Racial Comrades: Everyday, I am both frustrated and amazed at the lackadaisical attitude of the White American population, especially those who ARE already “Racially Aware” – in response to what is facing our White Working Class people like an ever growing cancer of decay and eventual
So few seem to suffer from the same degree of intenseness that I myself feel towards these issues. Its almost like they ARE “aware” of what IS occurring, but rather than DEAL with it NOW, when we can still have a major positive impact – they “blow it off” as if its NOT “that desperate” of a situation.
While many Comrades ARE steadfast in their dedication and $upport of our efforts in the American Nazi Party…others unfortunately seem to put it in “second place”, to “other”…”more important” events going on in their lives, such as the “holidays”, or what have you. While these folks apparently CAN make the payment on their cars, and mortgages on a timely basis…as well as find the moola to spend on “fun items” and plastic pleasures – they seemingly simply cannot for the life of them budget the Struggle upon the same regular basis. Why?
Don’t they realize the OUTCOME of such an attitude? Unfortunately, despite the jewish Hollywood moguls productions of “secret Nazi gold”, and the bankrolling of the “Boys from Brazil”, the fact IS that the Party utterly depends upon its adherents for the financial funding needed to operate and achieve its many goals, as well as to successfully advance.
NOTHING keeps me awake more at night, than the worries involved over finding “some where” the needed resources to PAY OUR BILLS. Yes Comrades, believe it or not – we DO have financial obligations to meet, on a regular monthly basis – and IF the ANP is to grow and advance, we obviously need more than “goodwill messages”, and “pats on the back” to do so.
I myself cannot for the life of me understand what stands in the way of any “believer” to putting a few dollars in donation, into an envelope each month and sending it in to Party Headquarters – the same way that “religious” people donate to their beliefs – on a WEEKLY basis.
If not, well then I SUPPOSE that this lack of commitment towards achieving those sacred 14WORDS…will wind us all up, with a situation which faces our White brethren as we speak…in places like South Africa – where apparently THEY too had something “much better” and “more important” to do with their collective resources, than $UPPORT the fight for White survival
with something MORE than “words” and “protests” —
Dear Chairman Suhayda:
I came across you’re website and read a couple of articles. I thought you Might want to know what life is REALY LIKE in the “New” South Africa. I’d laugh with you how ridiculous it all sounds. But then realize it’s all true.
White Adults are un-employable due to our Black Government’s “Equal” Equity Act – which enforces a policy whereby any new or existing staff position may only be filled by Blacks – seeing as they are previously disadvantaged. With complete disregard as to education, language proficiency or even if said person would be able to do the work. Being affiliated with the ruling political party (Nelson Mandela’s ANC) ensures fast-tracking said blacks to managerial and
executive positions, university bursaries etc.
Companies wanting any government tenders – or to even be considered – must be BEE. Black Economically Empowered. Meaning Black Owned or a Black Majority share-holder. Legislation is being considered that would enforce a quota system on Commercial Companies as well with hints of the above – failure would result in tax penalties! Previous Nationalized – Government Subsidiaries (Telecoms, Airlines etc.) – now advertise openly that only Blacks will be allowed to purchase shares in the newly formed commercial entities.
White commercial farm land is bought for sub-market value or ‘legally’ expropriated to be given to Blacks, who promptly squat on the land and start government subsidized subsistence farming.
Because of the above : South-Africa now has a huge “Brain Drain” – Professionally Highly Skilled Whites who can afford it, are emigrating in their masses to America, Canada, England, Australia etc. taking their skills with them. Visible infrastructure and services degradation is the result. The middle class whites (skilled and educated or not) are steadily spiraling into poverty, poor whites into destitution.
Mixed Race unions – and now also Same Sex Marriage has been legislated. Thus white youth are getting all the right messages for self-destruction and dilution of the race.
The standards in the educational system have been lowered to such and extent as to accommodate Blacks. A final year high school exam paper for the English language contains questions like: Name the jewelry item worn on the wrist. Now choose a, b, c. University institutions are said to be either lowering their standards for entry as well or face closure due to dwindling student numbers.
