Racial Comrades: This came across my e-mail this weekend, and I simply had to laugh my head off – now I wish to share it with all of you.
Often we receive messages from people, asking “what IS an American Nazi, and WHAT do they believe in” – well, I can pretty much state that if you review this nuts� letter – its pretty much the direct OPPOSITE of what he’s proposing. And THAT is the BIG “difference” between the TYPE of people that “nsm” attracts, and the American Nazi Party.
I’m not going to bother even rebutting all the nonsense that this creature stammers forth, except to say that with pathetic idiots like this, in the reactionary, right-wing “movement” – who NEEDS an enemy? LOL How the “other side” must LOVE these poor deluded fools…and what an embarrassment it must be, to the innocent but sincere “newbi” ( there ARE probably a few within the “nsm”…), who knows no better, having joined these re-enacters out of a sense of wanting to “do something”…when he finds himself surrounded by such “comrades”! LOL “Death Camps”
indeed…! Enjoy reading this lunacy, and don’t try and hold it in –
—– Original Message —–
From: don steitz
To: staff@americannaziparty.com
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 8:45 AM
Subject: My Leadership
To Suhayda the Indian and his phonebooth freaks:
I have decided to start my prophesized assent to the leadership of National Socialism within the only real Nazi Party in America or the world – Commander Jeff’s NSM.
I am certain as of this moment, even not knowing who I am or what I am about, you feel a sense of such a claim being verboten, but as a called messenger for the glory of my people I must clearly retort. After various troubles caused by yourself and jewish tools, the NSM is back on the march! With my gifted guidance I will soon be in charge right behind my glorious and wonderfully couragous Commander, who unlike you has a very long history of mauling and terrorizing the enemy whenever he can. Our Commander is a true hero, and I love him more than my own family. You are nothing but an internet wannabe, and those few who supposedly follow you know nothing of National Socialism and gaining power, that with the election of our candidate for president next year will start the begining of the Fourth Reich here in America!
First I wish to state a couple of my ground rules that have long since been in the making and a natural expectation:
1. No more faggot bald heads and wearing of suspenders and so called “jack boots”, along with a number of of other faggot nuiances and matters that leave us percieved as cocksuckers. This is simply not the proper way for civilized Aryan men to dress, nor are sissy faggot suites and ties. I dare not have to go into why Levis jeans are the most commonly worn and why they should be along with our powerful NSM tee-shirts which the Commander sells to those worthy to wear them.
2. No more decedent music.
The F�hrer would not of approved as do not I. We must all enjoy the fatherland music, nothing else!
3. Tribute
I expect allot.
4. I intend to purge the party the first chance I get.
This will not be the first time we had to rid ourselves of faggots en masse but I do hope it to be the last.
5. We must kill our enemies with kindness.
When the time is right we will then set up new death camps and start the elimination process.
6. No more holocaust denial.
The fact we killed so many Jews is a good thing and is nothing we should be ashamed of.
7. Hardcore rednecks and hicks must be denied party membership.
I’m simply sick and tired of seeing the lamest of what our race has to offer as a front to represent what is truly the best of us.
Do feel free to start diverting all incoming party funds to the paypal account of me@steitz.name .
I will record those who refuse to do so and when I do ultimately achieve power my retrabution and ordered punishment will be swift and severe. Move out of the way of the NSM steamroller or be crushed!
Hail Commander Jeff!
Don Steitz
Now Comrades, Kommander Jeffy Poop ought to watch out – after Obersnooperscooper Steitz boots that old hooked-nosed jewy looking fellow with the droopy whiskers, out of the way ( what�s his name? That guy who was thrown out of “Aryan Nations” for supposedly stealing donations by Pastor Butler…) – like Willy Weiss took care of devil-worshiper Herringbone – Burglary-Felon Sloop MIGHT be next in Steitz’s progression to “International Fuhrer” of the Universe! LOL Naw! He “LOVES HIM” too much…
Seriously tho, I usually delete such nonsense, but this one was too damn funny not to share. At the same time, I want to say that these cretins make me APPRECIATE those intelligent, sincere people whom ARE in our ranks, all the more! When I see this ( which IS all too often, I’m afraid ) I KNOW that our discarding all those “FOOLISHNESS’S” – ( the costumes, the “ranks”, the nigger-nigger/kike-kike hollywood bigotry, et al ) that the “neo-nazi movement” here in America has not only “bought into”…but, PROMOTED for decades…that the American Nazi Party is on the 100% CORRECT PATH. Heaven forbid, that such featherless bipeds ever gain even a toehold
among our National Socialist adherents! QUALITY – IS BETTER – than “QUANTITY”.
And lest anyone is quaking in their boots that their “Presidential Candidate” Mr. Bowels, might win ( lol ) – simply remember that BEING A CONVICTED FELON FOR ARSON – Mr. Bowels CAN’T BE PRESIDENT, even if he received every single vote cast…except in his fantasy dream-world. I guess he was the “best” that “nsm” could field, eh? Now, perhaps that says something in and of itself? LOL
As to being “an Indian” – well, I’m a six-foot blond with blue eyes -ever see an “indian” like THAT? My ancestry is Hungarian and Dutch, for anyone who really is interested.
Having viewed the above, lets all strive harder than ever, to BE the true NATIONAL SOCIALISTS that Adolf Hitler would be proud of! Our Racial Comrade David Lane, who recently received his release through death from ZOG’s hellhole – coined the 14WORD motto – let us all pledge our sacred words, our resources, our wealth and our lives, to make his sacrifice for OUR children, not to have been in vain!
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com