Racial Comrades: Now that the farce known as “elections” is finally over, and the new fat-cats have entered their snouts into the public trough – I truly hope that those “racial reactionaries” of the “movement” will get their focus back unto the REAL Struggle ( ie, the fight for RACIAL SURVIVAL and SOCIAL JUSTICE for the WHITE WORKING CLASS ) and finally accept that “voting out” one batch of evil, fat faced crooks, and “voting in” ANOTHER…is simply a systemite shell-game meant to give the populace a fantasy of “having a say” in who rules over them.
In reality, NOTHING will CHANGE as long as the ONLY people who are ALLOWED to take
part ( due to all the restrictions set for “alternative” candidates ) are APPROVED, RUBBER-STAMPED toadies, and bought and paid lickspittles, who owe their collective souls, and all the goodies they enjoy – to the Judeo/Capitalist – Powers that Be.
Even “Ballot Propositions” are a waste of time, here in Michigan the voters passed a proposition to end “affirmative action” in the public sector…big deal – what about the PRIVATE SECTOR as well? Anyway, just like Prop 187 in California…which passed years ago to end government benefits to ILLEGAL ALIENS, and was OVERTURNED by the system courts – so there are already two court challenges to this one as well, and you watch – it will be a dead-end as well.
Comrades, you simply cannot “vote out” the powers that be – and overthrow their evil agenda – anymore than WE would allow THEM to “vote us” off the seat of power…if and when we ever gain that position. Force and terror, is ONLY overcome by SUPERIOR force and terror —
Hey Rock, How was your election day? mine was bad, we have our first “brownie” in the state house. Any how, I was talking with some of my friends, discussing the 2008 elections and the possible out comes. The possibility of Hillary Klinton coming into power is frightening, most of us thought it would bring this country to its knees, a deep deep divide and possible civil war. What are your thoughts on this and the role the ANP might play, if any?
I’m about 10 years your junior, and I remember forced bussing in Boston quite well, and how this town almost exploded. I’m getting the feeling from many people that I know and work with that the white working class has had enough. These are the people who were in high school in the early 70’s, and have had a constant diet of this “love your brother” crap for years and it’s just not working. Boston is not the blue blood city that most people think, it’s known for high racial tensions, until a few years ago. The new ” Brovoner ” wants to give illegals driver licenses and school tuition for their kids. Things we break our asses for, they are going to have it handed to them, and the shit is gonna hit the fan. Mark my words.
Robert E.
Comrades, lets take a look at the systems imperial campaigns in Afganistan and Iraq. Recently the Milkin Institute Review, published a paper written by Noble prize winner Joseph Stiglitz and Lincoln Blimes, a public finance specialist at Harvard University. It was eye-opening about the cost and effects of the systems wars, upon America itself.
Did you know that costs of these Judeo/Capitalist aggressions are expected to total so far – over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS? Thats $6,300 a SECOND, or $380,000 a MINUTE! So far, that sum equals out to $6,600 for each man, woman and child in the good ol’ JEW-S-A. And you wanted your tax dollars SPENT on YOU? Get real!
To put it into a better perspective – it is FOUR TIMES the COST needed – to provide HEALTH INSURANCE to every UN-INSURED AMERICAN – for the next TEN YEARS! Its also, 1,600 times the amount of money Emperor Bush spends on his much vaunted “Hydrogen Energy” project…which is SUPPOSED to reduce America’s dependance on OIL, as an alternative energy fuel – but, what do we expect from the brotherhood of BIG OIL, eh? lol
Of course, there are MANY “hidden costs” of these wars to make ISRAEL and WORLD JEWRY SAFE, at the cost of OUR blood and taxes – for example, more than 3,000 American veterans have suffered severe head injuries from the fighting – and the cost of round-the-clock care for them will rang from $600,000 to $5 MILLION an individual. Then there are the DISABILITY payments that will continue on for at least a half-century – among vets of the “first Gulf War”…where ground combat only lasted “100 hours”…40% ended up receiving disability payments, currently costing the taxpayers $2 BILLION a YEAR!
