Racial Comrades: Lately, we have been receiving more and more inquiries from lost Aryans within Zog’s armed forces. It appears that for some unknown reason, they apparently thought that life within the military, would somehow be “different” from life in general outside of it.
In reality, life in the U.S. military is a microcosm of this degenerated and polluted country, with even a tad MORE (if possible) of pro race-mixing agenda thrown in. After all, even back thirty years ago – we were propagandized – that “the only color we recognize is green” nonsense, and today “affirmative action” has so filled the ranks with troglodyte non-Whites and whining little girls, that IF it ever faced a REAL opponent of like size and capability ( air-power, naval and armor ) it would be rolled over, over night. All the high-tech crap goes out the door, once its man-on-man, down on the ground. Think about THAT, Comrades.
Hell, with simply rag-tag “infantry”, fighting the lowest tech war that one could face – Zog’s forces are being chewed up on a daily basis. Four years ago, that red-beaked idiot, Emperor Bush told us that through “Shock and Awe”…that the war was OVER…and the jews’ “Mission Accomplished”. What IDIOTS! LOL Look back on my ANPReports, and you will see, from the very BEGINNING – I predicted that it would turn into another “VietNam”, with Zog bleeding itself to death militarily AND economically. Even “I” could see that – but, “who am I”? Just some hateful “Nazi” on the web – so much for all those “bright boys” in the Brooks Brothers suits, eh? Of course, all these wealthy, “educated” people are the ones who we have to thank for EVERYTHING facing White Working Class America. Think about THAT, too!
Hell yeah. Right now I’m enlisted in the US Marine Corps. I work for and have working for me, a bunch of worthless little niggers and spics. If I had any idea it was going to be like this I would have never signed up. The problem is that I have no right to speak out against the “affirmitave action” bull shit we’ve got going on in the military. I was at the gym the other day and some fucker had a black pride tattoo with an outline of africa on his arm. If a white man ever got a white pride tattoo he would be charged and discharged immediately after serving brig time. But because black people are “oppressed”, they’re allowed to do that kind of shit. My struggle is this:I have still found a brotherhood with the other white folk in the Corps and we’re fighting a bad war and I cannot bring myself to leave them while I get out and live a safe hapy civilian life. But I want to take action and find others who want to as well. Any advice?
Corporal of US Marines
Comrades, I read the other day, that the Zionist Occupational Government is getting so desperate for new cannon foddar, that another bright-boy at the Pentagon has come up with a wonderful solution! Yes, he suggests setting up RECRUITING STATIONS around the WORLD – any warm body or featherless bi-ped that JOINS and SERVES its term as a mercenary of Imperial Judeo-Capitalism – IMMEDIATELY gets ( Ta-Daaaa! ) “CITIZENSHIP”!
Reminds one of the decaying Roman Empire, doesn’t it? And – if enough blacks, browns, yellows – trained from the stone-age where they live, into handling Aryan Techno-Weaponry – come flooding into America in a steady stream – hey, THEY can become Zog’s new “NATIONAL POLICE” force. Beholden to none, except those who PAY THEM – no roots – no home – they’ll be the perfect tool for keeping those restless, jobless, homeless, hungry “Whities” in line. That�s YOU friend.
A “mad dream” eh? Yeah, some still say that our prophecies of Whites becoming a minority in America is just that – except, that they seem to ignore the FACT that ALREADY in FOUR AMERICAN STATES – WHITE PEOPLE ARE ALREADY A “MINORITY” RACE! ( check out the leaflets in the “support” section of our website ) Hem, and yet you keep on hearing that whispering – “it can’t happen here”…”It CAN’T happen HERE”…HELL, IT IS HAPPENING EVERY SECOND OF EVERY MINUTE – and STILL the White “NERO’S” keep on fiddling away, doing their collective best to PRETEND that “it isn’t happening”!
I’ve heard that refrain for decades now – “negroes are your equals”, “women are just like men”, “sexual perversion is normalcy”, “criminals are misunderstood”, “building jobs overseas are good for the American workplace, in a global economy”, “save this-help that bunch”, “WAR to bring PEACE”…ad-nauseam, et al. Until, I’ve wondered just HOW STUPID – OR – HOW COWARDLY GUTLESS are my fellow Aryans? Is there a rock bottom depth to it, I wonder?
Forty years ago, when I myself first joined George Lincoln Rockwell’s ANP at the age of 16 – I have WONDERED at “just what would it take” to get my White brothers and sisters to “GET INVOLVED” like myself. Since then I have continued to be bewildered. Its like the White people would grovel, grumble and ACCEPT just about ANYTHING – just to be allowed to “live the good ( material-plastic ) life”.
Even today, so many find SO MANY “excuses”…NOT…to pony up and to SERIOUSLY “get involved” alongside those that DO. As IF, “I” and others like me, couldn’t have come up with a fair number of “reasons” as well – NOT “to waste our time, resources, and lives” – getting involved, if we chose. Well, its getting towards the end of the game Comrades, “time IS running out”, this time. ALREADY, FOUR STATES are MINORITY WHITE – how many MORE do you NEED to get that “wake up call”? Four MORE? TEN? YOURS? So, you still “got a job”…how much LONGER…will you have it? Gonna help MORE, – THEN? REALLY? The trouble with Aryans today is that they have become lazy procrastinators. Its like the guy who keeps putting off fixing his roof, until one day it collapses on him, and THEN he says – “gee, I guess I shoulda got on that right way…it sure would have been easier/cheaper/simpler”. lol
It USED to be that racialists piddled on and on about the “black problem”…Well, NOW we have MORE of these BROWNS creeping around, and MILLIONS more every year invading America – and WHAT/WHEN are you going to get around to dealing with THAT? Lord, I WISH it was ONLY the negroes anymore!
The FACT is – that NOTHING is going to “get better”, or improve to any degree – UNTIL, YOU “GET INVOLVED” to a SERIOUS degree. I’m tired to the bone, having to TRY to “convince” you, or coddle you, or BEG YOU – to DO what any decent Aryan MAN or WOMAN of our old race, would have jumped upon on their own! You either STAND for what is YOURS – or, you go the route of other peoples who gave up without a struggle. You EITHER – cringe and SUBMIT – or, you STAND and FIGHT! Look in the mirror and decide – is “THIS” surrounding you really worth licking Zog’s boots – OR, is there MORE to “life” than existing like a rat in a hole? COURAGE and SACRIFICE is the ONLY thing that will offer us a chance of Racial Survival as a secure, healthy, free people. WHAT is the ALTERNATIVE?
I would just like to point out that we request ANP Official Supporters, to donate $10 a month (minimum) to support our work. That�s around 35CENTS a DAY. Can anyone honestly state that they cannot afford NOT to spend that each day, in order to fund our vital efforts? OS dues were $5 back in 1967 when I first joined!
As well, you may receive an ANP Info Pack for a $5 donation, and a subscription to our official publication The White Worker is available for a $20 donation.
For White Worker Power! Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com