (or really want to) help the rest (maybe)
Comrades, I wish to make a statement to all those individuals mixed-up with these “hollywood nazi” groups, who are well-meaning people, and simply got mixed up with the wrong crowd…through innocence and inexperience.
Once again, the “nsm”, ie National Satanic Movement” has been rocked by more scandals and exposures. As I predicted long ago, when the ANP first broke the story about “nsm’s” Chairman Herrington being the head High Hornytoad of the “Joy of Satan” movement, along with his wife ( using the “nsm” PO Box as the contact point of JOS as just ONE “proof”…) well, apparently Kommanduce Poop has brought the old devil-worshiper BACK ( IF he ever really WAS “gone”…) in his butt-buddy position. I’m not going to rehash ALL the new revelations being exposed in this current opening of the skeleton-closet/pandora’s box – except to note, that they
come from people such as Mr. Bowels ( recent “presidential candidate” of the “nsm”, who was thrown out for “defeatism”, or Mr. Ramm, who was their internet-tech man…who left because one pal of Jeffy coveted his girlfriend, so the “leader” in his biblical wisdom “smoothed the way” for his chum by throwing Mr. Ramm out of “nsm”, after years of service. LOL ) people who OUGHT to know the TRUTH about what they are claiming.
All I can reflect upon is THIS – hey, when these people were still PALS and PART & PARCEL of this scam upon true National Socialism – WHY did they sit back and not “DO SOMETHING” about the FILTH and CRIMES that they NOW “expose”? Personally, I think that this reflects as much upon THEIR character, as upon these creatures whom they now shine the spotlight upon.
In any case, I realize that there ARE some decent people within these type organizations – and rather than drop-out of the Struggle, rather than go off and form some piddly rinky-dink “nazi clublet” – why not consider joining with an ESTABLISHED, SERIOUS National Socialist Party that has not had ONE iota of dirt being “exposed” about it?
Of course, in the American Nazi Party, we DON’T have a fetish about the Third Reich – we LIVE and EXIST in AMERICA, in the 21st Century. Of course, we DON’T expose our adherents to all the fall-out of public “rallies and marches” that have proved to be ineffective and dangerous. Of course, we are concerned about REAL ISSUES of concern to the current White population, and are not attempting to “play” at being “Obersturmbannfuhrers”, and our Comrades BEING American’s, we write and speak ONLY in ENGLISH…not in some garbled, half-assed, pretend
“pig-German”. STILL – we ARE an option to those individuals who ARE serious about building a SINCERE, INTELLIGENT, and RELEVANT National Socialist operation, pertinent to the times and issues of 21st Century White Working Class America. Here, let me note – that the “other” Grand Poohbah on the “hollywood-nazi scene” – who bills on his crappy website that his “group” is the ONLY one “representing the White Working Class” (lol) ie Willy Wiess – touts himself as a “millionaire slumlord”…and is as we speak, currently on an extended vacation in MEXICO! Some “warrior” for the White Working Class, eh? And there are actually people who “follow” such creatures – of course, there were also folks who followed FRANK COLLINS and ANDREW GREENBAUM…so go figure. LOL
Over the past year, growth of the ANP has been such that we are anticipating holding our first National Meeting for associates in 2008. Of course, ONLY Comrades in “GOOD STANDING” will be allowed to attend – so those who’s standing has been “less than perfect”, please take note, and attend to these matters.
As well, the ANP has created a “Uniformed Security Arm”, which is training to serve as monitors at internal ANP events. Please note that, NO – the ANP is NOT going into the “half-dozen” costumed clowns on the street corner routine. And our S.A. Men are NOT going to be wearing the “latest fashion” from the 1920’s – their uniforms are relevant to TODAY, and are well-tailored and contemporary. As well, those who are SELECTED from those who have/will APPLY – must meet STANDARDS – ie, physically fit, mentally stable, military background preferred, and willing to train/drill and travel when needed. The Security Arm ( S.A. ) is only ONE “branch” of our expanding organization. Its numbers will be limited by necessity, and ability to perform the tasks given to it. We are NOT going to put every featherless biped into some kind of “costume” whether they look like buffoons or not. OUR S.A. men, WILL be able to “punch their way out of a paper bag”…or, “run more than ten yards without collapsing”…and unlike the “nsm”, who when attacked by marxists a few years back, left both their Swastika flag AND poor old Allen Vincent ( who wised-up and moved back to California in disgust at Jeffry and Co’s cowardice…) to the gentle hands of the enemy – OUR qualified S.A. men will BE “Stormtroopers” in DEED, not simply in unearned, co-opted name. The Officer in charge of this Party detachment is an ex-Army Captain of nearly 15 years military service, and well fitted to create an efficient, real security element – not some rag-tag, shambling bunch of ill-assorted people “pretending to be soldiers”. All S.A. Comrades must be ANP Official Supporters in good-standing for at least six months before consideration of acceptance in the Security Arm. I was happy to award this section a Party Standard that was kept at the old ANP H.Q. in Arlington for many years in the Rockwell era. I know that they will be worthy of it.
The October issue of The White Worker is in the mail, and I would like to remind our readers that a subscription is available for a $20 donation. You may as well receive an ANP Info Pack for a $5 donation. ALL ANP mailings are done in an unmarked, brown security envelope. Please cash or money-order ONLY – make MO out to – “ANP”.