Now, no one knows HOW MANY of this wars veterans will claim such benefits, but in the FIRST QUARTER of this year – more people sought care ( poor devils…) through the VA system – that the system budgeted for the entire year. So that sets the trend, eh?
As well, Zog’s military are so DESPERATE for warm cannon-foddar, that “bonus’s”, and the cost of such has skyrocketed…in some cases, reported to be as much as $150,000! Not bad for a Mercenary – and you STILL think that a guy ( especially, a NON-Aryan, no matter what little flag he’s got sewn on his shoulder…) getting “such a deal” WON’T FIRE ON YOU, Mr. Red, White and Blue “Patriotic Citizen”…when requested? LOL!!! ASK Aryan Revolutionary fighter BOB MATHEWS you FOOL….oh, that�s right, you CAN’T – HE WAS BURNED ALIVE BY THE “US MILITARY” on Whidbey Island, wasn’t he.
Lets also not forget the REPLACEMENT of all those fancy “toys” that zoggie is tossing around over there – the Pentagram, er Pentagon states that equipment is being worn out at SIX TIMES the rate, per “peace time”. In other words, they are getting ripped off for a lot of JUNK at BIG PRICES. Hey, WHO cares! Its the TAXPAYER – YOU and ME – that foots the bill,eh.
And talking about the BILL – since the REPUBLICANS – CUT TAXES for the WEALTHY in
America…guess “WHERE” they’re getting the moola to mount their world-wide aggression on BEHALF of WORLD JEWRY? Why, they are financing things by BORROWING from COMMUNIST CHINA, among “others”. Those “borrowing costs” are ESTIMATED to rang
from $264 BILLION to $308 BILLION in INTEREST payments alone! Now, if THAT isn’t what I would call digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole – but, afterall – since when were the CAPITALISTS and the COMMUNISTS really “enemies”? “WHO” destroyed the ONLY REAL HOPE of a racial state in National Socialist Germany, that our Folk ever truly achieved? THEM TOGETHER!
Yes Comrades, not only have Zog killed thousands of Americans on behalf of the JEWS, and maimed countless tens of thousands of others – not to mention all the MILLIONS of CIVILIANS of Arab/Muslim stock – and made America hated by the majority of the population of planet earth…but, we’re also PAYING for this REAL HOLOCAUST to the tune of around $18,000 an American household. OH! Such a deal! lol
And the very BEST part of this whole jew inspired mess…is that every year Zog remains in Iraq…its gonna COST at least $200 BILLION or MORE to – OUR TAX BILLS. Don’t you just love it, White Worker? And just “what” can Zog “DO”? Leave? Then they CREATE a BIGGER base and staging-ground for Anti-Zog fighters, that will make “The Talaban” stronghold in Afganistan appear like a kids playground. Stay? And they BLEED both MONEY and MEN in an endless, un-win-able cycle. LOL Looks like a TAR-BABY situation to ME. lol And guess WHO is to BLAME? The J-E-W
Comrades, this is a WIN-WIN situation for US – IF we are serious in taking advantage of it! Of course, IF we fart around and piss our opportunities away ( like the silly, re-enactment fantasy “movement” HAS so often in the past ) we will find ourselves still shuffling around on the courthouse steps “protesting”, until the Non-Whites overwhelm us in NUMBERS and ACTIVITY on their own behalf. And IF we do “do” THAT – well, I guess the “mighty White race” – DESERVES to REAP what it SOWED, in terms of inactivity, cowardice, and selfishness, eh? As Adolf Hitler stated “History is controlled by those MINORITIES, which embodies the MAJORITY of WILL, DETERMINATION, and ACTIVISM to ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS “. Need I say more?
for White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman www.americannaziparty.com