Racial Comrades: We received this message a little while ago, and I promised that I would reply to it – even though I believe that I have answered it pretty clearly in past ANPReports. In any case, due to “developments” in this “movement” during the past year…I guess its “timely” once
again. —
I have a question about who should be allowed into the movement. I may be an elitist but should non-whites be accepted into the movement? I am talking about people that are mostly white but “a little” non-white. I am involved in an argument about this issue. My stance is simple, if you are not completely white, we do not want you. The argument seems to be that either we cannot ever know who is or is not completely white, that people with a very little mongrel blood are indeed white, or that this non-white blood can be “bred out”. I am opposed to allowing people that are known to be not white into the movement, and I do not think we need them or want them. I do not subscribe to the theory that they are only “a little” non-white. I especially do not think that because if someone is mostly white, that, that makes them white. Can you weigh in with your thoughts? If we should allow people that are not completely white into the movement
where do we draw the line? Is there a certain percentage of whiteness required?
Thanks in advance for your input.
Comrades: To ME its pretty SIMPLE – this IS supposed to “be” a RACIALIST MOVEMENT – ie – our central issue IS the SURVIVAL of the White/Aryan race, as a HEALTHY, SECURE Racial-Entity. To be sure, there ARE many other issues of concern, to sincere National Socialists…such as – SOCIAL JUSTICE for the White Working Class, the cleansing and health of the ENVIRONMENT in this decaying and disgusting Judeo-Capitalist system, the deterioration of the so-called “educational system” that graduates people totally unsuited to advance in life economically because for 12 years they have sat in a classroom and for all intent and purpose – LEARNED NOTHING in the way of a “SKILL” to enable them to PERFORM in the economic world, that they are suddenly thrust into! They “NEED” to have to PAY ( pay, and PAY, AND PAY ) for “FURTHER EDUCATION”…the first few years, being that which they SHOULD have already LEARNED, in those earlier TWELVE YEARS that they were “taught”…by those HIGHLY PAID “babysitters”, ie “teachers”. LOL
Ah yes, – TEACHERS. Here in Michigan…the average teachers ( of the system Party-Line, lets always remember ) salary for “working” around eight months out of a year – is $80,000! Plus “perks” beyond belief. Its seems the GOAL in life for each of them is to attain a “Masters Degree” in whatever they teach – for the simple REASON – that the “more educated” they wrap themselves in their little pieces of paper – the MORE they get PAID.
But, to me that seems odd. After all – WHY need all this “further education”? IF a teacher teaches “history” for instance…I would think…that IF he/she IS “qualified” to teach history from the day they are hired – then do they REALLY need further “education” on the subject? C�mon. Comrades, its just ANOTHER racket hatched by those at the taxpayers trough, to enable them to GET MORE from the public teat. And I’ll tell you one thing, just like the “auto-workers”…who eventually priced themselves out of a very lucrative job…these “educational professionals” are going along the same road. In my school district, the teachers are getting so ridiculously high-priced…that in lue of having to pay these folks such wages beyond the call of reason – now, the school board are giving them more paid “days off” in their ever shrinking “school year”…all while the perennial “its for the kids” mileages are getting to be a regular electoral practice. These people are alike to me, as are those “legislators” in government – who SET THEIR OWN PAY RATES. LOL
What we have in this evil, corrupt system that we are oppressed under, is getting to be akin to the old “South American” standard – a sad, sorry JOKE! Those who ARE ATTACHED TO THE SYSTEMS NIPPLE – are “TAKEN CARE OF”…cops, politicians, news-media whores, “entertainers”…the whole nine-yards. The rest of us – those who PAY the BILLS, are like the farmers sheep…shorn as often as possible, and being forced to provide for the “others”…on shorter and shorter commons.
I’m reading a book on the French Revolution, called A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Although the White population has not reached the point of those poor, oppressed fleeced Aryans, described at that time-period – for MANY White Workers…its fast approaching. Far too many Aryans bought into the judeo-materialist thought process, of “HAVING to HAVE” every piece of plastic junk, or every constantly promoted plastic pleasure that the Judeo-Capitalists BRAINWASHED them into believing that they simply HAD to HAVE.
And, with the JEWISH inspired piece of PLASTIC known as a “credit card” – at interest-slavery of 18-20% plus – they are now in DEBT up to their eyeballs, and existing on the edge of instant poverty, IF any economic cataclysm erupts in their economic lifestyle – ie, loss of job ( hell, even loss of “overtime” in many cases ) which is happening across America at a constantly increasing rate – they are total GONERS.