These are but a few happenings in the ‘New’ South-Africa…Our word for ‘Nigger’ is ‘Kaffer’ and we’ve earned the right to use it. Don’t let anyone ever tell you APARTHEID was a bad thing – see what black DEMOCRACY has done for us.
Good day, Erik W…..
Comrades, this WASN’T brought about by the “power” or “intelligence” of the Negroes in Africa – it occurred simply BECAUSE White people were too SELFISH, GREEDY, and STINGY to “ante up” in the sake of THEIR OWN INTERESTS! And lest you think, “it can’t happen here” – let me remind you that according to the last US Census – ONLY 23% of the AMERICAN POPULATION UNDER THE AGE OF 18 are WHITE! According to UN Stats – ONLY 3% of the WORLDS POPULATION of WOMEN of CHILDBEARING AGE are WHITE!
South Africa’s White population no doubt THOUGHT, that “it couldn’t happen here” either – and IGNORED IT to their shame and destruction. The FACT that this evil, corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system has ALREADY brought in at LEAST 30 MILLION brown, illegal aliens as cheap “SLAVE LABOR” to displace YOU – and obviously never intends to seriously deal with this crisis for the benefit of the American White Worker, SHOULD be a warning bell to each and
every one of you!
White Worker – to the JEWS and their TOADIES – YOU ARE NOW CONSIDERED TO BE
EXPENDABLE! And they are RAPIDLY phasing YOU out.
Speaking of the jews, I read a report recently, about the jews growing gains in the field of outright political power, here in America and around the globe. According to the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians, “IDENTIFIED” jew members in the US Senate rose from 11 to 13, in the House of Representatives – 26 to 30. This puts the US in third place after Israel and Britain in signified jewish numbers…not bad, when you consider jews only make up 3-4% of the American population.
Britain itself has a jewish community 20 times SMALLER that the US, yet it has 74 JEW members of PARLIAMENT! 18 in the House of Commons, and 46 in the House of Lords – my, so MUCH jewish “ROYALTY”! lol
After Britain and the Jew-S-A, comes France and the Ukraine with 18 jew legislators, followed by Russia (13), Brazil (11) and Canada and Hungary at supposedly 10 each. Let us remember here of course, how MANY of these creatures are really JEWS who “don’t know it” – like Madeline Albright, or that Senator who was recently defeated by the race-mixer with a gook wife, in Virginia ( at the moment his name escapes me ) AND the fact as well, that these nominally “non-jew” scum are just as bad if not worse than the jews they make deals with to the White Workers detriment – since they are BETRAYERS of their Aryan brothers and sisters! At least with an outright jew, you KNOW basically WHAT you can expect…someday, there will not be
enough lamp-poles in the country to met out justice to these corrupt, vile creatures, for the destruction they have wrecked upon our Nation and Folk! Nothing is worse than a traitor!
According to the ICJP, there are presently 246 jew legislators world-wide, ( excluding of course, “israel” ) , up from 208 in 2005 – an INCREASE of 18% in ONE YEAR! And some simple minded idiots, OR charlatans still think that we can “VOTE ‘EM OUT”? LOL
Speaking of “jews”, after months of extensive, documented research upon the part of ANP Party Staffers – next week we will be bringing you ANOTHER “expose’ ” of ANOTHER hook-nosed, wavy haired chosen-one in the ranks of “America’s leading hollywierd nutsi” theater group – the National Satanic Movement! Remember when back in Feb of this year, I reported the FACT of the “national socialist movement” being riddled with “SATANISTS”…and how finally in the fall of this year, Clifford Herringbone ( also known as “Mr. Greek Hat” for reasons NOT needing mention here ) as well as a large number of others involved…imploded and literally destroyed this sad, misbegotten travesty on the sacred cause of National Socialism?
