Racial Comrades: I recently requested a few select Party Comrades to submit a message for the ANP Report, simply because I felt that I myself wasn’t “getting through” to many of you, concerning the SERIOUSNESS of our Folks situation, and the American Nazi Party’s “response” to it.
I chose this letter, simply because I felt that it pretty well “covered the bases” in regards to what I wished you to hear and consider. While you can ignore any inferences to myself ( although I respectfully and gratefully thank the Comrade ) and my “importance” et al…I do request that you deeply consider the many other points our Comrade brings up. –
Mr. Chairman,
I’m writing this because I need to. First, let me commend you on your good work. I was hesitant at first, but I support you totally now. I see you as a regular guy trying to help the cause, not himself. As well you seem to care about those of us who are willing to, as you often say “get involved”. Instead of asking us to out ourselves in public at silly stunts, which only perpetuate the peoples view of us as you often remark in being “mindless haters” and the whole hollywood-nazi stereotype, you organize and set the tone of what a real National Socialist organization should be. We find plenty of creative ways of agitation and promotion of National Socialism without resorting to the things that have been done over and over and yet yielded nothing positive in the way of results. Being too open is what got a good man Chester Doles where he is today. He trusted too many people with what they didn’t need to know and now his life is ruined. Unlike yourself the N.A. leadership pushed him to go public more and more until the system decided to make an example of him and then they virtually abandoned him to his fate. That�s when I really woke up. I can understand your feelings and after all the years you have served I guess you have got the right to expect more from those around you, but please understand as you have often stated that we are revolutionaries in a pre-revolutionary time. Until the time is right we have
to do what we can with what we have to build a frame work which can flesh out as things worsen and more people are awakened into action. As tough as its going to be time is on our side if we get our act together and build, build build! I was with the National Alliance for almost a decade, after I was discharged honorably from the Marine Corp. You can’t imagine how low our military has sunk, its sickening. I considered other white organizations, but these people playing soldier, with their made up uniforms and phony ranks were a joke to me, I seriously doubt if most of these obese role-players were ever in any branch of the service. Like I advised you before to stick with
looking normal like Dr. Pierce wanted, until he let in the skinheads and take the high ground approach into being a statesman like you presently do. Where else in this so-called movement have we just one spokesman that doesn’t have some kink or baggage to hide, unlike yourself. Because I’m sure that if you did have some deep dark “secret” like all these others seem to have, the enemy would be smearing you all over their jewsmedia with it! Let me assure you that thats why they don’t give you/us the media flood of “publicity” that they shower on them. The jews fear giving someone who is decent and sincere and intelligent any exposure. So they put the spotlight
on the freaks and phonies instead hoping to turn angry people their way instead of ours. But like myself intelligent people search around and thats how I researched the ANP and finally decided to join with you rather than these ineffective meet-eat and retreat clubs. I like how you push forward
the Party and not yourself and thats been one big fault that this movement has had over the years. Its been a promotion of the leader and not the group and we saw what happened in the case of the Alliance when Dr. Pierce died. In the Party I am glad that I find only serious people like myself. People who are concerned with real issues that are relevant about today, not the past century. I cannot understand either why people don’t pay their commitment on time afterall they joined the Party voluntarily so whats their word worth? I guess that today, not too many peoples word is worth anything that might inconvenience them in any tiny detail and you Comrades who read this ought to be ashamed of yourselves! This is the Party of Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell and aren’t you showing them disrespect by such a un-Aryan attitude? As the Chairman has stated repeatedly, this isn’t his Party, its all of our Party and we ought to each one of us pull our own weight when it comes to sacrificing for it. And that goes for each and everyone of us. There aren’t any poohbas in the American Nazi Party, nor any Majors, Captains, Generals or Obersturmpoopfuhrers. Just Party Comrades. And we need to each of us share the load when it comes to work and sacrifice and that includes both activism and money. Does anybody out there really think that the Party can operate and grow for free? If so your part of the problem not part of the solution. As you know Chairman, my Cell and myself have distributed a lot of educational literature and will continue that, recruiting is slow but that�s because we prefer to be very selective in who we bring into our circle as you constantly teach. Just one bad apple or loose link can ruin everything we have built over night. Thats what happened in the Alliance. Dr. Pierce
allowed the N.A. to be flooded with these skinhead types because they bought all that crap that he was selling and it drove out the mature normal adults that we had recruited. Then the new leadership took over and they were like the proverbial kids in the candy store, having the time of their lives spending our money on themselves and trips and acting like someone who struck it rich on the lottery. Which I guess in a way they did. Then as I reported to you a while ago one of the dues-brothers got himself arrested on a drunken bar brawl “hate crime” charge and those who didn’t leave around the time I did, pretty much gave it up. Like I explained to you earlier there are a lot of good people out there who still believe but they look at the con men and the loonies and they think its hopeless. I’m trying to get some to join us but it will take time these people are like a guy who got burned with his last girlfriend and now swears off women. They need to realize that thats what the enemy wants them to be inactive complainers who won’t give anything another try. Heck, here’s the real thing that everyones been wanting to see all these years, a organization that represents National Socialism openly but in a serious intelligent fashion at a time when a growing portion of the people are finally starting to feel the effects of the systems policies and looking for drastic alternatives! Here’s a leader that has paid his dues, been involved for one heck of a long time with nothing nobody can say about him thats negative and who actually works for a living, has a wholesome family and has a job instead of living off membership dues. I salute you Chairman! You can count on me and my family to continue to honorably do my part as a loyal and dedicated Party Comrade! I’m shocked and appalled at how our race has sunk so low. It�s a total, unmitigated disgrace. When I think of how our ancestors gave up their blood, and even their lives, for the betterment of their people, today’s situation makes me feel deeply ashamed. Everywhere I look there is corruption, and immorality. TV is a cesspool of filth. You dare not let children watch. Even toilet bowl humor is allowed now. And our childrens education is a joke.