No matter that they WORKED a LIFETIME to get where they are economically…as soon as they can’t make those “minimum payments” – the JEW-CAPITALIST BANKER comes along, and scoops away EVERYTHING – with of course, the complete assistance and collaboration of that smirking old geezer in the Red-White&Blue Top-Hat – Uncle Samuel! LOL Hurray for the
RED/WHITE&BLUE! Ain’t the JEW-S-of A just JIM DANDY? Oh, yeah. LOL Listen SUCKER, Emperor Bush says – “THEY hate your FREEDOMS!”…its NOT that they LOOK at your perverted, rotten SYSTEM and shake their heads in wonder that such an apparently advanced people could “LIVE” voluntarily in such a mess…and in truth…are FEARFUL about such “IMPROVEMENTS” being FORCED UPON THEM – at the point of the IMPERIAL SWORD of WORLD-CORPORATE USA.
But, I digress – back to “Racial Purity” vs accepting “Any Featherless Biped” as a “Comrade”….
I have heard it said by certain “movement personalities”, that since the ANTI-White movement…accepts “whites” to take part in the destruction of their own Folk – why shouldn’t we “do the same thing”, with those few non-Aryans who wish to cross over to “our side”?
I have several replies to THAT – (1) It�s a matter of PRINCIPAL. THEY promote being RACE-MIXERS…WE do NOT. Once ONE “line” has been crossed and been made “acceptable”…WHERE do you STOP? (2) I don’t TRUST them. Do YOU? While I believe that in some cases, one can have a temporary “alliance” to serve a particular end result – ANYONE who actively DESERTS his/her OWN KIND…and works against their interests – is not someone to be considered trustworthy. Recently, a certain self-proclaimed “Fantasy Nazi Kommanduce”, has come out with the idea that “Islamists” are “Our Comrades” – even “FASCISTS”?! WHERE this creature got HIS “ideas” about National Socialism are beyond my comprehension…it certainly WASN’T from Mein Kampf! But, as this fellow was/is a proponent of “Hollywood Nazi, Fantasy Re-Enactment”, and active costumed-campaigner to the point of recently being SOOOO desperate to achieve that never-ending Grail of (negative) “PUBLICITY” that he held a ONE-MAN “SHOW” ( when his two “promised” net-nazi stormkommando’s were a no-show…) , and his initial explosion upon the “political scene” was as a self-proclaimed ANTI-RACIST “ANARCHIST” …well, you see NOW, what “letting everybody/anything”…inclusion “into the movement”, results in! lol
All across “the movement” – we have “leaders” who have totally unacceptable lives and lifestyles. We have a current “klan poohbah” who married an INDIAN. We have a “neo-nazis” who are SATANISTS, SEX-PERVERTS, FELONS, and WELFARE-ITES…to mention just a mix. We had a well-known Duke associate who turns out is a inter-racial PORNOGRAPHER, not to mention the Dukester himself being a self-confessed felon who misused ( gambled away, among
other “things”…) scores of thousands of “donations” from his supporters…yet, he STILL is “admired” and $UPPORTED by ( what WORD would you use to describe them? ) enough people to keep him from having to utilize that old alarm clock, like you and me. lol
In past movement history, the “nazi” orgs seem to have a sad tendency to “accept” not only LOW-LIFES into its ranks…but, OUTRIGHT JEWS. Rockwell had TWO that he became aware of – Holstein in California, and of course – Dan Burros. In the 1970’s Koehl had Frank Collins/Cohn as his most “famous” jew. The National Satanic Movement has been inundated with the self-hating ( joke, Comrades ) creatures. WHY? I think it boils down to something very SIMPLE…and a good reason WHY the ANP hasn’t had this problem. WE are no longer players in the circus…preferring to EVOLVE into something much, MUCH different. And THAT attracts QUALITY, and repels the freaks and dysfunctionals from having any interest in us in the first place.
Rockwell, in his “Phase One” days, of seeking to become KNOWN – at ANY price – NEEDED warm bodies for his “publicity stunts”. Since 99.9% of these “Hollywierd Fuhrers” haven’t a creative mind of their own, and EVOLVING and INNOVATION of NEW IDEAS is beyond their feeble capacities – they trudge along in “what was done before” – no matter that it was UN-SUCCESSFUL…hence they NEED warm-bodies TOO. ( Except for the fellow who has shown that HE can go out and make a pathetic fool of himself, all on his lonesome I guess! LOL ) Sooo, the “accept anything/anybody” attitude. Hell, here in Detroit there was a fantasy-nazi group called the “ss action group”; who had a welfarite, hair down to his ass “leader” Ted Dunn ( aka “Mark Heydrich” lol His “second in command” was John Moriarity, aka “John Reich”, who loved
sniffing glue out of a paperbag, so you can guess the “quality control” of these “ss’ers” lol ) who went to the Fed pen for dope dealing…had one “trooper” who was nicknamed “Nigger Don” – BECAUSE he WAS half NEGROID – and LOOKED IT! Old Teds response to suchlike was – “AHH, PUT A HELMET/FACE MASK ON’EM…NO ONE’LL NOTICE!” lol I remember when they picketed Menachim Begin…there was actually a poor retarded guy in ranks…who constantly
laughed and DROOLED. BUT – they got that good, ol’ PUBLICITY. Comrades the”stories” of this “movement” are so pathetically comical – that its no WONDER that the jews LOVE to SHOWER PUBLICITY on such a dismal affair. The right-wing, reactionary “movement” is its own worst enemy to combat – so they DON’T. They are like the proverbial rodent…running around in circles…on the “wheel of publicity”.