Now we understand, that Kommanduce Jeffrey is being sued for a large sum, by another former high-ranking “officer”…over having “defamed” him, as I am given to understand…for being a “pornographic jew”!? LOL MY, they DO seem to have their problems with an overabundance of self-hating “jewish personnel” don’t they? This was also the year of ANOTHER “officer” who just
happened to BE a “Dr. PLUSSMAN”…when Oberfuhrer Poop stands on the steps of the courthouse – I honestly have to wonder IF he has MORE – JEWS “with him”, OR “agin him”! Or, if he realizes it, or even cares. LOL Perhaps, if he took out those blue contacts, he could “see a little more clearly”, eh?
In any case, this current extremely HOOK-BEAKED character is SOOOO OBVIOUS, and has an extensive “movement history” so suspicious and deplorable, that its an affront to even a bunch of costumed, re-enacters like the National Satanics – but, I guess that featherless-bipeds have dwindled so drastically since these buffoons split into THREE little separate “clublets” ( hey!
everyone can be a Grand Poohbah – all you really need is a Korean made “armband”, a set of “Dickies” work clothes from Walmart, and a fancy “title” ( choose your own ) and you too can get on the six o-clock news acting like a loon! ) that even that VERY “brown” fellow seen at their latest “rally in Texas” ( six costumed clowns attending, btw ) is a valuable asset to him. lol! Of course, his “competitors” aren’t doing too well either, one being the self-appointed Kommandante of the “One Man Rally”, and the other still fantasizing and ranting about the “Joy of Satan”, and “demon masturbation”, if you can believe such things possible. And to think that Herringbone was
Poops’ “step-father” figure for so many years that Poop lived with him and “Satan”…under such influences, could he have turned out any differently…I wonder?
It ALMOST makes one long for the days of Andy Greenbaum or Frank Collins/Cohn – at least these hebes had the ability to put on a pretty extensive carnival show for the always obliging CAMERAS of the enemy MEDIA. This current crop, are pretty damn pathetic. I ALMOST feel sorry for the naive, well-meaning gentiles who are being used as media cannon-foddar for their mighty Poohbahs insatiable lust for that always negative “publicity” that they crave so badly! Almost. I still cannot fathom who anyone could follow obvious JEWS, or even for that matter cretins and losers…perhaps “birds of a feather”, or they “see” what they desire to see – even if it
slaps reality in the face? Oh, well.
Comrades, there is NO “holiday truce” when it comes to the National Socialist movements Struggle for Racial Survival, Social Justice and all the other important issues we must address as a united and organized Folk. And, in all honesty – there is NO “ALTERNATIVE” to the AMERICAN NAZI PARTY – as THE real, serious embodiment of evolved, modern 21st Century NATIONAL SOCIALISM.
For 40 years, the costumed REACTIONARIES, the re-enacting RIGHT-WINGERS, the “PRAY YOUR WAY OUT”, and the “VOTE YOUR WAY OUT” con-artists have held sway, and we SEE the RESULTS clearly. We have had the BUSINESSMEN PROFITEERS who sold you trinkets, and the loud-mouth, flash-in-the-pan “entertainment personalities”. Its long overdue that there be a clear CHANGE of MISS-DIRECTION into educating and organizing the White Workers into a serious force to be reckoned with! We have to begin by admitting to ourselves
that – yes, we WERE fooled, yes, we WERE mis-used, yes, we all deserved better “leadership, tactics and strategies” than what were offered – but, this Struggle to achieve these goals we so desire, are much too important to give up on…simply because “once, we were burned” by phonies!
I too have “been there/done that”, and that is WHY we of the American Nazi Party – DON’T – “do it the old way”, the worn out FAILED way. Life is EVOLUTION – if the Struggle doesn’t EVOLVE into something much superior to what we have seen – well, our chances of becoming like the letter writer above, are pretty well assured. And in the end, in all honesty its UP to YOU – to help MAKE IT HAPPEN. Next year, will mark my “40th year” being involved in this NS movement – IF “I” can have Faith to continue in the trenches, as well as have more confidence in our possibilities of success than in any other time of my involvement – then I firmly believe that you as well must commit yourself to our ultimate ( do we really have any other choice ) need to “do what we can” to preserve a healthy, wholesome FUTURE for our CHILDREN. Please, don’t let them down! Do your part – GET INVOLVED!
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda,
Chairman www.americannaziparty.com