I live in fear for my job. I’m like a serf on the manor. Work till you drop. Don’t dare get sick, or try to have a life outside of work. That includes taking care of your family. Even worse off are people without jobs. Jobs sent overseas to slave non white lands. A betrayal of our people. Our
ancestors wouldn’t tolerate it, but we do today. Our very survival is at stake. This isn’t just hyperbole. Take a good look around. Thru immigration, we’re being outnumbered. Soon we’ll be a minority. Then we’ll really suffer. What’s going to happen to our children? What kind of a future will they have? Even the environment is decaying. Our food is unhealthy due to all the chemical preservatives used. We can get no justice in the workplace, since our unions have declined. We
can get no justice in court, because of discrimination laws. Honor as well as survival demands we stand together for our rights. I’m no troublemaker or a hero. Just an ordinary guy. Things have to be changed. Thats why I will support you and our cause to the best of my ability. Your group is the only one who is committed to our people.
Thank you for this opportunity to sound off.
No Surrender! 88 Comrade Kevin S.
Comrades, I’ll be honest with you all – I’m a little tired and care-worn from this past year(s). I am going to take the “holiday time”, when things are apparently “slowed down”, and rest a little myself. I need to recharge my batteries, so to speak. Come the New Year, hopefully we will ALL be prepared to commit ourselves with renewed resolve to WORK HARDER towards building National Socialism in this darkening era.
I would like to leave you with this one last thought today – when one of us states “what he/she HAS DONE in the past” – for the Struggle, is to me very similar to a fellow who tells his present lady “all the things he did for his old girl-friend”…as an “excuse” for “why” he can presently do so
little for her. Comrades, it don’t cut it, and I honestly don’t want to hear it – far better NOT to tell me about your “generosity” to con-men whom you now denounce.
I truly understand your feelings, having BEEN THERE/DONE THAT myself over my past years in the “movement”, but my concerns TODAY are the organization and advancement of the American Nazi Party, and hearing repetitions of such things, over and over, only piss’s me off, to be blunt. The ANP is not a “social club”, nor a “re-enactment society”, nor a home for ego-enhanced fantasists insistent on “playing a game” of make-believe. Its TODAY…and…it�s the FUTURE.
What we are attempting to do, is RE-BUILD National Socialism into a realistic and serious 21st Century political movement – one that CAN – ACHIEVE SOMETHING positive. All of this takes YOU. It takes your INVOLVEMENT. It takes your ACTIVISM. It takes your MONEY…to MAKE it HAPPEN. Is there ONE among you reading this that can honestly say that he/she believes that it can be done without any of the above three? If so – PLEASE tell me “HOW”.
I shouldn’t have to “BEG” you to $upport the American Nazi Party’s efforts. I shouldn’t have to request that a small percentage of the monies that you cheerfully give to the Judeo-Capitalists for the “holidays” might perhaps be better directed towards the Struggle for the 14Words – but I am. To those loyal, steadfast, dedicated Comrades whom we can ALWAYS count upon…I want
to wish each and every one of you a safe, joyous Yule-Tide! I thank you for your Comradeship and support over the past year, and truly declare that its YOU that keep ME “going”. Its good to have a friend, its even better to have a Comrade(s) whom you can respect, trust, and be proud to have alongside one in time of battle and doubt. To those of you, I thank you from the bottom of
my heart!
for White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com