Comrades, a “movement” that exerts NO program of QUALITY CONTROL over the people involved…whether “white” or not…certainly WILL NOT “exclude anyone”, simply BECAUSE of THIS – so many of the creatures involved in this circle-jerk of make-believe…have so many “SKELETONS IN THEIR CLOSETS”…that for ONE to “tell” on another, and ruin his FUN – might lead to having HIS “little foibles” EXPOSED as well! Its like this queer Congressman FOLEY ( the “Republicans” are the champions of “family values” once again, eh? lol ) down in Florida being exposed for HIS “little secrets”…everyone�s “wondering why” this wasn’t dealt with LONG AGO. Well, all these political whores were more than willing to “overlook” his little peccadillos…lest THEIR OWN might come out. Its ONLY when “someone else” ( like a “me” )
comes along…and spills the beans loudly and often enough, that his “pals” are willing to cut him loose – for the greater good of course, and with a “good talking to”, but NOTHING EVER “PAINFUL”. LOL
Look at myself – HOW LONG – did I over and over EXPOSE the NSM…and yet, it was basically IGNORED by the “movement”? From the movement rank and file – to even Tom Metzger ( who attended their “rally in Lansing”…) my constant warnings, and DEMANDS for ACCOUNTABILITY made little apparent effect. THEN – “all of a sudden”…there was an internal power-struggle…with the resultant pissing contest – and IT ALL CAME OUT. Suddenly, except for the DREGS of the reactionaries…the “BLINDERS WERE OFF”, and the NSMer’s were lepers. But, how about ALL THOSE who already KNEW the FACTS about these creatures…but, STILL were ok with being “COMRADES” with them? Do they – SHOULD THEY – just get a “PASS”? It kind of reminds me of the situation where a woman is being murdered and the crowd stands around WATCHING with their hands in their pockets – DOING NOTHING – SHOULD they get a PASS, too? As Aryans, just HOW pathetic can we SINK? How much EVIL and DEGENERACY can we collectively “ACCEPT”?
Comrades, the viewpoint of the American Nazi Party is simple. IF one LOOKS, THINKS and ACTS “White”…we consider them to “BE” White. Unlike in Europe where our various Tribal elements ARE still basically unified – ie, there ARE “Germans”, “Russians”, “IRISH” et al…here in America, we Whites are a NEW “mongrel” White Tribe. Made up of various Euro-Tribal elements, we are truly a “new breed”. BUT, we MUST keep to the FACT that our collective make-up IS of ONLY the various EURO Tribal elements – NO “Paki”, “Indian”, “Oriental”,
“Negro” OR “Semitic-Jew” et al mix, need seek admission! This IS the IDEOLOGY of NATIONAL SOCIALISM. While the costumed re-enacters, the right-wing reactionaries, the “konservative-kluxers”, the red/white&blue PAYtriots, the whole damn bunch of ROADBLOCKS to a REAL Aryan Revolutionary Struggle of the White Working Class will get their panties in a twist, and set their keyboards ablaze in resultant wrath – I SAY PISS OFF! NOTHING has been able to be accomplished with your NONSENSE, NOTHING will EVER be one iota ACCOMPLISHED with your ridiculous posturing, and YOUR ALL as much the ENEMY of true National Socialist LIBERATION as the system is – perhaps even MORE so – as you�re the stumbling blocks and “SAFETY VALVES” that Lincoln Rockwell WARNED about, way back in the 60’s! You FOOL sincere and angry people into “thinking” that “SOMETHING POSITIVE” is being done, while all time you do more HARM to getting REAL efforts underway…than the entire apparatus of the enemy rolled into one!
Comrades, its getting to the point of SUBMIT or RESIST – I for one will NEVER submit – will YOU? If not – then “GET INVOLVED”!
For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda,
Chairman www.americannaziparty.com