Non-Aryan Sympathizer Page
1. Someone who shares your feelings or opinions and hopes that you will be successful
2. To share or understand the feelings or ideas of another: sympathized with
the goals of the committee.
3. To be in accord; correspond.
What did our Führer Adolf Hitler think about
non-Aryans aiding the National-Socialist cause?
you didn't really believe that Hitler was a "mindless hater" who despised
everyone who wasn't pure German right? The American Nazi Party gets regular
e-mails from non-whites who sympathize with our struggle, and who have been
just as exploited and mistreated by this Judeo-Capitalist system as the White
Working-Class. National-Socialism believes that each race should be empowered
to govern themselves, in their own nation as they see fit without any outside
power interfering. The infinite greed of this corrupt government seeks to push
us ALL into poverty and financial slavery; they are a threat to the livelihood
of all peoples.
The American Nazi Party has now decided to offer a means for
non-whites to aid in our struggle. If you are interested, please fill out the
form below. In return for a minimum monthly donation of $10, you will receive
a one-year (12 issues) subscription to our hard-copy print publication, The
White Worker. As a "sympathizer," you would not be eligible to attend
our meetings, conference calls, or other inner-party events, but in addition
to financial support, there are many other ways you can assist our efforts.
Please make out all money orders to "ANP" ONLY. Thank you very much.
What about jews?
The highest ranking half-Jew in the German military: Field Marshall Edhard Milch,
who commanded Luftflotte 5, Jewish father, Aryan mother. Field Marshall Milch
was personally reclassified as Aryan by Adolf Hitler himself.
Half-Jew Horst Geitner was awarded both the Iron Cross Second Class and the
Silver Wound Badge.
There are many more such examples of non-Whites
serving in National-Socialist Germany, and it is also often forgotten that Hitler's
greatest ally in the war was a non-Aryan nation: Japan. It is mutually beneficial
for both Aryan and non-Aryan alike to put an end to interest-slavery, exploitation,
imperialism, corruption, excessive greed, as well as ensure that racial uniqueness
is preserved which is only attainable through geographic separation.
Arabs and Black Nazi troops were prevalent in the Eastern Front in 1942-1944,
and according to historians they were treated better and respected more than
black troops in the U.S. army who could not eat in the same tables as whites
or sleep in the same tents, black soldiers in the German Army were treated humanely
and had all the rights given to white German soldiers.